

  • nomorexcuses
    nomorexcuses Posts: 33 Member
    I have been MIA for weeks and need something like this to get me back into the swing of things. Yesterday, I went shopping for an evening dress and was quite disappointed to see that most of the size 14s I tried on were too snug. My mom, of course, told me that I need to start watching my portions and my problem was the amount of food I eat.

    So, here I am...DAY ONE (Labor Day), hoping to make it through the whole day without binging. (There are Krispy Kreme Doughnuts sitting on the table that I'm trying desperately not to eat today. If I can do that, I will consider my day a success).

    Current weight: 172 (snug size 14)
    Goal weight: 135 (comfortable size 10)

    Good luck to you all!
  • punka274
    Hello everybody! Im still going....this is day #3 for me!!! It feels good to have some kind of control right now! I plan on doing a powerwalk/run interval later today....

    ok,off to drink my yummy coffee:drinker: Everybody have a great day!

    Im so greatful for this thread because i know SOMETIME this week i will be fighting an urge to binge. Instead of ending up with my rear end sticking out of the refrigerator...i will come here instead :happy:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats on day #3 punka!! Today is my weigh-in day....I've not lost weight for quite awhile now, and my lack of self-control was the reason. So getting on the scale today wasn't all that exciting besides imagining what those numbers will look like NEXT monday.

    SW 140
    CW 132
    DWB (Days Without Binging) 1

    Have a great week everyone!!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Day 2 here and I hope everyone has a GREAT Labour day!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have been MIA for weeks and need something like this to get me back into the swing of things. Yesterday, I went shopping for an evening dress and was quite disappointed to see that most of the size 14s I tried on were too snug. My mom, of course, told me that I need to start watching my portions and my problem was the amount of food I eat.

    So, here I am...DAY ONE (Labor Day), hoping to make it through the whole day without binging. (There are Krispy Kreme Doughnuts sitting on the table that I'm trying desperately not to eat today. If I can do that, I will consider my day a success).

    Current weight: 172 (snug size 14)
    Goal weight: 135 (comfortable size 10)

    Good luck to you all!

    cmc1269 -- if it helps at all, picture those donuts with bugs crawling all over them. Gross, but it works!
  • mamakitty
    I'm in.

    My personal definition of binging is going to be...........going over the portion size significantly on any food, eating refined sugar, alcohol to excess and/or going over my allowed calories for the day.
    I have to gain control over my eating. I don't have a choice. I feel like I have hit rock bottom and I vow to climb out of it.

    Day 1
    current wt 141.2
    goal wt 135 by the end of September

    Good luck and may self control be with you.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm in.

    My personal definition of binging is going to be...........going over the portion size significantly on any food, eating refined sugar, alcohol to excess and/or going over my allowed calories for the day.
    I have to gain control over my eating. I don't have a choice. I feel like I have hit rock bottom and I vow to climb out of it.

    Day 1
    current wt 141.2
    goal wt 135 by the end of September

    Good luck and may self control be with you.


    Great idea!! I think assigning what our personal definitions of binging are is a very important point. My personal definition of binging is going to be:
    - going significantly over on portion size
    - going more than 250 calories over my limit for the day (I occasionally go about 250 cals over - say, a couple of times a week - because I'm still breastfeeding my toddler and although he only nurses "for real" about 3 times a day, he's a milk monkey and I do need to account for it a little!)
    - opting for treat calories over whole foods calories (like the other night when I stayed within my calories but was in a total mood crunch and ate 3 Luna bars for supper because they're sweet, rather than walking around the block to step away from my frustration then have the healthy dinner that I made that the rest of my family ate!)

    MK, great for you for joining in and together we can re-write our relationship with food!!!

    Well, off for a great and challenging bike ride to a beautiful beach on the other side of town with my little ones in the bike trailer. Yeah!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    My definition of binging is:

    Eating the amount of calories that I would need in order to gain a pound (for me, this is 2500 calories/ day) and/or "out of control" eating -- when I'm eating without being hungry, eating and feeling like I can't stop, or going signifcantly over on portion size.

    CW: 184
    GW: 178 (end of Sept), 160 (eventually)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I think I am joining this group as well. I am also in the shred challenge. But this is definitely my most problematic area although I am doing much better now. Back in August I had posted a nutritional challenge similar to this but only one person did it with me. I was able to finally reach my original weight goal and I feel great!!! But this is another month and I feel that I need to challenge myself another way...I'd rather do small challenges every month to stay motivated. I don't have a lot of weight to lose at all, only 5 lbs, but that is my personal goal. I had decided on my Aug challenge because I had started to let go and the pounds had started to creep up. I have no problem exercising daily.

    So, binging for me is to eat mindlessly (I have stood in the pantry shoving dry cereal in my mouth while looking for something else to eat :laugh: ). I will limit myself to one alcoholic drink a week (in my Aug challenge I only had 2 drinks the entire month), when wanting sweets eat fruit or low sugar, non processed sweets.

    My weight today 130.5
    Goal weight: 125lbs or somewhere between 125 and 130lbs. (I wouldnt mind staying at 130)
  • vickster82
    im so in! of course i suffer from this. when i come over to my parents there is always some kind of cake or desert just lurking me in. most of the time i give in and can't just stop after one piece! all my strategies from obstaining have failed so far....good to know others suffer from this too. evenings are the worse times for me. will keep reading this for support!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    So I have an idea/challenge for everyone to do just ONCE over the next couple days (if your calorie goal permits). One of my roommates had made a cake yesterday for a barbeque she was going to today, and when I got back from my dance practice tonight, I saw the leftovers in the fridge. My first instinct was "do not eat a piece, you've done SO well today." But then I thought about this challenge I started, and I realized it's not called a challenge for nothing. I decided to eat a SMALL piece so I could train myself to not be hungry for more after it. And guess what? It worked! I know everyone has weaknesses that tend to send them over the edge if they have just ONE piece or bite or whatever it may be of their favorite treat. SO, my challenge to you is to eat a small portion of one of your favorites (but allow enough calories for it), and let your stomach be satisfied with what you've put in it. Don't let yourself feel guilty for eating it, because hey, you're still within your calories right? So there should be no guilt there to send you on an eating craze for everything in sight. All I know is, I stayed within my calories today, had a great workout at dance, and rewarded myself with a little treat that didn't end with feelings of guilt. This is day two for me. If I can do it, so can the rest of you! Let me know how this mini-challenge turns out, and good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Good for you, dancer! I'll see if I can manage that challenge.

    Today is Day 3 for me. I *almost* came close to binging and I'm not too happy about eating the bulk of my calories late in the day, but I did okay and I'm under my calories and overall I feel good about my food choices today. Good luck, everyone!
  • food_junkie
    I need to join this challenge..I have been convincing myself that my weekend binges are not the reason why my scale hasn't moved..but I KNOW its why. Tomorrow is day 1 b/c I already went over about 200 cals today.

    Awesome challenge idea!
  • punka274

    Dancer33-Great job on the cake...I had two pinches of my sons poptart yesterday and that was all i had,so i guess that was my little 'cheat' yesterday.

    My definition of a binge is similar to what alf1163 said...eating mindlessly. I will eat,and eat until i can't possibly fit anything else in my stomach. I once calculated the calories and it was ASTONISHING:noway: !

    Wonderinglight-great job on avoiding that binge!

    anhnguyen06-welcome and good luck!

    vickster82-welcome to you as well! My worst time is also in the evenings...my husband started a new job last week and now he will be home in the eveings(use to work 11-3) so maybe it will be easier for me now! Good luck to you!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I knew there were more people like me out there!!!! :laugh: :laugh: We can exercise, count calories until we are blue in the face but when it comes to eating we tend to let go and then wonder why we are not losing!!!!! That happens to me but since August I've been determined not to let this happen. Why would I throw away all my hard work since January????? No way!!!!

    This is the start of day 2 for me in this challenge. I did great yesterday. I had about 40 calories remaining. I went over my protein but that is ok because my body needs it with all the exercise. I might increase the protein requirement to 40% because I think it is too low right now. But I have to do some research first...

    It is challenging today because my husband is off and we are going out for lunch. :noway: So, I will check in again tonight.

    Have a great day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • WannaBeAButterfly
    I really needed to do something like this to keep me out of the refrigerator. I guess today is day one for me:smile:
  • supersarah79
    Today is my day 1. I gained weight over the labor day weekend and need to get back on track. My definition is if I eat more than a serving size of treats or dessert, eat more than I am willing to record in food diary and/ or eat food in hiding. This has been a problem my whole life. I try to hide the fact that I am eating something unhealthy like desserts or treats from friends and family.
    I am excited about the challenge I needed a place to check in everyday. I am going to weigh in on mondays.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Day 3 here and I'm so glad we're all doing this. It actually did really help me yesterday evening. I was tempted but I didn't want to bump my days back to 0. YEAH! :bigsmile:

    Welcome newcomers!
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    I am in on the challange. Lately, I have not been able to stop myself from eating way too much. The thing is I will do really well during the day and come night time I lose self controll. So I am stoping my food intake at 8pm everyday.
  • laine23
    Dancer33 the thing with eating a small portion of cake and not more is by far the most difficult thing ever !!!! great job!!!
    I've been 4 days without binging but it's because I'm always busy and when I'm not I see friends. Binging happens to me when I feel alone.
    (alcohol binge excepted and I won't stop that cuz I like to get drunk once or twice a week ... but well I'm still a student sooooo)