How many of you went over your caloric goals on superbowl su



  • Nope. I'm almost 700 under
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Didn't watch the invites so its a good thing. I did well on my calories..I actually need to eat more, but don't want to. lol :smile:
  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member
    I am happy to say that, I did not go over :) Everything I served was low cal and low fat....and I got rave reviews for the food :)
  • i went shopping for two hours before the game and i even if i don't count my exercise i did i was still under
  • I didn't go over my calories at all but I was -6 in fat and -4 in protein and my Steelers lost :( There's always next year!!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    200 under and I don't see how. Ate lots of homemade backed tortilla chips. 1/2 a brat but it's the beer that kills you. Ahh the beer. :)
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Under on calories (we did a chicken taco bar, and I skipped the tortillas), but over on fat grams by 10 and over on sodium by 1200 (added Velveeta to the salsa for chips and salsa; sooooo good, but so full of fat grams and sodium). YIKES!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    I was only 118 calories over for the day. Probably would have been under if they hadn't forcer that 2nd piece of pound cake on me!!! :laugh:
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    +282 here, but that was WAY better than it would have been in the past. For once, i'm not going to let it drag me down, I had fun, i didnt feel guilty, and i still have my goals ahead of me! It was nice, that the food i ate was "treat", a once in while thing, not everyday!!!

    still lost both of my squares, haha, didnt care who won, i just wanted to win my $$$$
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    oh yeah baby! +1112 and not upset about it at all. :)
  • UNDER! But I was toooooooo pis**ed to eat!
  • ajonescox
    ajonescox Posts: 2 Member
    I'm happy with my self....I only went over 112 calories...even with my 2 glasses of wine and a fuzzy naval
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Im over by at least 300... I didn't measure the chips with a scale so it was just a guess, so it may be as much as 500 over if I low-balled it accidentally... like someone else here said though, it's not nearly as bad as I would have been in the past! Plus my weekly net calories are only something like 5 over, so that's pretty damn good.
  • Natvee
    Natvee Posts: 65
    I was 854 calories over : (. I'm going to go work out right now! Hopefully I can just maintain tomorrow...yikes!
  • Under for calories. But over 26 on sugar. Though I go over on sugar lot. Working on it.
  • I went to Chili's.... enough said lol.

    Did do a 3 mile sprint work out in 40 degree weather....... and killed it!

    I'll do better tomorrow on calories! Nothing like a bad log in day to motivate you!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I went over by about 400 calories and I didn't even eat that much. I dont feel guilty about my pizza and hot wings but I feel gross knowing that I just put crap in my body. Can't wait to eat some healthy food tomorrow. What amazes me the most is that I used to eat crap like this all the time...yuck!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    I didn't even bother counting.... between all the soda, taco bell, and home made chilie-cheese dogs, I have to be up near 4,000 calories for the day. Props to all those people out there that stuck to it for the day! But I knew way ahead of time that today was going to be a throw away day. I'll work it off, I'm not worried...
    Me too!
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    went over by 700 calories. like many others pizza and beer are NOT my friends loll
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Two words: NACHO ORGY!!!!!!!
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