Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Feb 1: 177
    Feb 8: 178
    Feb 15:
    Feb 22:
    Feb 28: (Goal: 170)

    I'm had a bad week....getting back into the groove of exercising is taking longer than I thought and now I have PMS bloat...fun :grumble:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member

    Has anyone done 30 day shred, I ordered it the other day and I'm curious to hear about it.

    I started it back in Sept.. I watched the 1st level before doing it, when I finally decided to do it, I only last about 15min. It's harder than it looks. I would suggest doing it 2 or 3 times the first week, you WILL be very sore. My first 2 weeks were only 2x ea week. Once I got use to it, I did 16days straight, in those 16days, I lost 9in head to toe. Of course, it will vary person to person. I've read many people lose more inch than weight, but some have lost weight as well. I had only lost about 3lbs, but the inches I lost were FANTASTIC! I did level 1 and 2 for 10 days straight and then the last level I did on and off but due to personal family issues and the holidays. Now that that's all over, i plan on starting back up once my mouth heals. Hope that helps a little :)

    And thanks everyone for the well wishes, I'm doing the best I can but I can't even get a darn spoon in my mouth it's that swollen and achy. :/ I feel and look like a chipmunk, I can't imagine how tonight is gonna be, I can't smile, laugh or sneeze without feeling pain, I don't think crying is goin' help. I'm goning to still go to the wake, but I don't think I'll be able to stay long. Anyway...hope you all have a great week and if I don't post anymore this week, I'll see ya for sure on Monday.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Sorry I have been MIA the last few weeks, trying to make good choices but also not getting on the scale for a few weeks. I have been trying to find a venue to host my wedding and it is hard work! I have a very small budget and once I tell the venues that my budget is $3000 they don't call me back! What the hell! Don't poor people ever get married? All my friends are married and had huge fancy weddings and I am sad thinking that mine will have to be at a free local park and we will all have to run and hide from the park rangers! "ok, they are gone, you can come out and kiss your bride" :sad:
    I thought this was going to be fun, but it's not!
    Plus my daughters teacher told me "Maybe you should tell your daughter your already Married" WTF??? WHY? We have been together longer than you have even known your husband, and just because your daddy could afford to pull out all the stops for you that doesn't make you a better person than I am.

    Ok girls, good vent, I feel better!
  • desiree0625
    desiree0625 Posts: 23 Member
    Feb. 1st - 170.2
    Feb. 8th - 169.4
    Feb. 15th -
    Feb. 22nd -

    Not as much as I had hoped but, considering this last weekend and a superbowl party, I will gladly take it!
  • Looks like you have a nice turnaround here. I'm in too.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
    (Goal: 158 )
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    I am absolutely getting in on this challenge

    current weight: 194.8
    feb 8 - 190.2
    feb 15
    Feb 22
    feb 28

    see you all next week

    -4.6lbs this week! Super excited about those results :D
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Wow everyone is doing so amazing despite the repercussions of the superbowel game : ) Keep up the good work!!

    for the info of everyone in the big race to 150 im pretty sure Im losing again! ugh still have not got my groove back altho I have
    been drinking a TON of water and went 2 whole days without soda. yay : )

    So ya I counted and it is At Least been 14 days or more without a single day off weather it be school or work!! ... granted my work shifts have been like 5 and 6 hours it still sucks to think that im getting less hours working 4-5 days a week than I would if I just worked 3 eight hour shifts and could get on with my life. that way I would have 2 days off a week but no so this is how it has to be. my schedual is so erratic that its really hard to fit in exercise. this week I have had to do 2 school meetings outside of school with a group for a paper/project.

    I don't know how Im going to get this weight off any faster if I don't have time to exercise.. I take a few minutes out while the kids are sleeping to get on here whenever possible. I cant exactly run in place while they are sleeping it wakes them up when I have tried and leaving isn't an option at least not tonight cause hubby is at a meeting altho I should work out a time when I can leave while everyone in the house is sleeping past 7 I could go down to the college and use their activity center so thats an idea but Im going to have to see how realistic of an idea it really is. as far as cost and availability of the center. I really don't wanna go exercise by myself but I might have to... idk any thoughts? I do tend to wanna relax at this time of the night because I feel like im going all day long with homework and kids. I hardly ever fold laundry anymore and hubby does the dishes because his homework gets done during dead hours of the night at work so he has nothing to do while watching the kids while im in school... he's getting so much better to help without complaining lmao!... anyways If I did this I am not sure when I would ever relax but maybe just maybe that would be the relaxing escape from reality that I need hmm well ok sorry for such a long post im feeling better now : ) kinda lol

    ugh well anyway in 5-6 weeks my life will be easier and I will have about 300 dollars less to pay in bills so things won't be so stressful
  • cleo77
    cleo77 Posts: 93 Member
    2 pounds down, and 3 more to go.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Life was crazy yesterday and I did not get a chance to check in.

    February 1 181
    February 8 182 :explode: :sad:

    Wish the scale went the other way but my body is getting stronger. I need to watch my stress and boredom snacking. Right now they are killing my diet!

    For those who had a weight loss great job.

    Warmer here this morning than yesterday. Only -5 instead of -12. WIsh that cheered me up but right now all I want to do is hibernate.

    Hope everyone has a great hump day!

  • sunburstmo
    sunburstmo Posts: 14 Member
    I forgot to post yesterday. I need to step up my game if i am going to make my goal. Super bowl party kicked my butt!!

    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
  • Tlkt1969
    Tlkt1969 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in - weighed this morning and am down another pound from Monday when I started - I sure it is water weight but it is still weight off!!!!
  • I'm In!
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    Feb 1: 139
    Feb 9: 137.6

    GW: 134!

    Have a great week, everybody!
  • Yeah this sounds like fun

    Feb 7 294

    Do we just reply again next week with our new weight?
  • Bru ...thanks for the heads up on Jillian...i've heard it is hard, but i'm up for the challenge. I'm excited to lose inches, especially around my waist. In my book inches are way better than lbs. anyday!!! My mid section is suffering from pregnancy still (even though my son is 20 months old!). sorry about your loss :frown: , and hope your mouth feels better soon!!!!

    Everyone else, congrats on great losses this past week.
  • roboray
    roboray Posts: 73 Member
    It was a great week for me!! 3 lbs down, 2 to go. Hope everyone is doing well. Keep up the great work!
    I'm at work, will check in later.
    Have a great week everyone!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    So, let's see. Yesterday I went to the gym at lunch for my C25k workout: Week 3, Day 2. I spent some time last night planning my meals for today because it's study group night, which means there will be lots of sugary snacks that I need to avoid. My next workout will be tomorrow's C25k run.

    Jenn, glad you're back. I was starting to worry about you. Sorry to hear your wedding planning is not as much fun as it should be. Get creative, you will find some cheaper options. Don't laugh at the park idea - a friend of mine really did get married at a local park! It was fall, the leaves were colorful, and it was gorgeous!! There was a lovely gazebo, she just brought chairs and music, and ta-da! A wedding! My sister rented a cottage near the water and got married there - it was beautiful and more intimate because it was a smaller wedding (~40 guests). She had a caterer come in to do fancy finger foods. I have other friends who have done similar things at Bed and Breakfasts, where they've reserved all the rooms at the inn, but then the wedding guests staying there paid for the rooms, so it wasn't really that expensive for them. We went middle of the road, and had about 80 guests at a nice hotel located on the water. We got married outside on the lawn and had our reception at the hotel. I loved it! That's all that matters - do what is special for you, you're not putting on a show for the guests, it's a special day to celebrate you and your hubby.

    55 - great job staying away from that soda. :drinker: I totally sympathize with you on the workout dilemma. I find it hard to exercise with the 2 little ones at home too. I keep trying to adjust my schedule to see what will work better. Early morning workouts? Workout on my lunch hour? In the evening, and get hubby to take care of them? After they're in bed? It's definitely a struggle. And my schedule is much more consistent than yours. I'm already looking forward to summer, since I find it easier to get up in the morning when the sun is up, and the weather is nicer, so I can just go out for a walk at lunch. But winter... ugh. I'm really struggling. I try to limit my evenings out to two per week so that I'm there for the kids on most nights, but now that I'm in class on Wed nights, that means I only have one night for exercise. BUT, I've decided that Monday nights will be my evening out for yoga, and more yoga on Fridays at lunch. Then Tues / Thurs / Sat, I am forcing myself to fit in a run. Saturdays, the kids can come downstairs with me on the treadmill. Tues/Thurs, I can either go to the gym at lunch, or run at home in the morning if I get up early or after the kids are in bed. If I do anything on Sunday, that's a bonus. Wed is my day off because of class. Do you have one or two regular times that you know you can always workout? Like maybe Sunday mornings? Start there. Then sit down each week, and look at your schedule and figure out what will work that week. Stick to it. It doesn't have to be a lot, just something to keep you active and in a healthy mindset.

    Terri, just remember that hibernating animals eat lots before going to sleep, but then they STOP... They don't keep eating all winter long... :laugh: Good luck getting that stress and boredom-eating under control.

    Welcome to the newcomers!!

    Congrats to everyone who is losing this week! Keep it up!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Jenn, What is this ... marriage. I guess I missed that some how. That is great. When Where??? I want details.:happy: :flowerforyou:

    dmgaloha -You are always so positive and give such good advice. Way to GO!:drinker:

    Roboray _ Congratulations on the loss! You are doing super. Bet you feel great!:happy:

    Michelle- How is the fast food FREE going? :wink:

    srs1881- WELCOME This is a great group.:laugh:

    Alioth- Looks like we are about the same weight. I am glad to be back on the wagon and hope not to fall off. Getting back in the classroom and busy again has helped me to stick to my goals. NO time to snack with all the work that I have to do every day. I also started about the same weight as you and I have not weighed in officially yet this week but from the daily check, I am about 137 so that makes me happy. I was down to 131 in August and then I got off track and my weight started to creep upward so NOW i am back in full force to shed those unwanted pounds. :tongue:

    Well everyone, just want to report that my son was down at TAHIR SQUARE in EGYPT joining in with the tens of thousands demonstrators. I was kind of freaking out in my own way hoping that he would be safe!! But he did come home and had some great photos of the crowds there and army tanks and all. It was actually quite peaceful. I just wish it would all soon end. I love the Egyptian people and hate to have them live another minute with this dictator in rule. I don't mean to make this post into a political posting board. :huh:

    I went for a swim after school today and it felt so good!

    Now to get the lesson plans ready for school tomorrow. :sad:

    Good luck everyone. PHYLJEN:smile:
  • Michelle- How is the fast food FREE going? :wink:

    Well everyone, just want to report that my son was down at TAHIR SQUARE in EGYPT joining in with the tens of thousands demonstrators. I was kind of freaking out in my own way hoping that he would be safe!! But he did come home and had some great photos of the crowds there and army tanks and all. It was actually quite peaceful. I just wish it would all soon end. I love the Egyptian people and hate to have them live another minute with this dictator in rule. I don't mean to make this post into a political posting board. :huh:

    So far so good...no fast food for me yet, and I hope to stay on track! It's my evil nemisis :devil: We start biggest loser tomorrow at work, so that is even more motivation to stay fast food free!!!

    Glad that you are safe and sound in Egypt, its sounds scary, but I guess the demonstrations have been useful in at least putting the pressure on that dictator to not "run" again.
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