What video game keeps YOU on your butt? =)

I have a bit of a sordid love affair with console games and my pc! (Which sadly keeps me on my butt way too much!) I was just curious who else suffers from the same affliction as I do! =)

Name your favorite poison (game) and discuss!

I'm currently a big fan of my wii fit, ps3, and my computer!
~Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
~Fallout: New Vegas
(Among many others!)


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Red Dead Redemption had me on my butt for a while there. Pretty cool game. I was also a huge fan of the GTA series. I only tend to play like 1 or 2 games a year and get really into them. Any more than that and I'd have to start calling out of work or something.

    The God of War series was also excellent
  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    I love my Wii for active games. Unfortunately my husband and I both play World of Warcraft, so I really have to watch how much time I spend playing on the computer when I have a little free time!
  • youngronin
    Lol. Street Fighter, Dead Space 2, and Marvel vs Capcom 3 that's about to drop. I just gotta get my workouts in early and get them out of the way!!
  • Endershadow
    Endershadow Posts: 52 Member
    Red dead redemption! But I'm done with that so...L4D2
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mass Effect
    Just started:
    Dragon Age Origins
    Halo: Reach
    Black Ops

    On all of the games I just started, I have barely begun the campaigns and I really really want to finish all of them...
    I quit playing Eve Online and Warhammer last year dammit!

    I just don't have enough time..I cannot stay up late at night and play like I used to. So now I'm cutting out gaming so I can give my treadmill some loving attention, it's very sad.
    My motto is: too many games so little time.

    OH, and I am going to get Dead Space 2..even though...I can't play it for awhile...UGH
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I have a bit of a sordid love affair with console games and my pc! (Which sadly keeps me on my butt way too much!) I was just curious who else suffers from the same affliction as I do! =)

    Name your favorite poison (game) and discuss!

    I'm currently a big fan of my wii fit, ps3, and my computer!

    I've been playing Saints Row 2 on the PS3 lately. It's violent fun. I can sit there and play for hours and hours.

    Sometimes I'll play while I ride the stationary bike but since I have the coordination of a blind lab rat it gets tricky trying to focus on sitting upright, pedaling, and mashing the numerous buttons on the remote.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    modern warfare 2 :D love it! and any infinity ward game none of that treyarch stuff!
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    I love WoW, but luckily for my weight-loss, I'm taking a break from it for a few months. I play a lot of CoD too.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    OMG Black Ops.... I've been known to log in at 8am and not log out until 8pm!!! yikes!!!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    modern warfare 2 :D love it! and any infinity ward game none of that treyarch stuff!

  • Mrs_McFadden
    OMG Black Ops.... I've been known to log in at 8am and not log out until 8pm!!! yikes!!!

    Were we separated at birth?

    I'm not allowed to do that...I'm a SAHM, my husband would be irate and rightly so. But seriously, once my new baby gets some independence...wow, I'm going into a gaming coma!
  • lucieluss
    try uncharted 1-2 on ps3, its cool!
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    black ops blows! ftw! give treyarch two years to come up with a better game and they give you zombies the only good thing about it the guns suck the feel of its off modern warfare 3 is coming out! ya yah yah!
  • jenikkinicole
    I have a sad obsession with CoD Black Ops. Especially with the new pack out. Ugh..

    I have forced my self to limited time and I seem to be doing ok with it so far. Lol.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    look at the sheep as they follow the black ops crowd..sorry i just despise the face that they knocked off mw2 for the most part
  • Mrs_McFadden
    black ops blows! ftw! give treyarch two years to come up with a better game and they give you zombies the only good thing about it the guns suck the feel of its off modern warfare 3 is coming out! ya yah yah!

    Yes, I realize that. I hate zombies and I preferred the campaign and maps of MW MUCH more. ITA. But I had to at least play it to know myself. One of my dumbass gaming buddies lied to me and denied the difference in gaming houses when I declared to boycott the Treyarch! I'm an idiot for listening to him lol.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    ZELDA!!!! and Super Mario =]
  • Yoleegarnet
    Yes! So many other gamers!! I'm with my people! *laughs*
  • Lazyboy09
    Lazyboy09 Posts: 190 Member
    PC gamer here

    Played about 2 years worth of WoW and quit when Lich King came out, currently playing the RIFT beta
    Played Dragon Age Origin but not the expansion, awaiting DA 2
    Bunches of FPS titles, currently playing Bad Company 2

    I might have to look at Duke Nukem Forever when it comes out.. no seriously it really is!
  • mikeveggie68
    when i get time, i love to play mass effect