

  • MyViolet
    MyViolet Posts: 73 Member
    Yep! Mid-Michigan and we have already called it a snow day for tomorrow! :happy:
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Michigan here too... did I hear 7-11 inches??

    Depends where I believe.. I am in michigan as well, Southwest (kalamazoo) and they are predicting 11-18'm kinda thinking i'll believe it when i see it!
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    YEP Chicago, just came back from the grocery store, cars parked, may even have a glass of wine by the fire! Stay safe and warm if you are in its' path
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    I am and it's beginning to seem ridiculous! People are freaking out over here! (SE Michigan) I think we will all survive, LOL.

    haha, here too, you should have seen hardings close to campus Kerri- REDIC...I stopped in for some turkey burgers/cheese/and 100 calorie snack packs...and it was like Y2K in there!!...people were panicked, fighting over milk and stuff!!! haha...and all of the college kids were getting beer and chips! lol
  • I'm in Texas and the DFW airport was closed for a few hours this morning. First time since 9/11. The roads are really icey and not gonna to get any better. For us, this is scary. What is funny though, it is media day for the Super Bowl, and I'm sure the Steelers and Packers players and fans are wondering....why are we freaking, what's the big deal. They showed on the news the buses bringing the players in for the media being lead by a big ol ice scraper truck!

    Good Luck to everyone. Stay safe, and stay warm. :drinker: He is actually drinking hot chocolate!

    LOL I thought it was beer :laugh: People here are actually freaking out which normally everyone doesn't think too much about it. All the grocery stores look like its armageddon and EVERYONE is stocking up to last for months. some of its kind of funny :)

    But it is SOOOOooo much worse down south for sure. You don't have the equipment and all that to deal with it so it can def be scary there. Be careful!

    I'm from around Dallas orignally and now live in CO. Its scary in Tx cause as you said they don't have the equipment to deal with it and most people don't know how to drive in it. When I moved to CO, 3 days later we got a blizzard, I called a local friend and made him drive me to work every day it snowed for 2 months then traded my 2wd truck in for a Hummer lol.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    is anyone feeling the need to eat comfort food? I usually do better, but tonight i just feel like sitting under the covers and eat while watching TV.
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    14" today in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 4' snow drifts, can't leave the house. I have been on this site almost all day, keeping my hands on the keyboard and away from my mouth.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm in Dallas. My normal AM commute takes 45 minutes....this morning? Almost 2 full hours. I was stopped in traffic for a full 20 minutes with NO movement whatsoever. I think a semi got stuck or something. Ice everywhere...

    And I work for an investment company, so we are EXPECTED to be at work. Can't make it ON TIME? At least show up later and stay later...yeah, nice, huh? Normally they would buy us lunch. Not today. But hey, we get 3 days worth of jeans days....
  • i'm at Pond Eddy NY and we got 8 inches so far next ice then snow again I can't wait til spring
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    I thought the winter weather was supposed to come from Canada! ;o) I am in southeastern Ontario between Toronto and Montreal, and we are only supposed to get about 8 inches...but high winds will make it both cold and nasty for driving.
  • jay586
    jay586 Posts: 133
    yes in romeo just north of you is it snowing there yet?
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I am and it's beginning to seem ridiculous! People are freaking out over here! (SE Michigan) I think we will all survive, LOL.

    haha, here too, you should have seen hardings close to campus Kerri- REDIC...I stopped in for some turkey burgers/cheese/and 100 calorie snack packs...and it was like Y2K in there!!...people were panicked, fighting over milk and stuff!!! haha...and all of the college kids were getting beer and chips! lol

    It's like that here too!! I can understand the Zoo because of the "lake effect snow" but still--REDIC is right!! I also will believe it when I see it.
  • I am in Jersey and my street still isn't plowed from the last storm. I work in the city so I guess I won't be taking the train haha We'll see about that tho. I say, bring on the iiiiiiiiiceeeeeeeee! Everyone be safe!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I am in the Chicago area--storm has been going on for about 3.5 hrs, but mostly wind--the heavier snowfall comes later. For some inexplicable reason, someone decided that our fitness center should stay open regular hours tonight, so I had to come in and I have to work until 10pm. Since 5pm, only 3 or 4 people have come in--right now there are two people in a 100K ft2 building.

    After the shift ends, I have a 35 mile drive back home. It's either that or stay here until tomorrow afternoon. Oh well, at least I can work out (in my underwear) and I have lots of protein bars if I get hungry :drinker:
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    Funny, Im from the Maritimes in Canada and we get that all the time. Three times last week alone.
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    is anyone feeling the need to eat comfort food? I usually do better, but tonight i just feel like sitting under the covers and eat while watching TV.

    Meeeeee ! I want some food i should Not have!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    strange weather huh.
    I actually thought the topic was about thecyclone heading towards australia...its massive. And i mean massive like hurricane Katrina massive...
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    The deepest snow cover around our house is about 5 feet this morning, pretty much covered the side fence. Backyard 3 feet at least, no way for our dog walk across the backyard, or find a place to...
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    strange weather huh.
    I actually thought the topic was about thecyclone heading towards australia...its massive. And i mean massive like hurricane Katrina massive...

    I thought this was about Hurricane Yasi too!! Enjoy your snow peeps...we get nothing really here in the UK, but when we brings the country to a standstill.

    please take a minute to send your thoughts to the people of Australia!! Potentially the biggest storm in 100 years to hit.


    Loads of MFP members have disappeared due to power cuts

    Stay Safe everyone :flowerforyou:
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