New Group - Summer Lovin'

p_cakes Posts: 282
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So perhaps the name of this new group isn't completely right, but we can fix it!

I've noticed that there are so many groups on here, but most of them are already 3 or 4 weeks in, not really a good point to start. So I figured I would start my own, and if anyone wants to join, perfect!
I personally like encouragement, whether from someone I know, or someone I have never met.

This group is from people who have want to meet their goal weight in the summer. For me, I want to be at about 140-135 by my birthday in May.

I'm thinking for this group we will have weekly weigh-ins, possibly on Mondays? I was also thinking an inches weight in, since we all know that just because the scale isn't moving, does NOT mean that we aren't losing. I can make a chart and we can look at everyone's weekly results. I was also thinking some sort of challenge each week.
Suggestions are welcome of course!

If you'd like to join just reply and also add this information so I can get a chart started.
Date of Summer Goal (or month):
Summer Goal Weight:
Current Weight:

So mine would be
Name: Pattie
Date of Summer Goal: Between May 1 and May 13
Summer Goal Weight: 140-135 (not specific, but I would be happy in that range)
Current Weight: 190

If anyone has any fun suggestions to do, let me know! This group is open to everyone with summer goals (which I'm sure most of us have) and open to suggestions!


  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I'll join! This is perfect for me, as I'd like to be at my goal weight by Memorial Day weekend (I have to be in a bathing suit then!)

    Name: Andrea
    Age: 29
    Date of Summer Goal: May 29th
    Summer Goal Weight: 125
    Current Weight: 134.8 (that was this past Saturday, I feel like I am up this week though!)

    I started the last week of December at 137.2, and have mini goals of 131 by Feb 28, 129 by March 31, and 127 by April 30. Hopefully they are attainable!

    Maybe we can have mini challenges (like exercising x amount of days, etc) to keep us motivated! :smile:
  • ailysys
    ailysys Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for starting this!! this is GREAT!!
    Name: Sysylia
    Age: 29
    Date of Summer Goal: May 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 110
    Current Weight: 121.8
  • Hello
    My name is Maylin
    CW 168
    GW 145 by May 31
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    Count me in!
    Name: April
    Age: 31
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): May
    Summer Goal Weight: 145
    Current Weight: 168
  • sorry age 35
  • Maybe a challange for one week could be no Sugar!
  • jillMoose
    jillMoose Posts: 45 Member
    Name: Jill
    Age: 28
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 137
    Current Weight: 157.2 (at 5'5")

    thanks for the post!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    So what does everything think the weigh-in day should be? Monday?

    Do you want to measurements?

    And I think I'll post the weekly challenge on Sundays, then we can report back on Saturday to see if we finished it.
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    Name: Amanda
    Age: 28
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 1 st or July 1st
    Summer Goal Weight: 140
    Current Weight: 175 (at 5'3")

    I know my goal is a bit ambitious but I am all in this, eating right and exercising 6 days a week. I think I can do it!!!! :)
  • Name: Rachel
    Age: 30
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 1
    Summer Goal Weight: 120
    Current Weight: 143
  • Amajoy
    Amajoy Posts: 140 Member
    My normal weigh in day is Saturday, I would prefer not to change that, I mean I can always re-weigh myself on which ever day you decide to go with, np.

    Measurements are probably good for some but my gym has my starting measurements and I have a monthly check in with them to see my results (which just so happens to be in a week 1/2)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    We could do weigh-ins at the end of the week. That would be good too. I don't have a set time for mine, but Fridays or saturdays would be good.
  • Name: Shelly
    Age : 37
    Goal Date: June 1
    Current Weight: 165
    Goal Weight: 145

    Joined MFP to become healthy and lose my jigglyness..Wanting to look as hot as possibly.. Granted I think I am a hot tie now just a little soft around the edges... I am firming and toning.. I also am planning to run a 5k in April... 2011 is a time to tackle life long goals...Look out here I come..
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Joined MFP to become healthy and lose my jigglyness..Wanting to look as hot as possibly.. Granted I think I am a hot tie now just a little soft around the edges... I am firming and toning.. I also am planning to run a 5k in April... 2011 is a time to tackle life long goals...Look out here I come..

    A 5k sound fun, I'd love to do one!
  • Name: Sarah
    Date of Summer Goal: April 1
    Current Weight: 149
    Summer Goal Weight: 140

    Thanks for starting the group! :)
  • ailysys
    ailysys Posts: 25 Member
    I think weigh ins at the end of the week are perfect!!
    I have never taken my measurements, so I can do that as well :)
    I love the idea of weekly goals!!!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I'm heading out to the gym. When I get back I'll post some more stuff.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I vote for weigh ins at the end of the week, too. I tend to have my cheat days on the weekend, and with the extra sodium I end up having, my weight ends up inflated for a couple of days! Also, measurements are a great idea, cause sometimes that scale doesn't move!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Okay, so this is what I'm thinking. Saturday's we will do our weigh ins, we can start this Saturday.
    If you want to do your measurments too then post those. I'll make two separate charts, one with weight, one with measurements.
    I personally have been doing my measurements every week. So we can do those along with the weigh-in. ust put it all on here together.

    What do you want to measure? I mean it can be whatever you'd want to measure I suppose, haha. I measure my chest, waist, hips, and thigh. Those are the parts (other than the chest) that I want to see smaller, so I'm keeping track of them.

    We will start challenges on Sunday.

    I think it will be fun! We've got a couple days before we really start anything though sooo...

    What's your reason for wanting to lose weight?
    I want to do it obviously for my health. I saw that scale hit almost 200 and I didn't want that. My mom is currently dealing with being overweight and I see how she deals with blood pressure among other problems. I'm hoping that by doing this she will join me and lose too! Also, I'm tired of going into my favorite stores and not being about to fit into the clothes I liked. And, as more of a vanity kind of goal. I REALLY want to buy a cute bikini, we are going to the beach for my birthday, and I'd love to finally look cute in one. I've never been below 170, and for me at 5'3" that's still not good.
  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    Name: Bailey
    Age: 22
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June
    Summer Goal Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 182

    This is a great idea! Always nice to have some support- we should all add each other as friends so we have the support there as well- and be notified when you post new topics!

    I think at least measuring waist, hips and thighs is a must- maybe butt too? Not sure about that one :tongue:
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