Sixers LOVE Your Body Challenge--Week 1



  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    So cute about the left hand vs right. :)

    I have always liked my wrists I guess...cause no matter what my size, they always look slender. Kinda look funny when my arms are heavy however, but now that I'm bringing my weight down again, they look more "normal".
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    So what do I love about my body on this fine, crisply cold Friday... hmmmmm.... I love my brain. I am certainly no genius but I love to learn new things and am at least moderately :laugh:

    It gives me grief with the mind crushing headaches but I do have a great imagination and creativity.

    Take care all! :flowerforyou:

    ~ Datenshi ~
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh! Today I LOVE my eyes...they are a dark brown. And they allow me to see the beauty in everything!

    Since I don't get a chance to post much on the weekends...

    Tomorrow...I LOVE my hands...they are very feminine and petite and allow me to do so much!

    Sunday...I LOVE my ears...they allow me to hear the wonderful music of my life! (I know I am so corny!)

    Monday I will tell you my GREATEST love of all!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Just found this on Yahoo... really good read

    13 Things You Never Knew About Your Weight

    Take care,
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Today I love my hands, they may not be model hands but they allowe me to pick up my daughter and love on her.

    Great start to the morning Abby did great in therapy today and is making huge strides with her fine motor skills yeah!!

    Now to clean house while she is sleeping. fun, fun
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Sorry I did not explain what Apraxia yesterday after I posted it. Apraxia is a disconnect between the brain and the muscles of your mouth. The brain twist around everything so it causes major delays with speech. My daughter understands and comprehends everything she just cant say the the words to express her feelings. She uses some sign language and some words, but has a very limited vocabulary.

    Pretty much it means a few more years of speech and lots of repetition. When a kid picks up a word after hearing it 100 times my daughter might pick it up after 1000 times. Frustrating but at least we now have direction.

    So we just know that we take it one day at a time and love all the little breakthroughs, The other day she put 3 words together so that was huge... yes it was the phrase " I dont want" but hey it is 3 words together.

    Anyways got to run for now, need to get busy while she is napping.
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    This week has been a struggle for certain things in my life at home and at work! The thing I love today is not physical...I love my ability to be patient. Some of the things that I put up with on a daily basis, patience is a good thing to have. And then it is also good to have when you are trying to lose weight. I have been on MFP since August of last year, and I have lost around 6 pounds. Slow is good and healthy, and without patience I would have quit a long time ago.

    Excited about tomorrow, I am going to look at a new car. I currently drive an SUV and I am looking at a 2011 Ford Focus. Yes it is extremely smaller than what I have, but I will get better gas mileage out of it, and a better car note(which is what I need). Also DH and DD are having daddy-daughter date night at Chickfila. Not sure if they all do that, but a ton of the locations around us are doing it. I think it is just what the 2 of them need!!

    And then on Sunday, after church and a chili cookoff at church, we will be off to Maddy's art show. She is in art club at school, and each year they entered in a piece for the county art show. Last year her painting went into a competition held by the Board of Ed in our county, and she won in her age division. For the win, her painting is being hung at the BofE's building for the whole school year! I am extremely proud of my girl! I haven't seen the completed painting, but I will posts pics when I do!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the day and weekend!

  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    I LOVE - my hands..they are small, dainty and feminine :smile: and everyone gets jealous of my nails as they grow really long and are beautiful :tongue:
  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Today I love my belly. It is soft and stretchy, but it carried my baby.

    I walked 30 minutes yesterday and didnt get a chance to do 30 day shred. I did it today, but in two parts because Gwendolyn got fussy and I need to put her down for a nap.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    F- I love my calf muscles
    Th- I love my voluptuous curves makes me feel like a woman.
    W- I love my smile. :-D
    T- I love my arms and their ability to firm up fairly quickly.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    now i wake this morning with pink eye. i want a tune up.....
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    i love my abs today. it's not as bugly as it's always been..I'm sure it's gonna be super flat soon
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Today I love my mouth ie... lips and teeth. Smile... Smile... Smile!!!! LOL Gotta go off to the store even though it snowing... AGAIN!!!! rats!
  • Today I love my FEET .... because they just got me through a THREE MILE BREAST CANCER WALK ..... pushing the stroller.... and took a HARD hit ! So i am very thankful for them ...... And I am treating them to the rest of the days luxury because the back of them are SKINLESS now ..... but you know what! IF AFTER THREE MILES ... the only thing hurting me is my poor FEET (not from walking on them ... from them being blistered) THATS PROGRESS! so ill take it like a champ!!!! for all those who BRAVELY conquer BREAST CANCER!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Sorry Girls that I feel off the face of the earth this week. I know that most of you are having really bad weather where you live. I on the other hand live in California and am having some beautiful weather. And with beautiful weather I have lots of work. This week has been quite busy for me. So needless to say I haven't worked out much either. I get my workout at work.....Any way I hope to be back on next week.

    I do love that I am now wearing pants with a single diget numbers. It's been a long time coming!!!!!


    Happy Super bowl tomarrow
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I'm finding this to be way more of a challenge than I ever thought I would. I guess I need to work on the esteem a wee bit (or a lot!). I will say I love my nose. It's not too big, not too small.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I had such a crazy week! I did get on here once in a while to read and post a few times, but I did not keep up with the challenge very well. So I'll just cover all my bases. I think I said I love my hair, and my blue eyes. I also love my smile, it comes very natural to me to smile and laugh, and I get complimented on it. I love my height (most of the time). I'm 5'0" so I'm like that "cute little girl" even though I'm 30 haha. I love my feet, and I love my hands, because they are small and go well with my height. And finally, I love my uterus - haha - I really do though, because it carried and protected my sweet little boy, and will hopefully do so again with a brother or sister in the (not near) future. That probably does sound weird, but I really was always convinced I woud never be able to have children. Every checkup I had as a young woman, if they found any abnormalities I was convinced it meant I would be childless. After I was married, every month that went by that we didn't conceive, I KNEW it was because I couldn't. But yet, we did conceive, and then I was SURE that my first checkup would reveal a problem. But yet, the good Lord watched over us from Day 1 and I delivered a healthy, happy, sweet, amazing little boy! The odd thing about that whole schpeal I revealed to you all, is that I am normally a positive and optimistic person with every thing in my life, but yet with the whole baby thing, I thought I would never get to experience that. Anyway, what the whole thing taught me is that after my family is complete, I would honestly with all my heart, consider being a serrogate for any friends of mine that may want a child and not be able to on their own.

    So those are my "deep thoughts" for the night. :) Happy Superbowl weekend and Go Pack Go!
  • amy_36
    amy_36 Posts: 421 Member
    Hi ladies. Sorry I was MIA yesterday.

    I had a great Saturday. I got up and went for a great long brisk walk with my friend who is doing a biggest loser competition in her home town. She is running the town weigh in, etc. Pretty exciting for her. But I really needed a nudge. Last week was hard for me. I was not producing results that I wanted and it was discouraging. I told one of my friends that its like going to work and not getting paid....wouldnt do it! Now I am back at it and I think I will go to a class that I used to love at the gym tomorrow, maybe even yoga too.

    Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Denziee
    Denziee Posts: 523 Member
    Jmiller - i loved your post. brilliant xxxxxxxxxx

    i have actually found this challenge really really difficult. to find 7 things you love about your body should not be so difficult. it proved to me that i am early on in my journey and there is still stuff i dont love. and I should love it all. Its all mine and its all healthy. And the fact I didnt somewhat depressed me. I wonder if we should do this challenge again at the start of the next challenge when we are all another 6 weeks on and see how easy/difficult it is then?

    I didnt log in yesterday,.... so.....

    saturday.... ummm.....i love my heart. its strong and healthy and it loves!!!
    today....... i love my wrists. they are skinny and delicate. however weighty i am my wrists are always really slender and feminine.

  • Morning everyone!

    Today I love my Pain tolerance! LOL sounds pretty funny i guess.... but it has gotten me through a alot ...... the past few years...... between miscarriages, pregnancy, c-section, recovery, and yesterday reminded me how strong I can be even when faced with something that is very painful .... The blistering looks more like third-degree burns... so the shower stung like i cant even describe! but i just tried to push through it! Im a big softy .... not saying I dont feel pain or anything lOL ... jus sayin im proud of remembering how ive handled it now, yesterday and in the past!

    This challenge has been really hard ...... Ive loved it though!
    I think its something we need to do.

    Clare- I love that idea... to do it at the beginning of each six week challenge!
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