Fun & Fit Sized - February 11

Hello everyone and welcome to the support group for those of us who are 5'3" (or close to that) and under.

We have found that while we share the same challenges as everyone else when it comes to loosing weight and getting healthy, we have a harder time in some areas.

How did you do in January?

What are you planning for February?

January was the first month in the two years I've been on MFP that I had to report a gain. =( Life just got in the way too much and too often. So, for me,February marks a new beginning.

Looking forward to continuing this journey with old friends and finding new ones!



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    :flowerforyou: I started my day walking the dogs then rode the exercise bike for 25 minutes, now I'm allowing myself a few computer minutes while I drink my tea then I'll plunge into working on the income tax again:grumble: :grumble: there's no snow here but below freezing temperatures and frost .....I believe that we who have nasty winter weather express the most gratitude when spring comes:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone!
    To reflect on last month, it was a REALLY hard month for me. I started doing C5k on Dec 27, and once I started that I realized the weight was NOT coming off. I had to make the decision to stop the program and go back to some of my other workout routines to see the weight loss again. Losing weight is my main goal, running comes second. Luckily, I showed a 1.7lb loss last week, which is good, because I think I would of lost my mind had I not! :laugh: So, FINALLY made my goal of -20lbs down about month later than my goal date, but better late than never! Now I'm only 5lbs away from my next goal! Going on our annual Las Vegas trip in April, so I need to hustle! Here's the website so you guys and can see what we do every year!

    If you go to the left under "event information" click on "photo gallery". That is where everyone uploads their photos. This is an annual event, and we get to see friends from all over the world we only get to see once a year!
  • ChshireKat
    Hi all,

    Had some tummy trouble that is continuing today:sick: . I'm not hungary and nothing sounds appitizing (although I am craving soda). Today I think I am actually going to make it under the Kcal count simply because I don't want to eat. ( I had to rack my mind to find something that I could simply drink for dinner.)

    I went fishing on Saturday with my nephew (he only dropped his pole in the water once), we didn't catch anything, but that's what's expected this time of year; we fish for practice really.

    I'll be going back to the gym tomorrow morning, hopefully my tummy will have settled by then.
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Well it's Feb. and this is a busy month for us. We have several birthdays including mine and my daughters, my anniversary:smooched: and of course Valentines day:love: . All these days revolve around food it seems..cake and candy!! It will not get the best of me!! I only have 10 more pounds until my goal weight and I'm going to make it (it's a must)!:devil:

    Went for a run yesterday..4 miles but it was pouring down raining. We looked like drowned rats when we were done but we did it. I had water coming up out of my shoe like a fountain with every step. Not sure I have ever been so wet...:laugh: and people don't try to avoid splashing you of course! They get enjoyment out of getting you even more wet!! Oh well it was an awesome run!

    Jam hang in there things will get better!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today is my 2nd day off from work due to the weather. Since I work for a University and not a regular school, let me just say they don't cancel classes that often. So this is real special weather we are having.

    Today's problems in a string format: M&D have no water on their side of the house. 2 of 3 bathroom on our side have no water. The furnace for M&D can't keep up and it is only 65 in there. (new one on order) M&D won't leave their chairs and come over to sit by our fire, so we took our space heaters and put them next to their chairs. Moab (one of our horses) had so much snow on his feet that his front feet were 6 inches off the ground and sliding out from underneath him. He was sitting like a dog on his back side. We had to have the horseshoer come over and pull his shoes as an emergency in -10 degree weather. It is so cold that I don't think I can go out and shovel the driveway and have called to get plowed out. My feet are still cold from being out with the horse.

    I know I am eating too much due to the cold and I hope I can get warm enough to stick to 1200 calories a day.

    Warm wishes for a good day to all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening everyone. I've only been MIA for a day and a half and it feels like forever. I really miss posting frequently but being back in the office is VERY demanding and there's not much time to check emails or anything like that and because I'm on the computer reading practically all day I have no desire to turn on my computer when I get home at night.

    I have a late night at work so decided to take a quick break to see how my MFP pals are doing. Despite not posting frequently I am logging my food and exercise daily.

    Tuesday, Fire 55 EZ was on the schedule but I just did not have the energy to complete the entire workout so I completed 40 minutes. I did not get the greatest burn but was happy I decided to push play instead of just laying in bed.

    Today, I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. It was a better day energy wise and was able to get a decent burn so I'm happy.
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Happy February!! My official weigh day was Monday and I had stayed the same & the Wii Fit said the same. I did the Wii today and it said I lost 3 pounds so I weighed on the bathroom scale and it said I had lost 3 pounds. Can you say happy dance!! It totally amazes me how much your weight can fluctuate on a daily basis!! I shoveled snow tonight for some bonus exercise. Every day brings us closer to spring!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy February!! My official weigh day was Monday and I had stayed the same & the Wii Fit said the same. I did the Wii today and it said I lost 3 pounds so I weighed on the bathroom scale and it said I had lost 3 pounds. Can you say happy dance!! It totally amazes me how much your weight can fluctuate on a daily basis!! I shoveled snow tonight for some bonus exercise. Every day brings us closer to spring!

    Daybyday - U rock! Congratulation on the 3 pound loss.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Peggy, our Dalmatian/Lab cross took my mother's bra from the bedroom and brought it outside this morning. No one remembers her going out with it in her mouth. Nothing like a white on white scavenger hunt in 1 foot of snow with sub-zero temperatures, but we managed to find it.

    I will leave you all with that as a comment. There is really nothing to follow it up with.

    Stay safe and warm all,

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I've been MIA from the thread but finally got the income tax papers ready and mailed theme to accountant.....i found time for my line dance classes, riding the exercise bike, take the dogs to the dog park, and walking four miles with my friend on Wednesday.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: we have been enjoying rainy weather in the 40's which is so much better than the monster storm that is attacking almost everywhere else.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! I really hate that I have not been able to post more frequently because I truly miss communicating w/my MFP pals on a daily basis but getting back into the swing of things has taken longer than expected. It definitely doesn't help that work is consuming a lot of my time therefore I don't have much time to do anything other than log my exercise and food.

    I had a tire blow out on my drive home this week while on a major intersate during the pouring rain. God definitely protected me b/c I was able to maintain control of the car and navigate from the fast lane to the breakdown lane without a problem. While waiting on AAA the HERO unit saw my hazards flashing and decided to pull over an offer assistance. He was able to replace the blown out tire w/the donut in less than 30 minutes. As a result of this tire blow out I spend the majority of this morning getting my tires replaced and aligned.

    Here's a recap of my workouts this week.

    Monday: I completed the Insanity warm up and then Push Cirucit 1

    Tuesday, Fire 55 EZ was on the schedule but I just did not have the energy to complete the entire workout so I completed 40 minutes. I did not get the greatest burn but was happy I decided to push play instead of just laying in bed.

    Wednesday, I completed the Burn Intervals dvd from the Chalean Extreme program. It was a better day energy wise and was able to get a decent burn so I'm happy.

    Thursday, I completed the Fire 30 dvd from the Turbo Fire program.

    Friday, I completed the Cardio Core and Balance dvd from the Insanity program.

    Today, I walked/jogged a total of 4.2 miles while my car was being serviced.
  • tatiana_13
    Hi everyone! I've dropped in here a time or two, but mostly not. I'm tatiana, and I'm 4'11" Definitely fun sized. Mostly fit...still working on it!

    December and January were both bad months for me. I couldn't get the scale to budge, then it went the wrong way. I have this problem every winter. Its the hibernation effect. I exercise...but its not really enough to offset the fact that I'm just moving around a whole lot less. I don't walk to do errands. I sit around a lot. I spend a lot of huddled under blankets and around heaters, moving as little as possible. Everything inside my body just shuts down...the last thing it intends to do is lose weight. So, I've banished "the little extras" from my diet. No sweets. No hot chocolate. Same amount of calories, but I'm giving my body nothing that sends it any signal to chunk up.

    Since I've done this, I've stopped gaining weight. And have lost some. Finally!

    But I can't wait until spring!

    As for February. My word for the month is consistency. I don't know how much I can expect to lose, being so close to my goal weight. But my habits are important to keep, weight loss or not. So I want to stay committed to eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, to avoiding wheat (I'm intolerant...but its sooo tasty, I have a hard time not eating it), and to formal, sweat inducing exercise at least 3 days a week.

    My next mini goal is 112. I'm trying to keep my mini goals really tiny. I have a tendency to get impatient as I get closer to goal, which sometimes leads me down the path to unhealthy temptations---which is the road to yo-yo dieting hell. I'm trying to stay on the straight and narrow. One tiny foot in front of the other...
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco - Glad you are back posting. Gratz on the new tires. I hate buying them because it takes forever, but it is always nice to drive around on new ones and realize what a difference they make.

    Tatiana - Welcome and/or welcome back. Consistency is a good winter goal to have. It is hard to be consistent when all you want to do is bundle up with something warm and stay inside.

    Barbie - I can't imagine packing before I had to. Good for you and hubby packing things up now. Are you planning to stay in the same area?

    I started back on the Wii today. I did 42 minutes of various things. Not a high burn, but it was all I use to do before I got in shape. So, if it got me this far, maybe it will help get me through the last 10 pounds. I did Dad's exercises with him, but I had weights on. They are just 10-20 reps of overall easy strength exercises, but the weights do make me feel them.

    What are you planning for tomorrow's Super Bowl? We are Green Bay fans, but I pray for a good game. We are going 1/2 healthy snacks like veggies, cheese and crackers and 1/2 traditional American junk food like chips, dips, and nachos. I also have shrimp and stuff to make veggie packed sandwiches like Subway does.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,941 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I’m not emotionally involved in the Super Bowl because the two teams have no sentimental value at all for me, but I’m cheering for the Packers....we didn't make any special food for the game, but I made squash and apple soup for our midday meal

    :flowerforyou: yesterday I was at an all day meeting for our business and found a like minded friend who invited me to her room for an Isagenix shake for lunch (she stayed overnight) and then we walked the rest of the lunch break and during all the other I manged to get 10,000 steps for the day.

    :flowerforyou: today we are packing again....we're putting stuff in storage so the house will look less crowded when we show it to potential buyers and to get a head start of the move......we are staying in the same area, just a less expensive neighborhood

    :drinker: :drinker: tatiana, I am with you on consistency......I eat and exercise the same way no matter what the scale says or what the weather is.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Peggy, our Dalmatian/Lab cross took my mother's bra from the bedroom and brought it outside this morning. No one remembers her going out with it in her mouth. Nothing like a white on white scavenger hunt in 1 foot of snow with sub-zero temperatures, but we managed to find it.

    I will leave you all with that as a comment. There is really nothing to follow it up with.

    Stay safe and warm all,


    This made me laugh for a Monday Morning...thanks Jam!!
  • babygurl1
    babygurl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Morning all I hope everyone is doing well. Barbie I commend you for packing early. I hate packing and unpacking but the moving to somewhere new is always fun. Jam I'm glad to hear you getting back to some time for yourself. That's always important! The jogging is going well we did 7 miles yesterday with jogging 1 mile then walking a half mile. It is feels awesome to get back to running! I am only 9 pounds away from my goal now!! I have until April to get there so I hope I can do it!! Have an awesome day ladies:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I hope this week is getting off to a good start. Things were so hectic this morning that I forgot my gym bag; DS forgot his lunch and we missed the carpool. Still as odd as it looked, I went to the gym in my work clothes and did the best workout I could. lol 30 minutes on a bike and 15 minutes of circuit machines. Luckily, it was after work, so I didn't have to worry about smelling up the office.

  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hello everyone, not much to update on for the month- yet. Had a terrible migraine yesterday so I didn't even want to get up. Made a quick and easy recipe I found on Hungry that was really good. I took broccoli slaw and cooked it down in 1/4 cup of water. Added garlic, pepper and onion powder. Once the water was gone, I added spaghetti sauce and a little parm. Sooo good! I hope everyone is doing well :smile:
  • tatiana_13
    Options That is dedication! You go!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm still here and getting those workouts in but have not really adjusted to being back in the office. I find that I'm absolutely exhausted by the time I return home. I'm so glad i'm a morning person and am able to get my workouts in before work b/c there's no way I could do by the time I get home.

    Today I completed Fire 45 and was able to burn over 400 calories.

    I see this board has been pretty active. Glad to know everyone is still working it out.