Breakfast suggestions

I am looking for suggestions for filling breakfasts. I have realised the key to making me snack less is to have a filling breakfast. At the minute I have been surviving on porridge (slow release, excellent) with a bit of sugar free maple syrup to sweeten it up, but I am getting a bit bored of it now.

What does everyone else have? I don't always have a lot of time in the mornings and often have to have my breakfast at work, so ease of prepartion is key!


  • jaitken_22
    jaitken_22 Posts: 212 Member
    This morning I had half a mango with 150mg of Muller light vanilla yoghurt and that came to just over 140 calories. It's filling but not heavy on your stomach and helps if you're feeling bloated (I got this idea from a magazine). I'm still not feeling hungry. I think it would be nice with other types of fruit too!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I eat 1c cooked oatbran or steel cut oatmeal, with 2 tbsp ground flax seed, 1/4 c pumpkin,spices mixed in and 2 whole eggs and 1 egg white.This is about 350-400 calories. Keeps me full and helps me get through training my clients and hard workouts that I do in the morning
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Breakfest should be 300-500 calories depending on your calorie needs.
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    I'm enjoying museli and special K cereals they have like 12 differant varieties now so you never get bored a also like having scrambled or boild egg on toast or even a bacon bap good I love this app bacon roll for brekkie and still losing weight x
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    This morning I had Muesli 35gms, added some bran flakes 15gms, with 50 gms each lemon and natural yog - delicious (305 cals total). Sometimes I have porridge as well and add some fruit to it. If I fancy something hot then I have a slice of wholemeal toast with maybe baked beans, or a poached egg and roasted tomatoes - yummy!!
  • hartsmart
    hartsmart Posts: 141 Member
    breakfast is tricky for me, but i love it so much and i am glad it is the meal they say never to skip! :)
    three days a week I am able to make and eat breakfast at home, so i have a bowl of steel cut oats (the quick cooking type), mixed with a tablespoon of peanut butter with toasted flax seed, and a bit of 2% milk. so yummy!
    4 days a week I have to be to work by 5 am or earlier, so I must eat in the car to avoid getting up at 2 in the morning!! I grab a toasted multi-grain english muffin and spread on a wedge of laughing cow light swiss cheese. also delicious and easy to eat as I drive. Most days I have a snack (a cereal bar or a 4oz yogurt) around 10 am. then lunch around 1.
    I could probably make it better by adding some fruit or something, but coffee is my drink of choice in the morning!! :)
    good luck!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I eat OatFit at work, or yogurt, or a fiber one bar with coffee.
  • LisaSaysHi
    LisaSaysHi Posts: 19 Member
    Try the "Power Plate" as described in Self Magazine:

    1 oz of cheddar cheese
    1 boiled egg
    1 serving of whole grain crackers
    1/2 cup of blueberries

    It's very filling, less than 300 calories and you can pack it all the night before. :-)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Some great ideas here, thanks, I definitely like the sound of the power plate!
    SUPERSIZESWEETPEA Posts: 15 Member
    I would be grateful if anyone had any hot breakfast tips! I pretty much always skip breakfast which is probably why I struggle but I'm not really a cereal person!
    I need a full english thats only 350 cals! LOL!!!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I love porridge for breakfast. I like to add things to it so it doesn't get boring. Here are some variations for porridge:

    blueberries and 1 teaspoon honey
    mashed banana and 10g whole earth peanut butter, or just mashed banana
    diced apple and cinnamon
    frozen, mixed berries added before cooking
    peanut butter and cocoa powder (great for naughty cravings)
    add in a little granola, like Dorset Cereals chocolate and macadamia, or Lizi's Original Granola
    mix in a little pre-mixed low-fat cottage cheese and pineapple after cooking
    I also like to add an egg white, stir, and reheat to cook the egg white, for a little protien

    Grapenuts with any berries is a great, quick breakfast, as are Nakd bars. Cocoa loco has all my love right now. Also, I made these last week and froze a bunch so I could have them for a quick breakfast: If you're wanting something savoury, those muffins are great, or you could cook a scrambled egg in the microwave and put it on a wholemeal English muffin with a little cheese or a slice of tomato. You could also do that on a tortilla with some salsa.

    Smoothies are good too. I love banana mixed with milk (I use oat milk) and instant coffee for a bit of energy, or banana, strawberry, blueberry and oatmilk (you could use regular milk, or soymilk.)
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Today I had an extra-large breakfast (I'm in the middle of moving): A 170 g pot of Fage/Total 2% Greek yogurt, 40 g of Kellogs All Bran (not the flakes, those little stick things; usually I only have 30 g), 20 g of flax seeds / berry / cocoa mix (usually I only have 15 g), some semi-skimmed milk to thin and moisten it, and the rest of the blueberries, which came to 150 g. About 500 cal. I don't think I need a lunch until, like, 3 pm .
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I would be grateful if anyone had any hot breakfast tips! I pretty much always skip breakfast which is probably why I struggle but I'm not really a cereal person!
    I need a full english thats only 350 cals! LOL!!!

    Oh, wouldn't it be lovely? This is at least better: and you can always use Walls bacon rashers. They're a little leaner.

    While I'm at it, this site has a lot of great, healthy recipes, and here are the breakfast ones:[0]=Healthy+eating&recipe_data_course=Breakfast
  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I've been enjoying 1 cup of fat free vanilla yogurt with 1/4 cup frozen blueberries. It keeps me full for about 3-4 hours!
  • arwsgirl
    arwsgirl Posts: 75 Member
    • Boil raisins with cinnamon until they're plump and add to either rice (great way to use up leftovers) or oatmeal with a little milk. Mmm. The raisins are super sweet all by themselves and the cinnamon adds just enough flavor.

    • 2 egg whites with 1 tsp Feta, 1/8c. shredded cheddar cheese, 3 grape tomatoes (quartered), 1/4c. spinach, 1 clove garlic (pressed), 1/4c. onion. All veggies are aprox. measurements. I used a non-stick Wok and sauteed the onions/garlic in a tiny bit of olive oil then added the spinach and tomatoes then the egg whites and cheese. Just tossed around until it was done and enjoyed! Mmmm!!!

    • Yogurt with walnuts. I usually use 1/8c. of walnuts. So filling.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    this morning i had sausage eggs, and baked beans! i also find i snack less if i have bigger meals.. 480 cals!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Good morning!
    Most mornings I have 1/4cup cottage cheese, a small container or Astro Zero yogurt, a cup or fresh or frozen berries and some bran buds or sticks.
    Or I will have a serving of Red River cereal.
    I eat breakfast at work, so I bring it in little containers and have breaky after the morning rush has slowed down a bit. (I am not organized enough in the morning to have breakfast, get ready and drive half an hour to get there before 7am!

    Good luck finding something that works for you!
  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    Yogurt w/granola
    2 frozen waffles w/1 tbsp maple syrup & 1/2 tbsp margarine
    Egg & bacon/sausage with 1/2 slice american cheese on english muffin
    I also do oatmeal like quaker oats weight control

    These are my go-to's
  • wtbyerdocmd
    You need to make sure you are getting protein and healthy fats in the am to keep you full all day. Try cottage cheese or greek yogurt if you are sick of eggs for protein or a protein shake with a little peanut or almond butter, ezekiel bread with hummus and egg whites is tasty too. Kashi go lean cereal is good if need a fast one I like it with unsweetened almond milk.
  • dawny17
    dawny17 Posts: 77 Member
    This is so cool I posted this topic yesterday, but I didn't get as many posts as you did :( LOL...but now that I replyed to's under my topics and can see your replies!

    Great minds think alike!...check out my post from's a great breakfast idea!