Like minded lushes -Februay 2011

Hello and welcome to the thread that acknowledges alcohol. We like it. Most of us drink it. We struggle with the effect it has on our weight loss. We support each othere when we strive to control it. We support each other when we fail to control it.

This is a support zone. No judging,

after stressing majorly over flowers for a wedding and such and much alcohol consumption in vegas this past week, tomorrow I will try to clean up ang get things back on track. (please notice I said tomorrow, not tonight. too much on the plane home first class rules and then again I am home safe:wink: )

Welcome to all the new lushes to the thread. we are all here to support.smiley-eatdrink060.gif

if you want to see what we have been up to the old thread is here


  • sjspada
    Glad I found this... alcohol is the cause of most of my empty calories.
  • carlynishere
    carlynishere Posts: 330 Member
    Interesting...I'm gonna have to keep an eye on this thread.
  • tinajjohnson
    Cheers to that! I drink for personal fun and also I take people out for work and that entails some beverages as well. Since I joined this site last week I have been trying to minimize where I can and switch to vodka/club sodas where possible (basically a 2 for 1 compared to beers).

    My latest situation is the last couple days I have thought I had work drinking so totally watched it all day -- at the end I have a butt load of calories left because my appointments have canceled. Now watch on the weekends (ah -- hello -- super bowl weekend with my team the Green Bay Packers) -- I'm going to be totally screwed.
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    This is sooooo me! Can't help it...trying to stop is painful so I am going to find a way to limit and live with it!
  • SmellyMelly13
    I think I've found my new home!

    Haha, I've been pretty good lately at keeping my booze limited to a couple of Coors light on the weekend and the occasional glass of red wine... With the exception of course of a minor case of binge drinking over my birthday weekend. It wasn't my fault the shots were free! How could I say no!?!

    Feel free to add me! But beware, I will make jokes when there is alchohol in your diary haha.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    What a great thread. Red wine is one of my is the other. I can do awesome during the week but when the weekend hits it's all over and I have gained the weight back that I lost during the week. I swear I have lost the same 5 lbs at least 8 times!
  • jschwarz3531
    Hi lushes!

    Had a weird week last week-drank everyday but had a light weekend- so it ended up being a pretty average week in all.

    I dont know how many of you live in NY but it is so miserable here lately! Ice and snow all of the time. I'm feeling cabin fever and the winter blues tremendously. I havent even been trying food or alcohol wise-I just feel depressed and icky :(

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    I dont know how many of you live in NY but it is so miserable here lately! Ice and snow all of the time. I'm feeling cabin fever and the winter blues tremendously. I havent even been trying food or alcohol wise-I just feel depressed and icky :(

    I AGREE!!! I live in MN. I drink the same; but, am more active with walking and bike riding in the summer...Yikes, ready for the snow to be gone
  • sexyjeans
    Thanks for the new thread. My co-worker and I have pledged to be alcohol free Sun-Thurs for the month of Feb. and if we cheat--we pay $10. A bit of accountability always helps. We did make the exception for our wine club meeting...oops I mean book club meeting, which meets 1x this month. Here's to a healthy February! Napa might be wondering why wines sales have dropped drastically! :laugh:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 2 1/3 Samual Adams

    Off to a good start...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I already broke my "no beer til Feb 19" rule but really because I am cheap, not weak;) the glass of wine was so much more expensive than beer, and they didn't have a full bar.
  • KatieWunder
    Lost almost 6 pounds this week. In other news I stopped drinking a glass of wine every night. Hmm....could it be related? Hope not...
  • Hunnieshadow
    YESSSS!! AWESOME THREAD! I had 3 glasses of Chard last week, this week so far I've been good BUT my sister is coming from NY to visit and I'm pretty sure there will be consumption ;-P Actually, I'm 100% sure!!
  • sjspada
    I went to BJ's tonight for a birthday dinner... and this made my conscious guilt me into not getting the Irish Root Beer I wanted. I couldn't find out how many calories were in it (still can't find it online... and I don't want to bother doing math)... so I chickened out and just had water.
  • Cristy_AZ
    30 days without alcohol down, today is day 31. Goal: 90 days (that'll be up just in time for the weekend after my B'day) hubby and I doing this together (impossible otherwise) we figure it's been 14+ years since we've gone this long.... good luck everyone who is trying abstinence, if I can do it anyone can (whiskey, becks,mudslides and various wines STILL come up in my "most used" list!) To the rest good luck with moderation and finding that balance!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    What a great thread. Red wine is one of my is the other. I can do awesome during the week but when the weekend hits it's all over and I have gained the weight back that I lost during the week. I swear I have lost the same 5 lbs at least 8 times!

    welcome to LushLand where sometimes we're dry and.....sometimes we're not! LOL
    Sass, same here I gain and lose the same weight every week.....BUT I lose just a tad more than I gain and that's good.
    For now my policy is Sunday thru Thursday no come Friday....WATCHOUT FOR JOJO! This may change when softball season starts and we have beer after the games (my knees don't work anymore so I just keep book and coach base).
    Hey, I love your profile pic, makes me homesick for mountains, where was that taken?

    good luck everyone, looking forward to friday!
  • moniqueluv
    moniqueluv Posts: 71 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I posted this in the old thread before I saw this one so i'm reposting.

    If any of you are watching tv, the Drs. are showing you how to lose with booze! Ahhhhhhh Highlights: Wine is better that beer for the belly. Cheap white wine has less nitrates than expensive so if you get headaches from wine, go for the cheap stuff. Lean belly shot: ginger, mint leaves, cucumbers, club soda & gin. Drink up!
  • mlek
    mlek Posts: 110
    I <3 this group. Glad I found you guys! This winter has been horrible (sooo much snow, and currently ice/rain/snow... YUCK) - It just makes me want to curl up on the couch with a tasty beer ;) I start TODAY - I am going to try (try is the key word here) to only drink 3 days per week... before MFP I never realized how many calories I drank... so I will try and pay more attention to the calories in each drink too... :/
  • Lacole216
    I'll have to keep checking back here.....I love my red wine & chocolate martini's :drinker: And yes it is hard to refrain when you're stuck inside because of all the snow and ice. Glad to know I'm not alone lol :laugh:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Very lushy day yesterday. Two prosecco splits, one and a half margaritas, one glass of red wine and then useless for the rest of the evening.

    I'm just not happy about it.

    I had my bone density test yesterday morning and I am in the orange zone (green = normal, red = osteoporosis). My mother is 84 and totally hunched over and all the women on my father's side have it too. Is this my destiny - a big whomping hump?

    Anyone know if there's any correlation between alcohol and osteoporosis?