Vixen&Foxes: Valentine's Challange



  • Sheriemae
    Lost another 2.6 lbs this week!!!! Down to 147.8 :happy:
    I'm am VERY proud of myself! I honestly didn't think I would lose much if anything since I quit smoking this week (day 4 today) I feel better than ever! This morning I also had one of my best 5K runs in a longggg time! 36:30. Can't wait to get it back down to 32 min.
    Hope eveyone has a GREAT day!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    I will be updating the spread sheet tomorrow after I get home from my 5k!! You are all doing great! :)

    As for the challanges, I've been very bad! Even my water intake has not been where it should be!

    How is everyone else doing? Come on, motivate us with your stories of healthy eating and exercising!!! hahahhaha
  • acarter72
    acarter72 Posts: 117 Member
    Weekly WI-173.6

    I think it was water weight loss when I reported the same weight loss a few weeks ago as I feel more trim now then at that time. I hope it continues!! Everybody is doing great--keep it up!

    Margie-good luck with your 5k tomorrow and thank you for keeping the chart going!!

    Anne :-)
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    Down 0.1 pounds hahaha...I'm 133.9 :)

    I have compleeeetely abandoned the crunches/push-ups goal. I went from over-achiever to non-achiever LOL

    Time to start that back up again :)
  • ehlderanna
    Sorry for not checking in for awhile....I'm down 2.3 pounds since the last check in which puts me at 232
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    OMG, OMG, OMG! I'm down to 172.8 lbs. I can't believe it. I think that's 2.2lbs, possibly my best week yet. Woohooo!!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Weighed in today at 135.0, down .6 lbs. That is almost 9 lbs gone since we started our journey! Yay! I have fallen behind on the pushup/crunch challenge, and the water challenge as well. I will get back to it this coming week for sure. With moving and all the bad weather I have done good to get out of the house in tact! LOL. Congrats to all who have lost weight this week! Keep upp the good work. And for those who haven't...just keep doing what you know works! It will come off if you are diligent. Hang in there. Happy weekend!
  • bluemartini6
    Rough week. Morning weigh in 143.5. Haven't been feeling well so exercise went out the window and a brownie a day came through the door. Looks like I'd better get to it! Quick question. If I've lost about 10 since I started should I reset my goals/start weight? I've been more hungry lately but could be bc lack if exercise (2xs this week) usually I seem to be less hungry when I exercise
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I really hate that I have not been able to post more frequently because I truly miss communicating w/my MFP pals on a daily basis but getting back into the swing of things has taken longer than expected. It definitely doesn't help that work is consuming a lot of my time therefore I don't have much time to do anything other than log my exercise and food.

    I had a tire blow out on my drive home this week while on a major intersate during the pouring rain. God definitely protected me b/c I was able to maintain control of the car and navigate from the fast lane to the breakdown lane without a problem. While waiting on AAA the HERO unit saw my hazards flashing and decided to pull over an offer assistance. He was able to replace the blown out tire w/the donut in less than 30 minutes. As a result of this tire blow out I spend the majority of this morning getting my tires replaced and aligned.

    Here's a recap of my workouts this week.

    Monday: I completed the Insanity warm up and then Push Cirucit 1

    Tuesday, Fire 55 EZ was on the schedule but I just did not have the energy to complete the entire workout so I completed 40 minutes. I did not get the greatest burn but was happy I decided to push play instead of just laying in bed.

    Wednesday, I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. It was a better day energy wise and was able to get a decent burn so I'm happy.

    Thursday, I completed the Fire 30 dvd from the Turbo Fire program.

    Friday, I completed the Cardio Core and Balance dvd from the Insanity program.

    Today, I walked/jogged a total of 4.2 miles while my car was being serviced.
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    I lost the thread, so I haven't been updating my weight, sorry! My last weigh-in put me at 174 pounds. You guys are doing awesome!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome back!! I will update you next time I do the sheet. :)
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    hello everyone,
    Hope you are all enjoying your weekend.
    I started this challange at 251lbs and my CW as of today is 243.8lbs!!
    Woo hoo!!
    You are all doing a reat job!
    Keep it up, we will reach out goals.

  • valigirl
    2 pounds even after Super Bowl Sunday!!! Exciting news on a Monday morning no less!!
  • snain
    snain Posts: 21 Member
    Today: 139 lb
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member

    7 days to lose the last 0.4 lbs and I will have officially met my V-day goal!
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    133.6! Today!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Wow, its so good to see everyone losing and rebounding from a weekend filled with fun foods. I can't wait to weigh on Friday. I wanted to sneak a peak today, but didn't. I am still on soft foods, so I hope as I am gradually reintroduced to solid food, that I don't start to gain. Cross your fingers!
  • lexistepps
    lexistepps Posts: 200 Member
    I've GAINED, boooo! I'm not going to post it because I don't want it back on the chart lol. I'm just going to keep weighing in and I'll post when the scale goes down :)
  • scmajm22
    scmajm22 Posts: 75 Member
    FINALLY the scale moves, 203.2 woohoo, I AM WAYYY EXCITED right now.