hello! suggestions for a girl that just got dumped?



  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Same suggestion I'd give to a guy who got dumped: Hit the gym, better yourself, move on with your life. Though I'd never counsel revenge, the best revenge is success. Second best is letting the air out of his tires.
  • If it's not too late, take everyone's advice....go to the gym AND then go out and have a few drinks. I personally would try and eat a healthy meal, but that's only because I somehow feel guilty the next day about the food, not so much about the drinks. I am not saying you should overindulge on the drinks, but talking things through with a few friends over a couple of cocktails may help get the whole situation off your chest. Good luck!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    go for a good workout......when I'm mad I run and it feels so good and then If I wanna eat something I "earned" it!
  • jittythekitty
    jittythekitty Posts: 62 Member
    Hun. You are trying to lose weight --- and part of losing weight is facing your problems and not emotionally eating. No man is worth gaining a few pounds over --- and def not one that dumped you.

    If you want something sweet --- that isn't terriable for you, get one of those whip yogurts and freeze it. Tastes pretty good ---
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Do you. Hell, get your pimp on. Get your club on. Get your groove on. Get your swerve on. Do whatever it is you wanna do to make yourself feel better in the long run. I'm not gonna say no, don't go out and party and/or drink. Just know that instant gratification usually leads to instant disappointments too. So, if you're gonna go out and do the damn thang, enjoy it and don't regret it. Just because you fall off, doesn't mean you can't get back up.

    If whatever you're going through isn't bad enough for you to give up on everything, then it's not that bad. You'll be a stronger person for going through it. If this is the hardest thing you've ever had to go through, and you can get through it, then everything else after this should be easy.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I like the tire idea....:devil:
    Same suggestion I'd give to a guy who got dumped: Hit the gym, better yourself, move on with your life. Though I'd never counsel revenge, the best revenge is success. Second best is letting the air out of his tires.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I say do what's in your best interest and take good care of you cause you are worth it.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I agree with those who say "it depends". Are you going to get HAMMERED...? Probably not a good idea. Are you going to have a few drinks with some friends and just have a good time...? Then go for it. One night of extra calories is not going to put a damper on your goals. Continuing to do it might...

    I also agree with those that have said, "think about how you will feel in the morning". Are you going to regret it? Then DON'T DO IT! Is it something small that you won't even matter tomorrow? Then go for it.

    Good luck...and sorry about your break up. Hope it's for the better. Chin up buttercup!
  • rodney64
    rodney64 Posts: 9 Member
    Go out and start fresh tomorrow
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    LOL @ Teemo. Love the quote to by the way
  • critter347
    critter347 Posts: 58 Member
    Same suggestion I'd give to a guy who got dumped: Hit the gym, better yourself, move on with your life. Though I'd never counsel revenge, the best revenge is success. Second best is letting the air out of his tires.

    I was gonna reply with basically this exact sentiment. Well put.
  • You could go and have 2 drinks. I would set up a game plan before you go. get the calorie counts ahead of time. Or better yet spend time doing something you like to do.....Maybe have a movie night.....Get healthy snacks..Do a girls night....If you like to dance, go dancing with friends...Do a girls night.......It sucks now, but it does get better!!!!
  • Booper83
    Booper83 Posts: 70 Member
    No girl! Stay strong! You deserve better! Go get a pedicure, get a cute outfit. When I broke up with my last boyfriend I had really long hair and cut it off to my shoulders for a new look and new beginning. Do for you! Start a new hobby, something new. Get a new bike. A new book. Go to the beach and hike, lay out (not sure where you live, but I would do that!) Or go skiing if that's where you live. The point....you rock, he sucks....and do for you! And, yes, if you need to drink....go for 2 for 1 and then stop. 2 drinks you would be happy and wouldn't have a meltdown that you just lost your bf...which he doesn't deserve the cry! Yes, I'm a girl that sticks up for my girls! You go girl! Find who you are, you deserve it! And great job for starting this....and you are going to look hot and feel hot!!!! :-)
    If I can do it...so can you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mistryB
    mistryB Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys,
    Thanks for the strength and support! I decided to have a few friends over later and see where it goes, and not have more than a few drinks.. if its what I wanna do, i'll do it! I'll just make sure to go to the gym tomorrow.. I want success, and I'm sure I can get there. This will be a treat in place of some kind of food I might otherwise eat.
    @anidorie I like your sarcasm!
  • The best revenge is living well, lose the weight you want then visit some of his fav places.

    And by the way you can track your drinks on here...
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
  • Oh suga just look at it like this, its his loss I am sure you are a great girl and you will meet someone else , possibly by going out and having a few drinks,haha. We are only human and when crap things happen we do like to treat ourselves there is nothing wrong with that just one note it must be time limited eg out to nite av a few drinks but then 2moro get up dust yourself off and then get back on track. Good luck!!!
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a little late to the party here and Friday night blues have come and hopefully gone. Whatever happened yesterday and whatever choices you made are gone.

    New day...... new start. Time for a do over. If you blew it fine. Let it go. Move on. Don't let one bad day turn in to two and so on.

    Get up and get moving!!!

    Your back on the market so celebrate your new found freedom and combine some soul cleansing and body shaping fun. Got a dog park nearby but no dog? Borrow one it's a great conversation starter with other dog people. (Men know this!) Try an indoor rock climbing wall- usually loaded with guys. Local college stadium where you can run up and down the bleachers.... always guys there. Does your town have a beautiful college campus? Do some laps around it and then stop for a sugar free skinny latte or cappuccino when your done at a local funky hang out.

    If you live in one of the areas hard hit by the snow call your local city offices or senior center and see if there are any seniors or disabled people that need snow shoveling volunteers. This is a GREAT workout. You're doing something for others and doing something good for yourself as well.

    Oh yeah..... and have you ever noticed usually the only ones shoveling snow are guys!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    So, what did ya do?

    Feeling a little better today?

    Hope you do. :-)
  • Instead of worrying about the calories in the drinks, think about what having a few will do psychologically. Sure, the first couple will make you feel pretty good. You can forget for a while. However, if the first few turn into more, you're not going to be feeling that great tomorrow - physically or emotionally.
    Drinking is not going to change your situation. They say it takes 100 days to get over a break up properly. Start by being good to you. Hang out with some good friends. See a movie. Have a bath. Give yourself a pedicure. It's going to hurt for a while. There's nothing you can do about that, but drinking won't make it better. I know I sound lame, but that used to be the way I dealt with situations like that, and I know now...it actually hurt more than it helped.
    Good luck. Take care of you.
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