Brides on a Mission: Week 5



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Sorry double post

    lol welcome, your wedding colours sound beautiful...
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm p!ssed! Why am I not losing weight? Why have I gained 10lbs back since I started this stupid "journey"...I thought I was doing awesome! The measuring isn't even changing. What am I doing wrong?

    I did a little peeking at your diary to see if I could come up with any sound advice. Looks like you don't record on Saturday/Sunday.. you may be doing more damage than you think on those days. I know some people have a "cheat" day and I don't want to get into whether or not they are good or bad but this might not be working for you. Also it looks like you skip dinner some nights... They say its better to eat lots of meals so make sure you are eating at least 3 meals a day. Also, try not eating back your exercise calories for awhile (gasp!) or at least don't eat them all back. My golden rule is to never go over my maintenance calories whether I exercised or not (put your weight loss in "maintenance" mode and see what it gives you - don't forget to change your weight to your goal weight! you want to know how many calories you can eat once you hit that goal weight to stay there!).

    So basically what you need to do is try something new. What you're doing now isn't working so come up with a new plan and hopefully your body will respond better!
  • So my fiance surpirsed me last night with a really nice card and a letter he wrote me to applogize for him not getting me a card. It was nice of him because I wasn't expecting to see him till Wed night. He had a long day yesterday at work and then had a doctor apt after I know he was beat from a long day. I am still a little upset but it was a nice thing he did. The card he got was really cute: there were 2 frogs on the cover and it said "I will love you..." and then on the insdie "Till I croke" I think those cards are sooo cute and funny.
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    So my fiance surpirsed me last night with a really nice card and a letter he wrote me to applogize for him not getting me a card. It was nice of him because I wasn't expecting to see him till Wed night. He had a long day yesterday at work and then had a doctor apt after I know he was beat from a long day. I am still a little upset but it was a nice thing he did. The card he got was really cute: there were 2 frogs on the cover and it said "I will love you..." and then on the insdie "Till I croke" I think those cards are sooo cute and funny.

    Boys are so dissapointing sometimes. My fiance would have done the exact same thing. And I don't know how many times I've told him that it would be nice to have flowers delivered to my work once and yet its never happened! He always ends up doing stuff AFTER I've gotten upset about it and then its just frustrating because I wish he would have thought to do it BEFORE. I guess that's why they say men are from mars! They just don't get it!
  • agoessli
    agoessli Posts: 81 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 5
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 4 lbs! I don't think I actually lost all of that this week because last week when I weighed in I was really bloated so that weight might have been a little off...whatever the reason, I am very happy about it!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): One of my very best friends is from Germany. I haven't seen him for over 4 years and he is flying in to be in our wedding! :-)
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Yesterday we had lunch brought in from Burger King for the whole school. I ordered a salad but what did I eat? A burger and fries! I DID have only a small fry which was a big deal and was still able to stay under my calorie goal but I was a little disappointed I gave in. I still REALLY need to get to the gym more....I keep saying that but it has to happen! I am hoping once my pilates and yoga dvds get here I can get to work because there will be no more excuses when I can do it right in my own living room!
    4. What are your weeding colors: Black and white and hunter green, some of the black and white will be zebra (Only on a couple tiers of the cake and the guest favors) I think that this will be enough to kind of give the other black and white decor a zebra effect and the hunter green is more of an accent color. I know this sounds KIND OF weird but I wanted something a little different and it is coming together realllly well so far. It is an evening wedding in late September so, I think the colors work. I will be excited to see it all put together! 8 more months!
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: Being able to finally call the most amazing person I've ever met my HUSBAND...and also to see so many people I love all in one place!
    6. Any wedding news updates: Well my sister who I thought was going to do hair and make-up isn't going to and my mom's friend who was going to make the bridesmaid dresses isn't going I am trying to figure those things out and still make it affordable for my girls! :explode:
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: Exercise. I never thought I would say that because I used to exercise no problem and couldn't seem to get a hold on my eating but now...I have been doing really good...I haven't went over my calorie goal in 4 weeks! But I have NOT been exercising with an kind of consistency. I feel like if I can put these things should be a great thing. Still working on it though.
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): I had an amazingly low stress week. It was great.
    9. Weekly wrap up: I'm down 13.6 lbs since starting on January 6th so I am feeling great. I am hoping that February I can have more great success! Sometimes it's hard to fight thinking long term and realizing how much farther I have to go but....thinking focusing on one month at a time seems much more manageable. Thank you! This is officially the most I have been able to lose while dieting since 5 1/2 years ago when I was starting at 177 (how I wish that was my starting point now). I have been able to lose 10 lbs a couple of times but gained it back right away...this time I have broken the 10lb wall down and am still going strong! I would not have gotten this far without MFP....thank you for your past support and in advance for all the support I know I will need throughout the rest of my journey!
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 5
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I haven't weighed in b/c I know last week was bad eating and exercise-wise. Hoping to get back on track this week and weight in later in the week.

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got to visit my sister and her family an Colorado and go skiing at Breckenridge. Such an awesome trip and a lot of QT with family which I don't get much since I don't live near any of my family.

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Before my trip I let the weather sidetrack me from working out, and then I also ate more because I was down about the weather.

    4. What are your weeding colors: Hoping they will be Carolina Blue and khaki. Since I'm a UNC grad it's my favorite color plus we're getting married at a place that overlooks the ocean so I want the colors of the beach. Also thinking I might add light green accents, still have to discuss all this with my decorator. Also depends on if I'm able to find bridesmaid dresses that will work...light blue can be a tricky color. But I definitely want the guys in khaki suits. Love that look for a beachy wedding.

    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: I'm with wannabrn...Can't wait to walk down the aisle and see my boo at the other end. (also pretty psyched to party with our friends and family)

    6. Any wedding news updates: No, I need to get back on the ball this week! I did read some great bridal mags in the airport and on the plane so I'm very motivated to get back to planning stuff.

    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: Dieting for sure. I'm an emotional eater and have a harder time eating right when I 'm not exercising. But I've been an athlete my whole life so exercise is second nature to me. It's when I don't exercise, I don't feel like myself and I start eating worse. Ugh I hate that I do that.

    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): Not great, since exercise is my biggest stress relief and i was either snowed in or on vacation. Hoping to hit up yoga and exercise several times this week.

    9. Weekly wrap up: Last week was bad, as far as my eating and exercise are concerned but I'm back from vacation today ready to recommit to being healthy. On a mission to start posting good results again. SO glad I have everyone's support on here!
  • So my fiance surpirsed me last night with a really nice card and a letter he wrote me to applogize for him not getting me a card. It was nice of him because I wasn't expecting to see him till Wed night. He had a long day yesterday at work and then had a doctor apt after I know he was beat from a long day. I am still a little upset but it was a nice thing he did. The card he got was really cute: there were 2 frogs on the cover and it said "I will love you..." and then on the insdie "Till I croke" I think those cards are sooo cute and funny.

    Boys are so dissapointing sometimes. My fiance would have done the exact same thing. And I don't know how many times I've told him that it would be nice to have flowers delivered to my work once and yet its never happened! He always ends up doing stuff AFTER I've gotten upset about it and then its just frustrating because I wish he would have thought to do it BEFORE. I guess that's why they say men are from mars! They just don't get it!

    I always try to drop little hints here and there...just about little things. Boys will always be boys! That is what girlfriends are for! haha
  • I'm new! I was very excited to find this thread, though! My weigh-in isn't until thursday, so here goes

    1. Name: Nicole
    2. Age: 22
    3. City: Columbus, OH
    4. Occupation: Grad student
    5. Wedding date: October 15, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Chris
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 1.5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 304
    9. Goal weight and date: 200, January 2012
    10. Favorite type of exercise: elliptical!!
    11. Favorite healthy food: turkey burgers

    Brides on a Mission: week 5 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Not sure! Will update thursday!!
    2. Highlight of the past week: Choosing a photographer for the wedding!!
    3. Lowlight of the past week: Mother in law is a nightmare and treats my love like poo!!
    4. What are your weeding colors: Brown and Blue
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: the dancing!!
    6. Any wedding news updates: Finally have a lot of big details nailed down. Just need to find a caterer and figure out the honeymoon
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: exercise
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): I didn't know about it, but I get foot rubs every day and that relaxes me
    9. Weekly wrap up: It's only Tuesday! We had a crazy ice storm last night, so I'm hoping I can skate my way over to the gym

    I'm excited to support and be supported by all of you girls! Best of luck, everyone!!!
  • Brides on a Mission: week 5 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Made up for my gain last week im at 146 a total loss of 6.6 this month! :o) Woo!
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Eh, we went to a bridal show in the area this weekend. It was a lot smaller than i thought it would be but we did get to taste some AWESOME cake! It was heaven on a napkin! :o)
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): It has been SO snowy this year! We are getting some kind of snow at LEAST one time a week so far this i am trying to make the best of it and doing workouts i have at home but nothing beats going to the gym.
    4. What are your weeding colors: Any and all pinks, black and silver
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: Hm, how about what am i NOT looking forward to! There is going to be a ton of family from out of town coming in and its going to be a blast!!!!!!! :o) And i get to be a princess for a day...I dont think i can handle waiting 5 months!
    6. Any wedding news updates: I have decided to do my own flowers and ordering them wholesale from It will be a bit of a challenge but will save us a ton of money.
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: dieting...i HATE veggies. :o(
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): eh, ok i guess!
    9. Weekly wrap up:
  • Does anyone know of any really good DYI wedding websites? Im trying to do as much as i can myself and didnt know if any of you guys had info :o)
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Does anyone know of any really good DYI wedding websites? Im trying to do as much as i can myself and didnt know if any of you guys had info :o)

    I really love It's all fellow brides blogging on there and most of them share what they've done DIY, how they did it and how much it cost. Be careful though, it's easy to get addicted to it. :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Does anyone know of any really good DYI wedding websites? Im trying to do as much as i can myself and didnt know if any of you guys had info :o)

    I really love It's all fellow brides blogging on there and most of them share what they've done DIY, how they did it and how much it cost. Be careful though, it's easy to get addicted to it. :)

    martha stewart has a really good one too, I really like's where I got my party favors...
  • I am actually blogging about the planning of our wedding and my weight loss journey. I'd be stoked if you checked it out:
  • I'm new to this thread and I don't even know if I am doing this right, but here is goes...:flowerforyou:

    1. Name: Diana
    2. Age: 28
    3. City: Tucson
    4. Occupation: Teacher
    5. Wedding date: 6/4/11
    6. Fiancés name: Bryan
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 156- I'm 145 right now
    9. Goal weight and date: 135 by April 1st; 130 By June 1st
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Yoga & Zumba
    11. Favorite healthy food: Greek Yogurt, Fruit, Oatmeal, Dark Chocolate

    I got engaged in December 09. I have been waiting for the bridal sense of urgency to lose weight, and it hasn't happened. Well today is Feb 1st. I have 4 months. If I could just get down to 135 pounds I would be happy; 130 would be a dream come true. My problem has been sticking to a consistent plan. I eat well during the week, and then mess up on weekends. I exercise consistently for two weeks and then fall out of it. Well not anymore! I am making vows to myself: I, Diana, promise to myself to stay at or under my calorie goal and exercise for at least 30 minutes or more 6 days a week. I promise to watch my portions and to not eat when I am full. I vow to greatly reduce my intake of sweets, sodium, and to give up fried foods all together until I reach my goal. I then promise to stay at my healthy weight (until I get pregnant) and continue to watch portions and limit the deliciously bad foods that I eat.
  • I got engaged in December 09. I have been waiting for the bridal sense of urgency to lose weight, and it hasn't happened. Well today is Feb 1st. I have 4 months. If I could just get down to 135 pounds I would be happy; 130 would be a dream come true. My problem has been sticking to a consistent plan. I eat well during the week, and then mess up on weekends. I exercise consistently for two weeks and then fall out of it. Well not anymore! I am making vows to myself: I, Diana, promise to myself to stay at or under my calorie goal and exercise for at least 30 minutes or more 6 days a week. I promise to watch my portions and to not eat when I am full. I vow to greatly reduce my intake of sweets, sodium, and to give up fried foods all together until I reach my goal. I then promise to stay at my healthy weight (until I get pregnant) and continue to watch portions and limit the deliciously bad foods that I eat.

    I know that the best thing that I ever did was 1) get my fiance on board. We both had gained about 30 pounds last year (eating out all the time, baking, etc., etc.) He has a really bad addiction to sweets so it was hard at first, but knowing that he is supporting me all the way is what keeps me going some days. 2) buy only good foods! Now we spend at least an hour at the grocery store, checking calorie/fat/cholesterol/carb content of foods before we even take it home. That way, we know that we already have good foods in the house and aren't tempted to go over board. Plus, when I want a snack, I know what we have is healthy. It helps keep piece of mind. It can get pretty $$$$ but, it's totally worth it if you really wanna drop the weight.

    Measuring everything seems crazy, but it really does help to measure out your portions. Honestly, I feel like my body is so happy that I'm not cramming it with junk anymore, and I feel satisfied with the reduced amount of calories I am taking in. Here's what my fiance and I did: More sex, less eating out. It's been a challenge....but take the time to focus on cooking in home, spending more time together....and I bet you'll feel better all around. :-)

    Good luck!!!

  • 2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got to visit my sister and her family an Colorado and go skiing at Breckenridge. Such an awesome trip and a lot of QT with family which I don't get much since I don't live near any of my family.

    Super lucky to go skiing there! :tongue: Wish I came with! hahah
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 5 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Waiting for my own Body Fat Measuring device, my personal trainer has been too difficult to get ahold of for my weigh in, so once this arrives, I'm going to have my fiance do my measurements.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Finding a few poems that I could use for a reading during the ceremony (we're a mix of traditional and nontraditional, plus I'm an English teacher *LOL*).
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Having trouble balancing diet and exercise this week. When I do well with one, the other suffers. Got to concentrate more this week!
    4. What are your weeding colors: Mocha and Purple
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: Having Dan see me in my dress as I walk towards him during the ceremony.... and I'm looking smoking hot (I HOPE!).
    6. Any wedding news updates: Working on selecting ceremony readings and a cake cutting song.
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: Neither and both! I have trouble balancing them....
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): Not good. School stressed me out because we changed classes and I received new students, ones that are going to be difficult to work with. (One can tell this pretty much right away).
    9. Weekly wrap up: Hasn't been my best week in terms of balancing diet and exercise, but I can do it... I just have to get back in the swing of things. I can't wait to get the body fat reading device and I just bought some exercise bands I can incorporate into my weight workouts. I thought they'd inspire me when I'm at home to eek out a bit more reps.:-D

  • SkinnyGal08
    SkinnyGal08 Posts: 56 Member
    Getting to know each other (Please only fill this out if you are new to the group; copy and paste this section into your post. I will post this each week for new comers.)
    1. Name: Alexia "Alex" Jones
    2. Age: 21
    3. City: Macon, Ga
    4. Occupation: Medical Expense Technician
    5. Wedding date: August 13th, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Daniel:)
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 4 1/2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 217
    9. Goal weight and date: 120/125 by my wedding in August:)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: I love RUNNING and ZUMBA!
    11. Favorite healthy food: Salad with Shrimp AND strawberry hazlenut dressing!!! My healthy list can go on and on!! I love making diet meals!

    Brides on a Mission: week 5 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: Starting out 135
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Getting tickets for a bridal show coming up and picking out bridesmaid dresses...
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): So stresses with school and wedding stuff, on edge :(
    4. What are your weeding colors: Granny Smith Apple Green, Watermelon Pink, Tangerine Orange
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: Me walking down the isle looking at the love of my life the one I am going spend forever with and feeling my heart come out of my chest while all the ones I love are round me on our special day!
    6. Any wedding news updates: I have the venue booked(tryphnea gardens), and the photographer, going to the bridal show on feb 13th, my beautiful gorgeous dresa and my bridesmaid dresses are choosen, everything is coming together and I cant help but daydream about it everyday and every night!!
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: I love to exercise though my schedule conflicts sometimes I still push hard, I will have to say my sweet tooth gets the best of me sometimes and it makes it hard!
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): Im am new to this forum every week is hard for me as I have came so far in my journey no day will be easy but all my hard work has and will pay off :)
    9. Weekly wrap up:So I am working my regular job, while finishing up school with my internship, planning my wedding, and studying for my boards exam and as always dieting and exercising, life is crazy but I am loving every mintue of it:)

    I m so happy to join this forum, I need all the motivation and support I can get, I love having friends and girlfriends who ALSO are getting married just like me!
  • Thanks for the advice! I can def get on board with the more sex part! hehe :)
  • Brides on a Mission: week 5 (Please copy and paste this into your profile)
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: IDK right now. I am gonna get on the scale in the morning and do my measurements then too.
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): We got our wedding gift from my dad and grandma- a honeymoon in Kauai, HI with plane tickets included!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Eatting 4 hotdogs on monday (not all at once, but all in one day; that's embarassing.)
    4. What are your weeding colors: Black, Silver, and Hot Pink
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: Walking down that aisle and seeing Bry's face!
    6. Any wedding news updates: Just the honeymoon & I am going for a dress alteration this week
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: Exercise... I like eating healthy and I can stick to it, but I lack motivation
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): Great! I do 20 minutes of yoga during my lunch break to relieve stress most days anyway!
    9. Weekly wrap up: I need to exercise more and no more hot dogs!
This discussion has been closed.