Vixen&Foxes: Valentine's Challange



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    FINALLY the scale moves, 203.2 woohoo, I AM WAYYY EXCITED right now.
    You should be!! I am so happy for you!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    scmajm22~ WOO HOO!!!! This 10 pounds holding me from getting bellow 200 is acting like its the last 10 pounds! I just keeps bouncing around!
    My schedule has been very messed up and I have not been keeping myself on track with my calories or my exercise! I need to get my act together and get back on the losing wagon!!
    Great job everybody that is losing! Way to keep your motivation up! I'll be updating the sheet either tonite or tomorrow.
  • Georgiapeach1098
    SW - 220
    CW - 208.8
    Valentines goal - 200
    GW- 150
  • txchic_73
    txchic_73 Posts: 139 Member
    Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Have we thought of another challenge to go forward with once this one is over? Maybe an Easter Challenge?

    I am just ready for Spring to get here so I can get back out in the open air and walk/jog so I can get more exercise in a more fun environment. I get bored working out at home all the time. :)
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
  • emilillymom
    i think a first day of spring challenge is a good idea
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    We actually kinda talked about it a week ago. April Fools day is just over 6 weeks away. Does that sound good to everybody?

    Also, it was brought up that a lot of people 'join' the group and then never post again. Does this bother anyone else? Should people be taken off the list if they don't post for 2 weeks? Or not added to the list if they were in a previous challenge and never did more than sign in once?

    Please feel free to post your opinions here, or you can send me a message if you don't want to get flack for your two cents :)

  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I love :heart: the idea of April Fools day, I prefer shorter goals of 6 weeks, I find I can stick with it and it motivates me more. As for people not signing in, I agree that after 2 weeks they should be taken off the list. I am sure it takes you alot of time to add all these people and they don't post again. And if you don't lose any weight, then they should just say so. :smile: well, that's my opinion but I don't really mind, whatever you decide. I just appreciate you(o_malley) doing those charts, I love seeing my goals reached.:bigsmile: Thanks! Looking forward to continuing my wieght loss journey!
  • Sheriemae
    April Fools Day sounds like a Great next challenge! And I agree 100% with licha75! Thank you for doing these challenges and charts! :happy: V-day weigh in tomorrow for me.
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Weighing in today at 121.4 :happy: Sooo close to my final MPF goal! I don't think I'll be taking part in an April fool's challenge because hopefully I'm going to be starting maintenance next week, but this challenge was GREAT for motivating me! Thank you :drinker:
  • Sheriemae
    Wooohooo! Reached my updated Valentine's Day goal! Started: 162.2 Today: 146.9 (15.3 lbs in 6 weeks) :bigsmile: Ready for the next challenge! Have a great day everyone!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Weighing in today at 121.4 :happy: Sooo close to my final MPF goal! I don't think I'll be taking part in an April fool's challenge because hopefully I'm going to be starting maintenance next week, but this challenge was GREAT for motivating me! Thank you :drinker:

    Congrats on so close to meeting your goal. What a great accomplishment!!:smokin: Good luck with maintenance.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    I love :heart: the idea of April Fools day, I prefer shorter goals of 6 weeks, I find I can stick with it and it motivates me more. As for people not signing in, I agree that after 2 weeks they should be taken off the list. I am sure it takes you alot of time to add all these people and they don't post again. And if you don't lose any weight, then they should just say so. :smile: well, that's my opinion but I don't really mind, whatever you decide. I just appreciate you(o_malley) doing those charts, I love seeing my goals reached.:bigsmile: Thanks! Looking forward to continuing my wieght loss journey!

    Ditto, with everything you said. April Fools day challenge sounds fantastic!! We appreciate everything you do o_malley, from your inspiring thoughts to doing the spreadsheet. You're a SUPERSTAR.:love: Thank you!!

  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    awwwwee I'm totally feeling the love!! :blushing: I appreciate all of you as well! Even though I've been slacking and haven't made my V-day goal, you guys have still been keeping me logging in and now I'm back to losing. I should hit 30lbs sometime in the next week.
    Everybody start thinking about what you would like your goals to be for the next challange. Please feel free to post non-scale goals as well! If you'd like I can track more than weight on the sheet!

  • emilillymom
    april 1st would be fun. i am still at 190.5 no weight loss but back on the workout bandwagon so hopfully some will come off next week.
  • tluttrell
    tluttrell Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new to MFP and would like to get in on this. I'd love a short term challenge like this to keep me focused. And yes, two weeks w/o posting and you're out seems reasonable to me. Thanks!
  • iawierz
    I love :heart: the idea of April Fools day, I prefer shorter goals of 6 weeks, I find I can stick with it and it motivates me more. As for people not signing in, I agree that after 2 weeks they should be taken off the list. I am sure it takes you alot of time to add all these people and they don't post again. And if you don't lose any weight, then they should just say so. :smile: well, that's my opinion but I don't really mind, whatever you decide. I just appreciate you(o_malley) doing those charts, I love seeing my goals reached.:bigsmile: Thanks! Looking forward to continuing my wieght loss journey!

    Agreed and I know that I didn't log in much because of schedule and when I did I didn't comment much. This will force me to be more social. :happy: I wish they would upgrade to MFP on the Iphone so you could access threads. :grumble:

    On a different subect I am comfortable in saying that I hit my goal and surpassed it yea! :bigsmile: I weighed in today at 213.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am hopeful that I can maintain that or hopefully loose more. I will be esctatic when i reach under 200! :heart: :heart: I can not wait, so i just need to keep that goal in mind and hold myself accountable! You are all my inspiration and motivation. Keep IT UP!

  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    OMG...I made the V-day goal 3 days early. I made it to 179 today! I will weigh again on Feb. 14 just to mke sure that it is still under 179. That means that I can't have any slip ups over the weekend! Next challenge, April Fool's day, 6 weeks and a half week, I'd love to lose about 7-10 pounds! Thanks everyone for all your help!!
  • margie_77
    margie_77 Posts: 693 Member
    Leela~ You are a rock star!!!!
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Well I'm down to 172, a couple more days but I don't think I'll make my goal. But I'm okay with that, I'm down 8 more pounds and I'm starting to see some changes in my clothes. Yahoo! :noway: I'll do my final weigh in on Monday so I'll have a true starting point for the next challenge. YOU ALL ARE DOING GREAT!!!! I'm very proud of us. Happy Valentine's Day to you all.:love::heart: