Monday weigh in group! Let's get one started!



  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    Hi there! I weigh in every Monday morning. I would love to have some fellow members. :)
  • To all of our new joiners: IT IS NEVER, EVER TOO LATE TO JOIN! I'm loving the participation!

    If we're gonna weigh in together every week, we should get to know eachother! So I'll go first!

    I'm Rachel, I'm 26, I work as a trainer for HSBC Mortgage. I live in Buffalo, NY, and apart from the snow, I love it! I'm born and rasied here, and it really is an awesome city! I love dogs, and have a Golden Retriever, Tucker. I'm newly single, and surprisingly loving it. I love the outdoors; camping, hiking, bonfires, etc. I looooove the Dave Matthews Band, tattoos, hockey (Buffalo Sabres), football (Buffalo Bills), and baseball (Boston Red Sox). I've been overweight since I was a kid and never really let it affect me too much, but I've reached the point where it is. So here I am, taking charge!!!!

    How about everyone else?
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Last week 156.6
    This week 157.2

    I have no issue with the gain because the week before I lost 3lbs. My average loss is 1lb a week so I was just hoping to maintain this week anyway.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    If we're gonna weigh in together every week, we should get to know eachother! So I'll go first!

    Ok, here's my story (short version)
    My name is Stephanie, I'm almost 23, I have a wonderful husband named, Brent, we have been married for 2 years now. I was given a precious gift from God on 3/16/10 and her name is Reagan Mae!! I can't believe see will be a year old soon. I'm a secretary at a municipal center. I live in the Adirondacks in New York. I love the outdoorsm, crafting, and photography, and my family. I have always been overweight, even as a child. I'm definately a stress eater!! I would like to have another child sometime next year, but I would like to lose 40 pounds before trying.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    :smile: Here's a little info on me.

    My name is Julie and I am 34 years old, engaged to be married to Remi and I have 2 beautiful daughters, Ashley is 16 years old and Byanka is 7 years old. I live in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. I gained 50lbs 2 years ago when I was put on anti-depressants which I no longer take and the doctors had said as soon as I stop the weight will melt off.. well I've been off for one year now and it wasn't melting off... I started a weight loss program with a diet coach on October 25, 2010 at 170lbs and am now down to 153lbs and very happy about that but I would love to get down to 125lbs for this summer.
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    Hi my name is Diane I am 50 years old and I was a skinny minny my whole life 115 / 120 pounds till about 4 years ago and the pounds started to stick I got up to 198 pounds and it took the Dr. Telling me I was a Diabetic to open my eyes and see what I have been doing to myself.:sad: So for starters I gave up Drinking a 2 litler or more of Coke Cola everyday to Drinking 70 ounces or more of WATER daily :drinker: and eating healthy meals now and exercising daily when I started MFP I weighed in at 195 and I have lost 7 pounds so far :tongue: I am taking my weight loss as it comes and I would like to get back to my idea weight of 120 pounds :love: I started 30 Day Shred last week Thursday and I have joined several Challenges on here to help me along my way :happy: it kinda saddens me I am not losing weight as fast as I would like but hey it didn't all creep on me overnight either so with that in mind I will settle for losing a pound here and a pound there as long as it is coming off right ??? really looking forward to this 30 Day Shred and see what the results will be I am also walking weather permitting and riding a stationary bike soon as old man winter goes away I plan to be alot more active walking and bike riding so that is when I am really looking forward to the pounds melting away .... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE HERE YOU MAY ADD ME AS A FRIEND ID YOU WOULD LIKE :happy:

    CW 188
    GW 120
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Hi! My name is Debbie. I am a 50 year old mother of 4 from Boston, Ma. I have been battling my weight for half my life. I was a member of T.O.P.S. for about 5 years and loved the comraderie. Unfortunatly my kids schedule make it almost impossible to attend meeting so I dropped out about 2 years ago. I also managed to put back on all the weight I lost there. I know I can't do it alone, this past year has proved that:noway: . I work as a cook at one of the local schools, so I spend alot of time around the not healthiest food. My schedule is pretty hectic with work & my kids sports. I find as I get older carring around all this excess weight is wearing on me. My body aches, I get out of breath easy and I feel plain crappy:frown: . Last week I decided enough was enough and starting browsing the web and came across this site and decided to give it a try. I started last Monday at 205 pounds and weighed in this morning at 198 pounds:smile: , It's amazing how much difference tracking your calories can make. My goal this week is to start excersing more, My goal is to get to 150 by July. I'm hopeing to hit 190 by March.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    I am Shannon. I am 29 and started out January 10th at 195 pounds! Yikes! Am now 183 pounds (thank you Jillian Michaels and the 30 Day Shred!)

    I was a huge smoker (1.5 packs a day), huge drinker (hello rye and coke!), huge snacker (why yes I will have 3 Reece's Peanut Butter Cups for breakfast, followed by 3 more!), and huge justifier.

    And in the past year I quit smoking - thank you Champix!
    I quit drinking (so much) booze.
    I quit snacking like the Po-Po were coming to raid my house and impound all my chocolate.
    And I joined MFP to log my calories and my exercise.

    I have been loving The Biggest Loser Family Cookbook which has helped me control my meal calories, and I have been loving the 30 Day Shred for a short and intense workout!

    See you guys in 7 days!!!
  • I like this group! I'm doing some other longer challenges, but I like the short and sweet nature of this keep me going weekly.

    I'm a graduate student. I have about 1.5 years left to finish a PhD. My highest weight was 178...and I'm 4 ft 11 in. I am, by nature, a pear--but I was trapped inside an apple. More recently, I've been battling the last 20 pounds. Seemingly, one excruciating ounce at a time.

    My goal is to do this right, however long it takes, so that I don't have to do it again.


    02/07/10 115.5 (0)
  • Ok Monday weigher my name is Angela. I will post a pic soon. I just found out about this site today and love it. Weighed myself at work today @ 239. I would love to get 25 pounds off by this June. I work long hours, so finding the time to excersie is going to be hard. I have done it before and can do it again. Lets get it done people
  • Hi, hope its not too late to join in. Monday is my weigh in day.
    My name is Melisa (Mel) 45 years old
    I am in Australia - 2009 I was at my fittest ever weighing in at 154 pound - when on a 105 mile bike training session for a triathlon my training partner and I where hit by a car. We are both lucky to be alive but it did leave me with serious injury and out for 12 months and thats when I put the weight back on.
    I joined about 3 weeks ago I started my hard training again January 10, 2011 and I was 191.84 pounds.
    February 7,2011 I was 183.84.
    My short goal is to be 170 pound by the end of February things are looking good at the moment so hope I can stay on track.
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Ok, did my weigh in tonight. 242.8, not bad. I haven't been on this in awile so I don't know how much I've lost since last week. My goals this week are at least 8 glasses of water a day, sticking to my calories and hopefully 4 lbs. Lost by next week. My monthly friend should be stopping by this week so hopefully that won't throw me off too much!! Hope everyone has a great week. Keys chat throughout the week!! I need to talk to keep myself motivated!!!!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    I'll join in, even though my weigh in day is Saturday morning. Loss for this past week was 5.8 lbs, which I 'm not really sure how I did that while on a business trip. I tried to watch every bite I ate, and hit the lousy hotel gym. I was sooooo glad to get home and go to my "real" gym. I was rather surprised that I lost this much.... I credit the massive amounts of broccoli that I was chowing down on.

    And my latest discovery.... take the cab to the grocery store and get yogurt and fav cereal for breakfasts. It was SO nice having some sence of normalcy at breakfast, especially since business dinner meetings sometimes went til 10 pm. The worst part was actually travelling and trying to maintain my healthy eating plan on a 7 hr (with connections) plane trip.

    Goal for this coming week, a reasonable 3 lbs. I think I can, I think I can......

    SW: 390
    GW: 170
    CW: 359
    Ht: 5'9"

    I am so happy that all of you want to join, and with SUCH enthusiasm! I'm hoping that we'll all keep up with eachother throughout the week as well! I can't WAIT for Monday's weigh in!

    Make it a great day!!!! :)
  • hanameskovic
    hanameskovic Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! So this weigh in is a day late, but I totally forgot to post on here!

    I didn't lose or gain any weight but I must say that I am on day two of vegan week and have been feeling pretty amazing!

    BW: 196
    CW: 191.2
    GW: 145

    About Me:
    I am a 23 year old college student, and I am going to graduate in the summer. I recently broke up my fiancée and decided it is time to purge myself of all negativity that was a result of that relationship, including the pounds that I have packed on over the past 5 years. I am really excited about this Monday weigh in group and I think we can all succeed and meet our goals if we just help each other and offer positive support!
  • I'm Jen :) I'm 20 and from Falkirk in Central Scotland. I'm currently living in Dundee to study at University though and have been for the last 3 years. I play jazz flute - :) I love playing gigs and have played in several bands. I also used to play ceilidh music but I had to give that up when I left school.

    My weight has never really been an issue... when I started high school I was quite big, and bullied, but surprisingly not really because of my weight so I never bothered about it. By about 16 I was a skinny ***** hahaha and stayed that way until about 18/19 - I must admit that it's most likely the student lifestyle (booze and lots of it, bad sleeping patterns, lack of exercise and not exactly the most nutrional meals) that have caused me to gain weight. Some mornings I will look at myself in the mirror and think "you actually look quite good, just go and enjoy yourself!" but most days it is the opposite. I have grown out of most of my clothes and everything that still fits me, my mum has told me that I'm too big to wear it. It's a huge confidence hit. So this, and my summer holiday with friends, is my boost to lose some weight. I also used to be snap-happy on nights out - now I rarely take my camera out because I can't stand the way I look in the photos.
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    RaeBella13 - We have something in common ... I'm a big Hockey fan.. but Montreal Canadians :o)
  • slanguis
    slanguis Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join also. Looking to loose 42 by August. I am at 222 now.
  • lklein
    lklein Posts: 215 Member
    I would love to join. My normally weigh in in Monday mornings, so this will fit right in.

    A little about me:
    My name is Leah; I'm 24 from Madison, WI. College really did a number on my body, and I'm not trying to fix that. I was around 115-120 in High School, and I would love to get back down to that weight. I was on MFP around this time last year and did really well; I got down to about 128. Then slipped up and gained everything back plus some. I started again Jan 10th, and have been losing ever since.

    SW: 145
    CW: 137
    GW: 116 (I only want to get back down to this b/c my boyfriend said if i hit this weight he would get his 6pack back :love: But I would like to maintain 120)
  • I weigh in on Mondays in the morning when I get to work. That way I can use the same scale. I also have access to a gym here at work and am given time to exercise (if I want to take it :) ) I will do a Monday weigh in group with you.
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