How do you reward yourself?



  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    It depends on your checkbook and what you like. I have a friend who donates $1 per pound lost to charity every 25 lbs. A lot of people seem to do mani/pedis. Me personally, a great reward for me is an afternoon to myself, taking a long, hot, silent bubble bath. I try to reward myself every 20 lbs or so, but it doesn't always work that way. For me, the #1 reward is the weight loss itself.

    I picked up a 25 lb bag of sidewalk salt the other day, and was amazed thinking that I used to carry two of these around with me all the time! Feeling better, having more energy, and not hating myself so much are great rewards!
  • Working on my "rewards" as well! Lots of great ideas!

    All I know is, my boyfriend told me HE'D taking me on a shopping outing to replace my too big wardrobe when I hit goal. LOVE HIM! :)
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    BUMP I AM WONDERING THE SAME THING! Celeste you know great minds think alike :happy:
  • BUMP I AM WONDERING THE SAME THING! Celeste you know great minds think alike :happy:

    Hey Audra!! I know that after everything happened with my dad and such, I totally strayed. I am ready to get back on track, but now, I need some incentive. i am sure you know what I mean. :smile:
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I also am one that needs a visual reminder not to eat so I am currently wearing like 10 friendship bracelets on my arm (which I HATE!) so I also get to take one off each 5lbs until I am at my final goal (then they will all be off). I find the bracelets work for me because each time I reach to open the fridge/get something out of the cupboard I see them and it reminds me to be good.

    This is a really cool idea!

    Ditto!! VERY Cool!!!!
  • I don't. Having lost 80 lbs *is* a reward.

    Congratulations to you! 80 lbs!!!
  • NOLAdy
    NOLAdy Posts: 133 Member
    Meeting the goal is reward enough for me LOL. I know I'm boring. I guess I could say I reward myself with clothes.
  • Hova1914
    Hova1914 Posts: 82 Member
    I also am one that needs a visual reminder not to eat so I am currently wearing like 10 friendship bracelets on my arm (which I HATE!) so I also get to take one off each 5lbs until I am at my final goal (then they will all be off). I find the bracelets work for me because each time I reach to open the fridge/get something out of the cupboard I see them and it reminds me to be good.

    This is a really cool idea!
    I AGREE! That IS a good idea! I think I'm going to try that, except I'll use silly bands. Then I can give them to my nieces as I lose and they'll be happy & help motivate me.
  • Davis713
    Davis713 Posts: 124 Member
    BUMP I AM WONDERING THE SAME THING! Celeste you know great minds think alike :happy:

    Hey Audra!! I know that after everything happened with my dad and such, I totally strayed. I am ready to get back on track, but now, I need some incentive. i am sure you know what I mean. :smile:

    Girl!!! After I lost the weight loss challenge at work I have definately felt defeated...But June(my b-day) is just around the corner and I wanna make my 27 look good :):tongue::love:
  • karriecook
    karriecook Posts: 84 Member
    I have my mini goals in my siggy but no formal reward system. My reward is being able to fit in the clothes I love already in my closet.
  • prototype
    prototype Posts: 14 Member
    I don't reward myself for every five pounds. But I do give myself two treats each week. One breakfast treat and one dinner treat... but never on the same day.

    For mini goals that I set I am not sure what I plan to do. I really want to do something nice like buy a peice of real jewelry or get a massage. I am still deciding on that.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    I also am one that needs a visual reminder not to eat so I am currently wearing like 10 friendship bracelets on my arm (which I HATE!) so I also get to take one off each 5lbs until I am at my final goal (then they will all be off). I find the bracelets work for me because each time I reach to open the fridge/get something out of the cupboard I see them and it reminds me to be good.

    This is a really cool idea!
    I AGREE! That IS a good idea! I think I'm going to try that, except I'll use silly bands. Then I can give them to my nieces as I lose and they'll be happy & help motivate me.

    Silly bands are a great idea! My daughter has like 3,000 of them LOL
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Im not rewarding myself per pound but per dress size, im going to get sme new clothes every one I go down to, and then when im the size I want to be (uk14) I'll get something expensive that I wouldnt normally buy.
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