Vent Page



  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 776 Member
    Urgh... So happy there is a vent page! I had a friend on MFP that I really enjoyed getting comments from and commenting on his stuff. I just unfriended him. I'm not a prude, by any means - but there is a time and place for things. Him and his girlfriend would consistently post about their lovemaking sessions and how many calories they may have consumed from each others’ fluids! :sick: Great conversations to have between a couple or with close friends, but not necessary to post for a bunch of semi-strangers to see.
  • Years ago....I was a divorced father of an 8 and 6 year old.... both boys..... When I got ready to cook dinner.... I would call the boys and say... "guys.... I have this thing" They immediately knew what that meant, because I had said so many times... "If I'm cooking for you.... you are going to be in there helping me!" We always had the best time doing that.... it helped them learn how to cook, and we spent time together... quality time! I was not about to do that for them while they were playing some silly video game.... so.... you can tell them.... "From now on... if you want ME to cook you anything... you will be right here in the middle of it with me!" I know some women don't want anyone in the kitchen with them when they cook, but that is how I did it! :-) I hope you get the respect you deserve.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I've not vented on this thread yet...but here is mine:

    To the numerous trucking companies who call and ask me if their pallet is ready? I can't tell you one way or another without more information than the state or country it is going to okay?!!! We ship to numerous companies in numerous countries. We ship to numerous customers in the same state and city even! So when you call me and say "hey I was told to come pick up two transmissions for Chicago are they ready?" And I ask you who the customer is or for something more than that, give it to me. is a novel idea. You work for a trucking company as a dispatcher. You work with millions of customers in millions of areas. You have to call many people each day and ask the same question over and over. I bet THEY tell you the same thing I do, right? Wouldn't it be GREAT if you called the pick up location with more than a city to go by? Woww.......novel idea here.

    And secondly: I've divorced my scale until March 1st. Its a lying *kitten* anyways.

  • emijo13
    emijo13 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel a little crappy about my progress every time I log on here, and here's why...

    I started MFP last summer. At the time I weighed 164. I lost 4 pounds the first month. Then because school started again, I stopped using it. I gained a whole bunch of weight that I am too proud to share, and now it always says my "starting weight" is 164. So even though I have lost weight from where I re-started, I always feel like I failed. Is there any way to reset my starting weight? That, I feel would make me feel a whole lot better.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    And secondly: I've divorced my scale until March 1st. Its a lying *kitten* anyways.


    really it must be related to my heart rate monitor! It's a lying *kitten* too! POS~!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    So every week I play golf with a group of women who are pretty good friends of mine. I've told all of them about MFP, they've seen my progress and are pretty impressed so one of them decided to do it too. Well, it was too much work for her to log her food, she couldn't seem to find time to exercise so was starving on 1200 calories a day, complained constantly and so she quit. Now, I eat breakfast around 6:30 and don't get home from golf until around 1:00 so I bring a Clif bar as a snack. It's portable, doesn't melt and is fairly securely packaged so it's safe from the evil squirrels. EVERY FREAKIN' WEEK, she asks me for a bite or asks me if I brought one for her. And get this, she doesn't even like them!! When I give her a bite, she goes "ew, these are gross, how can you eat them?" So I have a choice of feeling stingy by not giving her a bite of my only snack that is perfectly portioned and easy to log or giving her a bite and having her complain! THEN, she'll ask in a snotty tone of voice (you all know that tone of voice) "are you going to put that in your fitness pal thing?". And I say "yes". O.K., I feel better. A little.

    There is a couple we see at barbeques and parties and such. I lost anywhere from 25-35 lbs in the last 2 years (never weighed in at the start...They both belong to the same gym etc....they have asked me 100 questions about what I did (run a marathon and count calories..hmmmm tricky) and I have told them about MFP...they ask 100 question about MFP...then at the next party we were at...the man in the couple shouts across the party...don't forget to log those have eaten 6 (I already knew that as I was keeping track in my head so I could log later...LOL) Don't try to embarass me because you don't have the resolve to follow through....arghh
  • So every week I play golf with a group of women who are pretty good friends of mine. I've told all of them about MFP, they've seen my progress and are pretty impressed so one of them decided to do it too. Well, it was too much work for her to log her food, she couldn't seem to find time to exercise so was starving on 1200 calories a day, complained constantly and so she quit. Now, I eat breakfast around 6:30 and don't get home from golf until around 1:00 so I bring a Clif bar as a snack. It's portable, doesn't melt and is fairly securely packaged so it's safe from the evil squirrels. EVERY FREAKIN' WEEK, she asks me for a bite or asks me if I brought one for her. And get this, she doesn't even like them!! When I give her a bite, she goes "ew, these are gross, how can you eat them?" So I have a choice of feeling stingy by not giving her a bite of my only snack that is perfectly portioned and easy to log or giving her a bite and having her complain! THEN, she'll ask in a snotty tone of voice (you all know that tone of voice) "are you going to put that in your fitness pal thing?". And I say "yes". O.K., I feel better. A little.

    There is a couple we see at barbeques and parties and such. I lost anywhere from 25-35 lbs in the last 2 years (never weighed in at the start...They both belong to the same gym etc....they have asked me 100 questions about what I did (run a marathon and count calories..hmmmm tricky) and I have told them about MFP...they ask 100 question about MFP...then at the next party we were at...the man in the couple shouts across the party...don't forget to log those have eaten 6 (I already knew that as I was keeping track in my head so I could log later...LOL) Don't try to embarass me because you don't have the resolve to follow through....arghh

    LOL kelsully, those people are Curb Your Enthusiasm worthy!

    My rant is about my beloved BFF. I do love her, she's like my sister, I don't have any real sisters but I know if I did arguments and disagreements would probably occur.
    I am not answering her phone calls b/c lately she's been TSTL and saying things like "I REALLY need a vacation!". She doesn't have a job except working at her mother's nail shop on the wkends, goes to school for THREE classes and has zero children. I have three, I do not resent her life, nor do I envy it, I am just not an idiot. I did the whole work full time and go to school full time as well as work full time and have kids and go to college. What she is doing just isn't that damned hard. I am in a breastfeeding hermit phase since my infant is 6 months and naps on me etc....
    To add insult to injury, she sees my sister in law at the campus she attends. Then she calls me a few times this week and give me freaking updates ON MY OWN FAMILY. Like my nephew and niece. Finally I just told her "I don't want you to give me updates on MY OWN FAMILY ok? kthx".
    It seems silly but it really pisses me off. These are the children of my beloved little brother. We aren't super close buddy buddy but we have a good relationship and live about 45 min apart from each other in Houston and lead busy family lives so I don't see them as often as I'd like. She's just all "I'm having breakfast with your sister in law TWWEEE!" and I just want to scream.
    So I'm just not answering the phone right now which is really immature.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I completely sympathize with you - both sides of my family come from the south, and even the healthiest meal isn't quite that healthy.. Its hard to balance between doing what you know you need to in order to better yourself and warding off unsupportive comments from family, but it can be done! Even when I first told my mom that I was becoming vegetarian, for the first 2-3 YEARS she'd ask if I wanted some chicken/pork/etc whenever she'd make it - as if my answer would magically change then.

    Just keep working towards your goals, and as you begin to change shape and look/feel better about yourself, they'll be more receptive to what you're doing (and likely want to know how!).
  • unicorns89
    unicorns89 Posts: 11 Member
    After five years, my boyfriend left me last week since I gained weight. Since then, everything is going downhill. My car light went out on the front and back. I noticed a rock had hit my windshield and now there is a major crack. My laptop got a virus and I could not get rid of it. We got so much snow that my car got stuck in the driveway, then I tried a little later and now it is stuck semi in the the road. My mom keeps pushing me to lose weight and I am getting tired of it.

    On a good note, I have officially stopped smoking! :)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I feel a little crappy about my progress every time I log on here, and here's why...

    I started MFP last summer. At the time I weighed 164. I lost 4 pounds the first month. Then because school started again, I stopped using it. I gained a whole bunch of weight that I am too proud to share, and now it always says my "starting weight" is 164. So even though I have lost weight from where I re-started, I always feel like I failed. Is there any way to reset my starting weight? That, I feel would make me feel a whole lot better.

    YES, reset that start weight. I have done that more than once! My Home>Check In>Click the link that says Edit Previous Entries>Change that start weight
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    After five years, my boyfriend left me last week since I gained weight. Since then, everything is going downhill. My car light went out on the front and back. I noticed a rock had hit my windshield and now there is a major crack. My laptop got a virus and I could not get rid of it. We got so much snow that my car got stuck in the driveway, then I tried a little later and now it is stuck semi in the the road. My mom keeps pushing me to lose weight and I am getting tired of it.

    On a good note, I have officially stopped smoking! :)

    CONGRATS on the stopping smoking. I can imagine what you're going through and it sucks! I'm so sorry! But you checked in here enough to vent about it and that means you're still keeping track of your health. THAT is a HUGE accomplishment. Way to go you! Plus, if dude bailed due to your weight, then (obviously) he's not worthy of you anyway. Cars will be cars and they will always such as much as they assist. The snow will melt eventually and, likewise, this too shall pass. Hang in there!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    One word: snow. It's really messing up my schedule. It looks like I'll be treadmilling it today. I've quite enjoyed starting to walk outside when it's chillier, but not with the snow. Ew. It's too hot in the house, so I'll be sweating like crazy instead of enjoying a breeze. GRRR.
  • emijo13
    emijo13 Posts: 4 Member
    THANK YOU. Now I actually am seeing the progress forward that I've made and not that I messed up. I appreciate it!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    THANK YOU. Now I actually am seeing the progress forward that I've made and not that I messed up. I appreciate it!

    WAHOO! Good. Man that would be aggravating!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    I've not vented on this thread yet...but here is mine:

    To the numerous trucking companies who call and ask me if their pallet is ready? I can't tell you one way or another without more information than the state or country it is going to okay?!!! We ship to numerous companies in numerous countries. We ship to numerous customers in the same state and city even! So when you call me and say "hey I was told to come pick up two transmissions for Chicago are they ready?" And I ask you who the customer is or for something more than that, give it to me. is a novel idea. You work for a trucking company as a dispatcher. You work with millions of customers in millions of areas. You have to call many people each day and ask the same question over and over. I bet THEY tell you the same thing I do, right? Wouldn't it be GREAT if you called the pick up location with more than a city to go by? Woww.......novel idea here.

    And secondly: I've divorced my scale until March 1st. Its a lying *kitten* anyways.


    LMAO :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • After five years, my boyfriend left me last week since I gained weight. Since then, everything is going downhill. My car light went out on the front and back. I noticed a rock had hit my windshield and now there is a major crack. My laptop got a virus and I could not get rid of it. We got so much snow that my car got stuck in the driveway, then I tried a little later and now it is stuck semi in the the road. My mom keeps pushing me to lose weight and I am getting tired of it.

    On a good note, I have officially stopped smoking! :)

    When it rains it pours. I know how you feel. Everything will get better. I'm sorry he did that to you, my ex split things off with me after 4 years on the day he was supose to propose. We are all here for you. For your window call your insurance and see if its covered? For the virus, download a virus protection thing and it should remove it, or just take it to best buy and see what the "geeks" can do for it. Don't know what to tell ya about the snow-- Oh, wait, get sone clean snow in a bowl, add some milk and vanilla then you have Snow Ice Cream :) (maybe thats a redneck thing lol, but I liked it)
  • First time I've seen this page, but I'm so glad that I did. Here's my vent for the day.....My husband lost about 60 pounds a year and a half ago. Since then he's put about 40 pounds back on. I tell him all the time that I don't care how he looks, but I do wish that he would try to eat better, take care of himself, be a little healthier. He procedes to tell me that it's his body and he'll do what makes him happy. In the meantime, I'm busting my *kitten*, eating right, drinking water and down 11 pounds. Lately he's been making me really uncomfortable about it. He'll comment about what I'm eating, the amount I'm eating, logging what I'm eating, how long I exercise for, what intensity I do that day, logging the exercise that I do, and how none of it matters anyways, I should just do what makes me happy. Well, guess what?!?! I AM!! I feel better, look better, and have more energy. Sometimes, I want to look at him and tell him that he's a jealous, insecure, lazy, quitter. I can't stand that he can't be supportive of me now when I need it the most! And to top it all off, he just called from work to tell me that he's bringing home a pizza for dinner (my fave). I asked him to pick me up a salad to go along with it and he started in about how I need to eat like a regular person. WTH!?!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    First time I've seen this page, but I'm so glad that I did. Here's my vent for the day.....My husband lost about 60 pounds a year and a half ago. Since then he's put about 40 pounds back on. I tell him all the time that I don't care how he looks, but I do wish that he would try to eat better, take care of himself, be a little healthier. He procedes to tell me that it's his body and he'll do what makes him happy. In the meantime, I'm busting my *kitten*, eating right, drinking water and down 11 pounds. Lately he's been making me really uncomfortable about it. He'll comment about what I'm eating, the amount I'm eating, logging what I'm eating, how long I exercise for, what intensity I do that day, logging the exercise that I do, and how none of it matters anyways, I should just do what makes me happy. Well, guess what?!?! I AM!! I feel better, look better, and have more energy. Sometimes, I want to look at him and tell him that he's a jealous, insecure, lazy, quitter. I can't stand that he can't be supportive of me now when I need it the most! And to top it all off, he just called from work to tell me that he's bringing home a pizza for dinner (my fave). I asked him to pick me up a salad to go along with it and he started in about how I need to eat like a regular person. WTH!?!

    The whole regular person thing is what got AMerica into the weight problem we are in. We all think it is regular to eat like it a special occassion everyday....keep it are doing great
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    10 year old children...that is probably enough said but if you don't have one that lives in your home let me tell you...their heads do in fact pivot on their necks...just lke an adult woman's (can't speak for a man...LOL) yet if something they are looking for is not in their direct path of is lost....they don't look a tad to the left or a tad to the right..that would require the head pivot thing....The next time I have to stop what I am doing to physically turn my daughter's head for her so she can "find" what she is looking for I might burn a zillion calories in the exlosion I wil have.
  • Hey! Good for you!!!! It would be great to get his support, but remember you are doing this for YOU!!! It's not his choice but YOURS. The more you gain independence, the more he may feel threaten....but that's his problem, not yours. Do it for You and YOUR health. He should come around eventually, but in the meantime, you'll be healthy and feel great!
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