What is this mysterious HFCS?



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh, and I heard the interview with this dude on Lenard Lopez, NPR, I think: "in defense of food" by michael pollan. I will add that to my list.

    One of my favorite books. . .:flowerforyou:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Jess - I will surely let u know. I will get to reading in a week - taking my son to college this weekend.

    ViviaK - you are almost at your goal!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    In general I think this way:


    (Works for my acid reflux. I do not take the meds nearly as often as I did in the past!)

    I love this philosophy and completely buy into it.

    I had my HFCS revelation while watching Dr. Oz on Oprah one day -- I truly didn't know what it was, where it came from, or how many foods it was in. Once I heard him talking about it I started checking my labels and was horrified! Coffee creamer was the one that really got to me, so I switched to real half-and-half instead.

    Just yesterday, I grabbed one of those "to go" bowls of Total Raisin Bran at the airport, thinking that that was the healthiest option, and couldn't even finish the bowl. It tasted horrible and sugary and I could see that even the raisins were sugared and the milk got all gross and sugary.

    Looked at the label and sure enough, HFCS was the third ingredient. In RAISIN BRAN! Why?
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    In general I think this way:


    (Works for my acid reflux. I do not take the meds nearly as often as I did in the past!)

    I love this philosophy and completely buy into it.

    I had my HFCS revelation while watching Dr. Oz on Oprah one day -- I truly didn't know what it was, where it came from, or how many foods it was in. Once I heard him talking about it I started checking my labels and was horrified! Coffee creamer was the one that really got to me, so I switched to real half-and-half instead.

    Just yesterday, I grabbed one of those "to go" bowls of Total Raisin Bran at the airport, thinking that that was the healthiest option, and couldn't even finish the bowl. It tasted horrible and sugary and I could see that even the raisins were sugared and the milk got all gross and sugary.

    Looked at the label and sure enough, HFCS was the third ingredient. In RAISIN BRAN! Why?

    Well, in that book one of the main reason is political - because of the subsidies corn is cheap!
    Who wudda thunk?!?

    Travel is tough and airports are tricky. Some have decent food options some don't. Looks like travel a lot - so good luck to you with that!
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    Have you seen the movie Wall-E? What you just said about folks being overweight made me think of that movie....

    I agree with you though, it's not just HFCS I can't stand, it's the fact that EVERYTHING is processed or from a flippin box! :noway:

    I honestly don't think people understand how eating clean can be. During my week, I start planning my meals for the following week. On a day off or over two evenings (it's usually a total of 4 hours) I will cook for my week for every meal! I usually eat "same-sies", which to me means I have two days with the exact same meal (for a total of six days) and then on day seven I eat left overs from over cooking.

    I don't care what anyone says, I KNOW you can eat right. This fast-paced lifestyle is only bringing us down.
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    Sorry, that last post was a response to nichole's post...

    anyhow, you are awesome for showing all of the folks on here everything you've found out about HFCS, Jenny....that was awesome of you....:smooched:
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    I think a lot also has to do with our lifestyles. We drive everywhere, fight for THE closest parking spot, will circle the parking lot 3 times just waiting for a spot to open up instead of parking and walking. We sit inside watching hours of tv instead of going outside, we work long hours just sitting at a desk only leaving to grab some fast food because we are so attached to our jobs. Our house work is made easier by every sort of invention. The vacuum that rolls around on the floor by itself. We would search for the remote rather than get up and change the tv channel. I live in the same neighborhood I grew up in. We used to play outside all day and then play flash light tag at night. Now the kids stay inside all day playing video games and on the computer. When that changes, so will our obesity levels.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    It was reported last week that within 40 years they believe that every person in our society will be at least 40 lbs overweight. The generation of children growing up right now are the FIRST ever generation of children NOT expected to out live their parents. As parents it is our responsibility to educate our children in a healthy way about the fuel needed for our body.

    Just my opinion :wink:

    :noway: children NOT expected to out live their parents...I heard about this in a adderss from our School Superintendant on Monday...I have to say I have been checking out the kids (I work at a high schoool), and they ARE BIG. I could not believe my eyes!

    They must be going home to play video games...anybody remember when parents turned off the TV and said "go outside?" In fact, they didn't even have to tell us, we wanted to play outside, ride bikes, baseball, ect...

    I was a Camp Leader at Y Camp a few years ago, and I will never forget my 7/8th grade campers. They didn't want to go on the bike ride much or even walk across camp to archery. The following year I had 9/10th graders, and they complained about hiking and walking across camp to the mess hall! Could not even be bothered!

    What happened?
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Have you seen the movie Wall-E? What you just said about folks being overweight made me think of that movie....

    I agree with you though, it's not just HFCS I can't stand, it's the fact that EVERYTHING is processed or from a flippin box! :noway:

    I honestly don't think people understand how eating clean can be. During my week, I start planning my meals for the following week. On a day off or over two evenings (it's usually a total of 4 hours) I will cook for my week for every meal! I usually eat "same-sies", which to me means I have two days with the exact same meal (for a total of six days) and then on day seven I eat left overs from over cooking.

    I don't care what anyone says, I KNOW you can eat right. This fast-paced lifestyle is only bringing us down.


    Seriously, I agree with you all the way!
    And I do the same things. I powercook for a week and eat my food (well, when my kitchen functions, which sadly it is not right now, but soon!)
    And I happen to like steamed veggies with flaxseed!
    Yey to clean eating!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I think a lot also has to do with our lifestyles. We drive everywhere, fight for THE closest parking spot, will circle the parking lot 3 times just waiting for a spot to open up instead of parking and walking. We sit inside watching hours of tv instead of going outside, we work long hours just sitting at a desk only leaving to grab some fast food because we are so attached to our jobs. Our house work is made easier by every sort of invention. The vacuum that rolls around on the floor by itself. We would search for the remote rather than get up and change the tv channel. I live in the same neighborhood I grew up in. We used to play outside all day and then play flash light tag at night. Now the kids stay inside all day playing video games and on the computer. When that changes, so will our obesity levels.

    Sad but true!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    It was reported last week that within 40 years they believe that every person in our society will be at least 40 lbs overweight. The generation of children growing up right now are the FIRST ever generation of children NOT expected to out live their parents. As parents it is our responsibility to educate our children in a healthy way about the fuel needed for our body.

    Just my opinion :wink:

    :noway: children NOT expected to out live their parents...I heard about this in a adderss from our School Superintendant on Monday...I have to say I have been checking out the kids (I work at a high schoool), and they ARE BIG. I could not believe my eyes!

    They must be going home to play video games...anybody remember when parents turned off the TV and said "go outside?" In fact, they didn't even have to tell us, we wanted to play outside, ride bikes, baseball, ect...

    I was a Camp Leader at Y Camp a few years ago, and I will never forget my 7/8th grade campers. They didn't want to go on the bike ride much or even walk across camp to archery. The following year I had 9/10th graders, and they complained about hiking and walking across camp to the mess hall! Could not even be bothered!

    What happened?

    I am glad I don't work with kids.
    I would be very hard for me NOT to tell them that they need to get moving and eating less junk!
    It is heartbreaking!

    But while talking to my friends who want (supposedly) to lose weight I see how little they understand about their diet and how little they are ready to sucrifice to achieve their goals, I am not surprised that kids turn out that way. Where would they learn good habits?
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    Powercook: great word, I'm adding it to my vocab!

    BTW, I hugs back! And we can squeeze the whatever HFCS remains in our bodies out out out!

    Here's to clean living, and great support. We're all in this together! Cheers!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Awesome! I'm glad that I'm not the only one out there that is into clean eating. I have 3 kids and they love to play outside. They are doing a kids triathlon this weekend and we were biking/ running together last night. I think a lot of parents need to get out there and play w/ their kids! (sorry, another pet peeve of mine!) Set a good example!

  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Nobody mentioned this, but there is a magazine called Clean Eating. It has been in posts before. Anyone looking to make the change to a cleaner way of eating should check this magazine out - it is great.

  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I just saw two horrible commercials advocating the use of HFCS!!! Look at this BS website!


    Do not get sucked into these commercials. Read this post and do your own research as well!!

  • clairegl
    Does evaporated cane juice fall into this category?
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    hey .. you have an other clean eating affectionado here :happy:
    on top of being vegetarian, and trying to eat as much of organic as posible,

    sadly the organic selection is going down lately at my local shop. i have a feel that with the credit crunch in the uk, people cant afford it as much anymore so the stores font hold organics as much.

    i love cooking from scratch, i try as much as possible but i do use organic pasta sauce (my favorite is seeds of change)

    i've been clean eating for more then 2 years now, couple months ago i had something ressembling a slushi, it was electric blue, i though it tasted toxic, same with diet sodas,,,artificial sweetners just taste fake to me .. yuk...

    i totaly agree with the situation of this society kid's, sadly its no different here in the uk,, its horrible. when i was a kid,, my mum would kick me up the backside out the door if she cough me watching telly while it was still daylight. my niece are the best exemple,,, the youngest wont eat anything that doesnt come out a brighty colored package, i suggested to her mom to just take all the crap away for a while and the kid will eat, she just knows that she will get what she wants, ive seen her being served a chocolate bar (a whole one, at 3yo) in a plate at the dinner table......... yet shes skinny as anything, you see her ribs poking though, her hair is brittle and shes got dark circle around her eyes,,, i think shes missing out on important nutrition. i just dunno what to do, it almost feels like a case of child abuse

    ill check taht clean eating magazin,, that sounds interesting :)
    nice to see im not alone out there !
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I just saw two horrible commercials advocating the use of HFCS!!! Look at this BS website!


    Do not get sucked into these commercials. Read this post and do your own research as well!!


    Jules, thank for the link and for the bump!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hey, there, May Marie!
    Great to hear that there are health conscious people across the "pond" .
    My son spend 2 semesters in UK last year - got sick and tired of bangers and mash.

    It is disheartening what you told us about your niece. I would be very frustrated and worried too. My cousin does not realize that first thing she says after hello on the phone is "I am exhausted." When I ask her what she ate today - it's all empty calories. Never enough protein. I am ready to scream!!! I've been on her case for years. I tell her: you need to figure it out why. She goes to the doctor, does extensive blood work, finds minor problems with this or that , stops worrying, still does nothing about nutrition or exercise...After a while I hear again "I am exhausted" It is insane! Aaaaaahhhhhh!

    Food is fuel! Put junk into the furnace -the fire is barely there. Put good stuff - you get fire!
    We are what we eat.
    Sorry about the rant :embarassed:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    for my friend who asked me today...ahm...you know who you are :)