Will you open your diary to friends?

Are we being honest in our diaries? If not, why be here? I find my diary helps me see what does/does not work for me....and enjoy getting ideas from others diaries...not looking to judge , just for ideas and help on this journey.
Looking for friends with open diaries to glean ideas from. :happy:


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    My diary is open to everyone. However, I use mine as a planning tool, not as a way to keep myself accountable by logging what I've already eaten. I rarely deviate from my plan, but this past weekend I did. I didn't bother to go back and put the extra junk in there that I ate, because the way I use it, that wouldn't be useful to me.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I have mine open to friends. I think it's kind of silly to NOT open it to friends honestly. we're all here for the same thing---to be healthy. I'm sure people can understand if someone has a bad day, etc. And I'm certainly not going to judge people based on what they eat...that's on them.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Mine is public, I log everything, as you said..no point being here if we are cheating ourselves is there!

    Although I changed my diary headings, makes it a bit more interesting for others...lol

  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    keeping my diary open to public helps keep me accountable i think.. feel free to add me if you'd like! i love browsing food diaries for ideas and inspiration as well *S*
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Mine is public. I make almost all of my food, I rarely eat processed stuff. (I did last night though.)
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Mine is public, I log everything, as you said..no point being here if we are cheating ourselves is there!

    Although I changed my diary headings, makes it a bit more interesting for others...lol


    *LOL having just taken a peek at yours* love it!!!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Add me to your friends list Be glad to share.
  • wilted6orchid
    wilted6orchid Posts: 423 Member
    Mine is open to friends, but it's mostly so we can borrow meal ideas, and know how nutritious the meal was. I love seeing what other people do with something as versatile as pancakes, or wildrice.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Mine is public, I log everything and don't mind people having a look. I often have a look at others diaries...not to have an opinion...but to look for great meal ideas :)
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    mine is public too.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Im honest in mine but Ive kept mine priivate for now.
    There is no use cheating in it as you are only cheating yourself , so there is no gain in doing it.

    All you would see in mine is chicken breasts and veggies and oatmeal plus any junk I give in to.

    Im a very picky and boring eater.
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    Oh snap! I would hope mine was open. I need to go check it out...how do I make it public?
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    Mine is open to my friends. I figure my friends are supposed to be there for support and they can't offer complete support if they can't see what I'm doing
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I'm completely 100% honest in my diary but I'm not always going to or willing to keep it open. My main reason for this is seeing how completely insane some people are around here about food. I eat 'relatively' healthily naturally and only really need to curtail my portion sizes and gross calories per day for example. I don't need people look at my diary and thinking because I eat a tortilla that I'm junking out on processed foods for example! I'm trying to increase my health- not be paranoid by the judgments of others. I can see why it is useful to have other people look at it if you run into questions/issues, or b/c some people might need the pressure of public disclosure to stay honest. I don't need that. I'm extremely honest with myself and I trust myself. I'm not a junkie looking for heroine.
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Mine is public and if I eat it I log it. Don't know if it will help, but your welcome to look. :bigsmile:
  • AnnaleisJ
    AnnaleisJ Posts: 50 Member
    Mine is public, I log everything, as you said..no point being here if we are cheating ourselves is there!

    Although I changed my diary headings, makes it a bit more interesting for others...lol


    Made me smile - thanks :o)
  • ldcherry80
    I was kind of hesitant to open my diary at all...just because I didn't want people to know my weight - as if anyone cares! I am new to this site, and I'm not sure what my diary will contain. I do plan on being honest in my journey to get healthy! Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dpetre
    dpetre Posts: 22
    So...I have been using MFP for 5 weeks. I did not even know that 1. you can share diary with friends or public and 2. that I can also track something other than calories, protein, fat, and carbs. I loaded fiber and sugar as well now.

    I love this site, and even if the calorie count is off on some of the preset foods, I just adjust them for others. It is working for me!

    Thanks for the great tips. So far I only have one friend. He is on it regularly and we love to encourage each other. It would be great to get others too.

    Thanks again!

    Debbie :happy:
  • unckat09
    Oh snap! I would hope mine was open. I need to go check it out...how do I make it public?

    Go to "My Home" then "settings" then "Update Diary Settings" from there you can choose to make your diary public. Right .now, yours is not.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    Mine is public, I log everything, as you said..no point being here if we are cheating ourselves is there!

    Although I changed my diary headings, makes it a bit more interesting for others...lol


    Made me smile - thanks :o)

    Thanks for both your comments (can only quote 1..:(). Makes it a little more entertaining don't you think?, you should try it!, the more whitty the better!! ;)