

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Done eating today!!!! Over by just one calorie. I went over my sodium but I have drank so far 160 ounces of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I usually drink a gallon or more a day. So I am not stressing much about it...I am worried about tomorrow. I am going out with the girls...one of the places we are going to is known for their great mojitos. I have not had one in a long time so I am going to allow myself one and yes I can drink just one!!! (at least I will try :laugh: ) And then again we are dancing the night away so I will burn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus I am doing my usual hard workout in the morning...:flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Done eating today!!!! Over by just one calorie. I went over my sodium but I have drank so far 160 ounces of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I usually drink a gallon or more a day. So I am not stressing much about it...I am worried about tomorrow. I am going out with the girls...one of the places we are going to is known for their great mojitos. I have not had one in a long time so I am going to allow myself one and yes I can drink just one!!! (at least I will try :laugh: ) And then again we are dancing the night away so I will burn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus I am doing my usual hard workout in the morning...:flowerforyou:

    Oh forgot, this is day 4 for me!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • food_junkie
    End of day 2 with no bingeing for me! :happy:
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    This will be day five for me!! I have enough calories left for the day to have a 100 cal bag of popcorn and a couple hershey kiss's:bigsmile: (If anyone has a weakness for sweet 'n salty foods together, try this for a low cal snack..yummmm..) I'm a little worried about tomorrow because I'm going out with some friends, but I have every single meal and snack planned out for tomorrow! Plus my 8:00 class is cancelled so I'm going to get my butt out of bed and squeeze in a good workout before my 9:00. I just have to remember...PLANNING AHEAD IS POSSIBLE. Hope everyone's doing well!! Good luck with the 10 day mini-goal!!
  • clairegl
    Today is a successful day 5! Yea! It's not over yet, I'm a late night gal, but I am feeling so good and strong that I know that I can do this.
    I'm aiming for our mini 10 day goal.
    And as for Sunday girls question as to what my triggers are, I'm not sure. I always want to start recording those times in a journal so that I'll know exactly what it is, but when the urge comes up it often overwhelms me and I WANT to give into the craving and sabotage myself. Does anyone else do this too?
    Anyway today I feel great and proud of my progress.
    Planning and shopping for good foods is key.
    Here's to us : :drinker:
  • punka274
    This is day 7 for me! And NO BINGEING:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    High fives to everybody...ya see,we can TOTALLY do this!

    My weigh in is tommorrow,ive really got to watch my sodium today!

    Good luck everybody!
  • sundaygirl85
    Start of day 3 for me! Well done everyone and keep up the good work today!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    I think I am back to day one because of this morning-
    I got up, ate a good breakfast and then looked over and realized my boyfriend didnt take the bag of chips from yesterday so I thought about portioning them out but instead I started eating them and ate the whole bag- probably 2-3 servings. Then I ate a little more cereal as well. Now I am stopping, getting ready for work and starting on drinking a lot of water.

    I dont know why I woke up so hungry but I think I should have left the house earlier and not hung around eating. Or I could have done some crunches and had some water or tea.

    Hopefully I can stop it before it happens again.

    I just checked and I think I just ate over 800 cal for breakfast!!!! Holy Crap. It is off to the gym for me today for sure!

    Off to work now!!
  • mamakitty
    Day 2. Today is going to be hard, I will be eating out for lunch and dinner.

    Happy Friday! Good luck.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    yay it's friday!!!!!!!!! Got in a workout this morning to burn some extra cals.....so a few alcoholic beverages are on the agenda for tonight:drinker: Let's just hope the late night munchies don't get the best of me! Good luck everyone!!
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    Four days down and starting Day 5!! I almost can't believe it. So far this week no sugar, refined flour, alcohol, or processed foods. I can't believe how much food I have to eat when I'm not eating any of that crap. Man, is that stuff a calorie hog...

    For everyone celebrating with drinks tonight, I just want to share something I learned from a nutritionist... Alcohol causes your blood sugar to drop, which is the same thing that happens when you eat sweets and then want more later. The drop in blood sugar tells your brain to tell you to eat something, anything! And the impulse is strong, as I'm sure many of you know, and so I'd suggest planning for that. Don't have all your drinks after supper tonight and plan on them being the last thing you'll put in your mouth. Have some kind of a snack planned for after or during drinking so you don't wind up at the drive-through or the convenience store looking for ice cream at 2:00 a.m. (that's what happens to me:tongue: ). (p.s. - this is why I'm avoiding alcohol during my 2 week vacation from sugar)

    Great job everyone!
  • mamakitty
    Starting day 2. Today will be hard, I will be facing many temptations. But I have to have control.

    Good luck and have a great Friday.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Today is Day 7! Made it through six days. Today I'm flying/ driving all day but I got up at the crack of dawn, worked out, and pre-planned lots of airplane snacks. Good luck, everyone!
  • clairegl
    Starting day 6 (I think) and am worried because today is my one whole day off per week and I tend to graze a lot. I've got lots of things to do laundry, cleaning etc. But I have to get to the gym and burn off my calories so this won't throw me over the top.
    Good luck everyone.
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    So I have carefully planned my meals today to help ease the pain of my over eating this morning. I have a little over 300 left today to eat (dinner) and will exercise about 400 cal off later. that should help me still be in the clear. Man, those rice chips just were NOT worth all this at all. But after eating 800 in the morning I wasnt hungry for lunch until 2 today. Usually I am really hungry by 11:30.

    I also realized that if I used Nori to make a wrap sandwich today I would save ALOT of cal from the wrap itself so I ate 3 nori wraps with the same filling I would have put in 1 regular wrap- kinda cool trick if you like Nori!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Just finished day 6!! I'm so excited because I had my meals all planned out for the day because I went out with some friends tonight and really needed to stick to what I planned in order to allow myself enough calories to drink a little bit tonight! All went just as planned...and I couldn't be more happy about it:smile: Let's hope the rest of the weekend goes just as well!
  • punka274
    Day 8 for me!

    Today is the first Official Week since starting my no binge challenge and eating healthy! And im so proud to say that i lost 3.8 lbs this week :noway: :noway: :noway: OMG im so excited! This was my third week doing MFP but i would fall off the wagon during the first two weeks! OH MAN, Im RIDING THE WAGON NOW!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    How did everybody else do?

    for the past three years ive always had a cheat day or meal on saturdays so i will take it easy today! I will still log everything(which is a first for me) and ive got an awesome circuit planned today that should burn alteast 500 cals if not more!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Confession time :noway: :noway: :sad: Back to day one and I am hoping I can survive this one as well. To start I don't have time to exercise this morning and then we are going to an Italian rest for dinner. I am hoping to workout tonight so I don't blow today as well. I did go out last night and instead of one drink I had four!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, four!!!!!!!!!!!!! One mojito though, but 3 other drinks...:grumble: I know, my bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well not really, two were "pushed" on me. And then they decided to go out to eat at 3am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only had one gordita, it is similar to a mexican taco...it was small. I did dance a lot, I was sweating like crazy, hardly sat down, so I don't know....but I am still going to punish myself and put me back at day one, let's see if I can do at least 5 days in a row this time around. :flowerforyou:
  • food_junkie
    Back to day 1 for me as well..weekends kill me.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Oh Fridays... Back to day 1 and today is my weigh-in day. I'm at 182.8 lbs which is 2.8lbs down from last Saturday :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone for the rest of the weekend!! My problem has been that I've recently gone down to a net of 1200 cals a day and the last couple of days I haven't been able to get a good workout in so I'm not getting exercise cals and psychologically I feel like I want to eat more than I have in the day so I've snacked at night.

    I'll learn and move on.