Anyone give you a hard time about counting calories?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I think most people are afraid to tease me lol
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    Interesting. I haven't had anyone comment about logging the calories, but I have had people comment on my food choices. I coach middle school sports and our restaurant choices are basically fast food for away games. I skip the fries and add a side salad. I try to model a half way better food choice so the kids see something that they can do.
  • Wightvixen
    I've only been counting calories for 4 weeks and I'm already tired of my husband's not-so-subtle hints about making a cake or getting a take-away.

    I think the problem is that if I can't have these things, he doesn't feel that he can go ahead and have them on his own (and I admit that the temptation would be overwhelming if I had to watch him eat something that looks and smells delicious!), so he's also missing out, and pretty much on an enforced diet himself.

    I tend to think that people actually LIKE other people to be fat. Either they're fat themselves and it stops them feeling so bad about their own weight, or they have the luxury of feeling superior to someone who is fatter than they are. Either way, when the fat person across the office starts to lose weight, it threatens their own sense of self-worth, and must be discouraged!
  • sixpackgoal
    Thanks everyone for the awesome insights and encouragement.
    I am not letting anyone bother me with remarks about calorie counting as it only helps me in many different ways.
  • jabberwockgee
    jabberwockgee Posts: 49 Member
    I just vented about this. My husband gives me the hardest time about it. I'm always looking at serving sizes and logging what I eat. It drives me crazy sometimes, the snide remarks and eye rolls and exaggerated sighs when I measure out a serving. Most of the time I just shrug it off and figure that if I don't do what's best for me, then nobody else will. Keep it up and good luck!!

  • JeepOnRock
    I haven't really gotten a hard time from anyone. My wife joked a little about it for a couple of weeks (6 pounds lost) and then she joined the site. I was joking with a waitress while i was running possible lunch choices through the database... she was shocked at how many calories some of their menu items had. My friends have all been supportive... a couple of them might start counting soon.

    But the bottom line is that I know I have to drop some weight, and there isn't anything that anyone can say to change my mind about that.

    Of course, I am still eating fun foods, I just make WAY better choices on portion control. Frankly, if I had to totally give up Coca-Cola, Jelly Beans and Ice Cream, I couldn't do this... But I don't have to eat it all every day... or a bag at a time.

    The fun part will be when I go to things like a covered dish supper this evening. No clue on the calories of many of the foods that will be out... and I'll want to try a lot of them. I built a calorie cushion so that I can eat what I want (within reason) without flipping out about it.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Oh sure. But I have found that there are three types of people who do this: Those who are jealous of progress and want to interfere, and those who just don't understand why it is so important to track what you eat because they don't understand calories in/calories out or don't have control issues with food.

    That said, sometimes people who have seen your weight loss feel "you're too skinny" or you've gone too far and may be trying to express concern.
  • ropedancer
    To be honest, I've been pretty quiet about my weight loss. I don't have a nice cellphone, so I don't log my calories until I get home at the end of the day. Therefore, no one sees me logging. Occasionally, someone will notice something is up and mention it. I'll just reply "Oh I'm just trying to live a healthier lifestyle." At the most, people may act a little uncomfortable or confused.

    I know it sounds like I'm ashamed about what I'm doing, but the truth of the matter is I just don't want to deal with the drama. I'm not obese and a lot of people I know are heavier than I am. I suspect that if I say "oh I'm trying to lose 20 pounds" (12 now!), their natural reaction will be to reflect on their own weight. Since people are so sensitive about their weight, I don't want them to feel ashamed of themselves or like I'm trying to imply that they're too heavy. If I inspire them by looking great in my new spring clothes, now that's completely different!
  • helenamonks
    I got teased for awhile by coworkers. Until they saw the results. Now they ask for the app info and tips. :)

    Yeah, I get this a lot too, not so much co workers, but just people I know, oh this won't hurt and that won't hurt, but when they ask me what I'm not eating that's making me lose weight I'm like, I'm eating everything I want, and they're like what do you mean, and I say, its' all accounted for, smugly of course. :)
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Haters gonna hate.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I like what you said about the "math" associated with counting calories. I feel that way too--like the light bulb went off after all these years, weight loss comes down to math and if you understand that, you lose weight. Amazing! Why did I not know this earlier??

    Anyway, I'm sorry people haven't been that supportive. I love that MFP, with the mobile programs specifically, make calorie counting so easy. I don't think most people even know I do it. After logging my calories for about a year and a half, I have realized if I told people about it, they would kind of glaze over in boredom anyway.......that's why the support here on the site is so nice to have.

    I just set my husband up with an account last week and he was so upset about the thought of having to log anything in, but since he realized it's just another cool app to learn on his iphone, and super easy, he has been able to get into it really quickly and covertly so nobody (hopefully) can make fun of him. :)

    Keep doing what you are doing!! It works!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I don't get teased, but I do get the "oh, you don't have to track today!" Dude. There is always a birthday, wedding, holiday, or special event happening. My family is huge. There are four birthdays in March. There are six in October. That's ten birthday cakes in two months.
    I'm in college and live on a floor with 35 other girls. While I love all (okay, well most :) ) these girls, I don't want to eat a cupcake or cookie everytime someone has a birthday! People take it like you don't want to wish them a happy birthday if you don't take a piece of their stinking cake!
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    i have had mixed results. my friends are SUPER supportive after i explain to them that YES, i DO need to lose some weight despite what they think. EVERYONE i tell about MFP and my goal weight look at me like i'm insane and that there's no way i need to lose as much as i say (20 lbs total). i suppose i carry my weight well. my parents on the other hand just act annoyed when i figure out how many calories are in whatever we're eating. i don't even bother telling my extended family. they are ALL overweight and they think i'm the skinniest thing in the world. just because i'm healthIER doesn't mean i'm as healthy as i should be!
    I am in the exact same boat as you. About half of my family is overweight and when any member of the family starts to lose, everyone jumps on him/her, saying their too skinny. Especially my love-them-with-food grandma is always shoving food at me, saying that i'm too thin and need to stop trying to lose weight. it can get hard!
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    I can relate - I had a hard time with hubby too - I think he was worried that if I lost weight I wouldn't want to stay married to a guy that wasn't exactly slender. I just had to come right out and say I was getting healthy for myself and for my daughter and if he couldn't say anything nice, NOT to say anything at all!
  • sixpackgoal