February Challenge!



  • ambermooo
    ambermooo Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! I'm currently at 179 and since this is my first month - I'll shoot for 165 at the end! 14 lbs!
  • ERapp01
    ERapp01 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, count me in my current loss is 24 LBS. I would like to get to 32 LBS loss, and in need of motivation!

  • I'M IN!!! I Started This Program Weighing 201 Pounds. Now I Am At 199.4, I Would Like To Be At 185 By The End Of February. I Need LOTS Of Motivaiton. I Am A Very Busy Girl And Can Hardly Find The Time To Excerise And With This Weather I Dont Want To Go Out And Jog Or Walk. Ugh, Someone Help Me Please!
  • I'M IN!!! I Started This Program Weighing 201 Pounds. Now I Am At 199.4, I Would Like To Be At 185 By The End Of February. I Need LOTS Of Motivaiton. I Am A Very Busy Girl And Can Hardly Find The Time To Excerise And With This Weather I Dont Want To Go Out And Jog Or Walk. Ugh, Someone Help Me Please!
  • Tracie65
    Tracie65 Posts: 61 Member
    Do u have on demand with Comcast? Exercise TV is great!!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Okay weighed in this morning at 264 and I am wanting to be at least 250 or below by the end of February...:smile:
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Weighed in today at 149.6 (yes, the "points" count). Only 4.4 pounds to go!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Starting weight 229 goal 213 end of February.
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    i'm in! i've change my weigh in to thursday. i tend to eat less good on the weekend, so if i'm bloated or whatever the scale doesn't immediately scar me, i didn't see the scale move last time, but the inches did. like to see both.
    right now i'm 155, i'd like to see 149 at least!
    :::friend me:::
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    p.s. i'm doing c25k if anyone wants to join me!!!
  • bmorebatman
    bmorebatman Posts: 50 Member
    p.s. i'm doing c25k if anyone wants to join me!!!
  • Welp here we go.... count me in! Current weight 158. Goal weight 150 by end of Feb
  • Yay! I'm in! I need to do some group thing that will keep me motivated...trying to lose some of this baby weight! I'l have to weigh in and post tomorrow and then I'll start weighing in on mondays. Goal is to lose 5-7 lbs by the end of the month!! Good luck to all :)
  • queenak77
    queenak77 Posts: 13 Member
    Definitely count me in!!! I'm at 210 and want to be at 195 by the end of Feb!!! LEGGO!! :happy:
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am in. I want to lose 10 pounds and do 12 workouts.
  • Hi all!

    I haven't been able to get to walmart to weigh myself so I will use my most recent weight. I look forward to releasing at least 10 pounds this month. I would really like to be around 209.

    That being said my starting weight is 228.
    If I release the 10 it will bring me too 218.
    If I can get down to 209 I would have released 19 pounds! I can do it!


  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    just weighing in...I'm down 1 pound and 1.5 inches since I measured last!! 5 more to hit 135!
  • Good morning!!! Just checking in with today's weigh in ....... down another 2 pounds!! 203 today. Don't know if I put a start weight since my last weigh in would have been in January, so I'll use the 203. Good luck everyone!!
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Check in 2/5


    Yay, im so happy to finally be making progress.
  • Me too, I would love to drop 15-20 by the end of February!!!