The Zumba Crew - February



  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    @ cazzastar You know you're absolutely right...I have an opportunity to join an authentic Zumba class that my original instructor leads. I'll have to pay significantly more $$, but in this case I'll definitely get what I pay for.

    Sometimes I wish I had never taken her class originally....I would not have had that exceptional experience & would have not expected the culturally-rich classes originally offered. Naturally, we're talking professional dancers.

    Sure wish those Zumba certifications were a little harder to obtain....what a disappointment.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member

    Sure wish those Zumba certifications were a little harder to obtain....what a disappointment.

    That's exactly what I thought when I got my license. There were so many people there that I would NOT take from. I really don't think that they should call it a Zumba certification either, because there is no 'test' you have to pass. So unless they call you out in front of everyone and tell you that you are not ready, you can pretty much obtain the license to teach it.
  • Hi, im a new zumba addict, been doing it 3 times a week for past 3 weeks and loving it!!
    oh and i hate........... Rice (strange but true!!)
  • VezNo1
    VezNo1 Posts: 83

    Try a different drop in class, on the Zumba site you can contact the instructors, maybe give them a call to get a run down on format of the class?

    I did my first live Zumba class yesterday and I wasn't very happy with it. I don't think that Rude Boy is a suitable Zumba song, but maybe that's just me. I'm sure the instructor had a lot to do with it, but I enjoy it much more on the game at home. I receive some kind of feedback (no feedback in class) and I think I just feel more free to really shake it when I'm alone and not surrounded by mirrors!

    I think it's like when someone reads the book before it comes out as a movie -- no one ever says the movie was better! Maybe if I did the classes first, I'd enjoy them more. Glad I didn't commit to the fees (had a free week pass).

    The beat of Rude Boy is a suitable song, but perhaps the words aren't. If you are offended by them then speak to the instructor. She or he can remove that song the next time.

    No sorry, I'm not offended by the lyrics. They have a seperate Hip Hop class, and the moves she was doing for Zumba were clearly lifted from the Hip Hop class. Personally I think that they're two different styles of dancing, and if that's wrong, then that's just my opinion. Standing for two minutes doing pelvic thrusts wasn't really what I thought I had signed up for. I could do that standing in the bathroom at work. I signed up for Zumba because I wanted to dance and sweat and burn calories.

    Unfortunately hip hop steals a lot of their moves from other styles. So what you might consider to be hip hop can be a number of different styles. I've seen alot of them in Zumba, Bollywood, African....the list goes on.

    You are not wrong to have your opinion but pelvic thrust are excellent for your abs if you are tightened them at the time.

    I guess she didn't mix it up enough. Maybe she is a new instructor with limit knowledge on the dance style.

    Yes, I do think that she was new. I expected one playlist to go for the entire hour (with a few seconds between songs), not her running over at the end of EVERY song while she took a minute or so to find the next song that she wanted to play (sometimes we'd have the start of two or three songs before she got one she wanted). That seems unprofessional to me.

    Sadly this was my first live class, so when you have a negative experience, you tend to remember that. I know not all classes would be the same (obviously), but from MY experience, I had a lot more fun and got a lot more out of the class on the Wii than a live class.
  • monylove311
    monylove311 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi, I'm Monica! I looooooooove Brussel sprouts, but I hate mushrooms! ewwww. and I love Zumba!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I did the Zumba Fitness Cardio Party this morning. Unfortunately I like the Xbox Kinect Zumba better. Plus I burn more calories with it. Almost 200 more calories. I'm going to try to sculpt and tone tomorrow. Maybe that will give me a better workout. If not. Then on the shelf the DVDs will go and I will stick with the Kinect Zumba.

    I somewhat feel like I just wasted 45 mins. My heart rate stay around 155 and I'm use to it being between 165 - 170.
  • Hi,

    I'm Lisa, 23 years old from Sweden but living in the UK. I have been doing Zumba 3 times a week for 2 months and LOVE it. Food I hate = Mushrooms!!!
  • Pombear
    Pombear Posts: 17 Member
    Hi I am claire, 23, Just started Zumba last week and smiled all the way through it. Signed up to a month - amazing workout!

    Food I dislike = fish
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Az, I've been attending zumba classes with my mom and I love it! I was surprised that my mom loved it too! We never used to do anything together just me and her, and now we have a weekly date to do zumba.

    As for the food I dislike the most, I hate onions! I appeared to be quite fussy as a child, but that's only because there are onions in almost everything. People don't usually understand that, they just look at you and say, your just fussy. Trust me, I'm not as fussy anymore, otherwise I probably wouldn't have to work to lose any weight.

    I hope you don't mind if I join this group.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    My name's Louise and I love Zumba :) I'm a "picky eater" and I can't stand onions (unless diced very finely), spices and most meats (duck, lamb, pork, veal). I eat mostly chicken with some fish and beef. My favourite part about my Zumba class is the instructor. I've had two really amazing ones. The first was super fun, built like a tank, moved every part of her individually and encouraged us to "get low". Her tracks were also themed: "African", "Bollywood" and "Hip-Hop" to name a few. My current instructor (different city, different class) is a real motivator and her classes are very demanding.

    To those who have had a bad instructor, I'm sorry :( Don't let them ruin Zumba for you! Find another class in your area because you really do work harder and have more fun if your instructor is a bundle of fun! They should have a play-list of songs already made up. My instructors occasionally stopped the class to explain high and low impact options for the next track or to change the volumes from our workout to our cool-down exercises.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    glad to see everyone is sticking with us, and welcome to the new members of the Zumba crew!

    I am a little frustrated because I am dealing with an injury. About 7 or 8 months ago I sprained my ankle, and then in class on Saturday I slightly twisted it again. So now it is hurting a popping and all together bothering me. So I've got to decide if I'm going to do class tonight or if I should stay off of it. Very frustrating since my girls motivate me as much as I do them!
  • Hi All!

    I am new to the forum and will be starting my Zumba workout today :) Does anyone know how many calories it burns?

    I am Amy and I do not like onions or tomatoes!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I tried something totally different today....I put on some of the same music from my Zumba classes & tried to workout by myself, by memory! So funny crazy... I could hardly get the right steps in:noway:

    I move real good in the car!

    Got a crazy workout, tho:laugh: :tongue: :laugh:
  • symwise11
    symwise11 Posts: 1 Member
    Just wondering why we don't have zumba calories in our exercise journal? Am I looking for it wrong?
  • Hi people!
    I'd like to join the crew, if I may! I'm into week for of zumba, have already lost 2 inches from my waist, and 2 inches from my chest. I don't weigh myself, and I'm intuitively eating, so will be going by how my clothes fit and feel, but so far so great. I am now using the food tracker though, as am curious what I do eat in a day, and may make me more mindful when I am eating!
    Right, I'm off to shove the dvd in and get on it!


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Just wondering why we don't have zumba calories in our exercise journal? Am I looking for it wrong?
    I created my own MFP workout entry for my Zumba sessions...using my HRM, I figure calories burned and feel better about its accuracy rather than relying on the "dance" listing for MFP.
    Hi people!
    I'd like to join the crew, if I may! I'm into week for of zumba, have already lost 2 inches from my waist, and 2 inches from my chest. I don't weigh myself, and I'm intuitively eating, so will be going by how my clothes fit and feel, but so far so great. I am now using the food tracker though, as am curious what I do eat in a day, and may make me more mindful when I am eating!
    Right, I'm off to shove the dvd in and get on it!


    Welcome Miranda & congrats on the awesome inches lost! Keep working it :flowerforyou:

    We had a Zumba sub today and she was really good! Close to 100% authentic Latin dance...I loved it...what a difference from this weekend's mess.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi my name is Robyn and I am addicted to Zumba. :love:
    I go to Zumba 3 times a week. The Saterday class is a different instructor, she plays with her ipod more than I like. I have also found that my two insturctors have similar but different routines to a couple of songs. It drives me a little nuts. :grumble:

    I hate radishes.

    Zumba is not in the exercise list because everyone put in different level of effort. I have found with my HRM I burn 600-700 calories in an hour. On a REALLY good day I could burn almost 800, so it depends on what you put into it.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    glad to see everyone is sticking with us, and welcome to the new members of the Zumba crew!

    I am a little frustrated because I am dealing with an injury. About 7 or 8 months ago I sprained my ankle, and then in class on Saturday I slightly twisted it again. So now it is hurting a popping and all together bothering me. So I've got to decide if I'm going to do class tonight or if I should stay off of it. Very frustrating since my girls motivate me as much as I do them!

    Are you wrapping your ankle for added support? If not get you an ace bandage and wrap it around your foot your ankle and right under you calf.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    So I took my 1st Zumba class. It was awwwwwwwwwwwesome. My legs are sore and I love it!! The instructor was the best. I'm going back on Friday.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Shelly :happy:
    I am sooo excited to have found this page!

    I LOVE <3 Zumba
    Currently I take classes at our local ymca 3 times/wk
    I totally can't wait till the next is sooo much fun!
    Sometimes when I am driving & hear one of the songs I just want to stop what I'm doing & start dancing lol
    I am wanting to purchase some of the dvd's.....can anyone give me suggestions of what dvd's I should buy & where??
    Thanks in advance!

    I really don't care for brussel sprouts

    How does everyone record there Zumba exercise???

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
    Think Spring =)
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