The Zumba Crew - February



  • danibowron
    danibowron Posts: 9 Member
    I'm Dani... total Zumba-addict. Contemplating 2 classes today. One easy one at noon and a super intense one at 6:30...

    I am trying to convince myself that I cannot stand nachos (really I love them but if I tell myself how gross they are maybe I'll stop craving them)!
  • sadiesimp
    sadiesimp Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Yall!
    I'm Sadie and I teach Zumba (and a billion other things) and I HATE HATE HATE green beans.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Shelly :happy:
    I am sooo excited to have found this page!

    I LOVE <3 Zumba
    Currently I take classes at our local ymca 3 times/wk
    I totally can't wait till the next is sooo much fun!
    Sometimes when I am driving & hear one of the songs I just want to stop what I'm doing & start dancing lol
    I am wanting to purchase some of the dvd's.....can anyone give me suggestions of what dvd's I should buy & where??
    Thanks in advance!

    I really don't care for brussel sprouts

    How does everyone record there Zumba exercise???

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day! :flowerforyou:
    Think Spring =)
    Hi Shelly ... I just giggled crazy when I read your "when I am driving & hear one of the songs I just want to stop what I'm doing & start dancing" probably 'cause I feel the same way, lol! If I ever see some dancing machine by the side of the road, I'm gonna yell out, "Mamba, Shelly, Mamba!" FUN-NY :laugh:

    As for logging Zumba, I wear a HRM and calculate my calories burn w/it & create an exercise specifically for Zumba.

    @ Dani....If you're ever successful at getting nachos to look (& taste) gross, please let me know :sad:

    Welcome sadiesimp & all Newbies :flowerforyou: It's great to see all the Zumbanites :heart:
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    I'm Rachel and I adore Zumba. I don't adore meat, the thought grosses me out. But I like every single vegetable, minus raw spinach. Nice to meet you all!
  • chiccaroline
    chiccaroline Posts: 17 Member
    Just got back from tonight's class. We're doing a new routine to Single Ladies which is fun especially as our teacher Matt really exaggerates the Beyonce-like bits.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member

    Sure wish those Zumba certifications were a little harder to obtain....what a disappointment.

    That's exactly what I thought when I got my license. There were so many people there that I would NOT take from. I really don't think that they should call it a Zumba certification either, because there is no 'test' you have to pass. So unless they call you out in front of everyone and tell you that you are not ready, you can pretty much obtain the license to teach it.

    i agree ladies. wish they were difficult to obtain. ive been doing zumba for nearly a year now and love it! go to classes once a week and do the dvds at home. i guess everyones interpretation of zumba is different. i have tried out 6 different instructors- one who basically did salsacise and passed it off as zumba! another one who was so rude and it was like as if we were wasting her time, she kept stopping and changing the music and forgetting her steps! i was so annoyed to part with my money!

    the one i stuck to is fab! she uses appropriate music and is so energetic and bubbly that ive stuck with her, despite the 25min journey i have to make via car! the atmosphere is fab and i sweat buckets!
  • Doggiemomerin
    Doggiemomerin Posts: 4 Member
    I have been reading this topic and I was wondering what kind of heart rate monitor to get? I am looking on Amazon and there are so many!

    Thanks! I love Zumba!
  • I have been doing zumba at the gym and absolutely LOVE IT!!! me and my friends have so much fun... and you burn tons of calories having a great time.

    I don't like brussel sprouts! (but can I say I don't like something I never tried LOL) they look so un-appealing to me ....
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    HI :D I LOVE ZUUUUMMMBBBAA hahahahaahaha ive been singin one of the tracks in my head since last nite hahaha i aint keen on veggies except for mushrooms :D

    Kirstie x
  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    Hi I'm Sharlet

    I'm a wife and mother of a 10 year, I too love Zumba! I take Zumba classes at the YMCA but how do we add it under exercise, I don't see it listed?

    i log it under dancing - aerobic
    Kirstie x
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    So happy! I've been searching for a Zumba class since I moved to Massachusetts. I found one and went last night! I loved it. It is so scary to find a new Zumba instructor when you've had a really awesome one and Stephanie rocked it last night! I'm so stoked! Thought I would share!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I just wanted to bump this post for any newcomers and Zumba lovers who want to make new friends with the same exercise addiction..Zumba!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    So happy! I've been searching for a Zumba class since I moved to Massachusetts. I found one and went last night! I loved it. It is so scary to find a new Zumba instructor when you've had a really awesome one and Stephanie rocked it last night! I'm so stoked! Thought I would share!

    I am with you girl. Fran was the BOMB and I try to model my classes after hers!
  • DancingPixie
    DancingPixie Posts: 101 Member
    I went last Thursday and i LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im Rachel and im 19 mummy of 2. I hate Liver, Spinach and brussels sprouts eeeeeeeeeugh!

    Going again this week cant wait :)
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I did my first live Zumba class yesterday and I wasn't very happy with it. I don't think that Rude Boy is a suitable Zumba song, but maybe that's just me. I'm sure the instructor had a lot to do with it, but I enjoy it much more on the game at home. I receive some kind of feedback (no feedback in class) and I think I just feel more free to really shake it when I'm alone and not surrounded by mirrors!

    I think it's like when someone reads the book before it comes out as a movie -- no one ever says the movie was better! Maybe if I did the classes first, I'd enjoy them more. Glad I didn't commit to the fees (had a free week pass).

    The beat of Rude Boy is a suitable song, but perhaps the words aren't. If you are offended by them then speak to the instructor. She or he can remove that song the next time.

    No sorry, I'm not offended by the lyrics. They have a seperate Hip Hop class, and the moves she was doing for Zumba were clearly lifted from the Hip Hop class. Personally I think that they're two different styles of dancing, and if that's wrong, then that's just my opinion. Standing for two minutes doing pelvic thrusts wasn't really what I thought I had signed up for. I could do that standing in the bathroom at work. I signed up for Zumba because I wanted to dance and sweat and burn calories.

    Unfortunately hip hop steals a lot of their moves from other styles. So what you might consider to be hip hop can be a number of different styles. I've seen alot of them in Zumba, Bollywood, African....the list goes on.

    You are not wrong to have your opinion but pelvic thrust are excellent for your abs if you are tightened them at the time.

    I guess she didn't mix it up enough. Maybe she is a new instructor with limit knowledge on the dance style.
    That was my experience exactly....I Zumba 3 - 5 times a week for 2 years now and heard some really great things about a particular instructor, so I made her class this morning....THOROUGHLY disappointed. Not even close to Zumba, but boy do they love her that session was packed. Very little Latin moves.

    I grew up with this stuff, so I have pretty high expectations. Sure wish they had to include a certain percentage authentic. I'll never quit going....but I'll probably get a little more picky about which ones I frequent.

    If only I were 20 years younger!! :devil: :laugh:
    Ok...went back to give that particular zumba instructor another crack at it...nope, still a pretty bad rendition of what Zumba is supposed to be. I stayed anyway and softened up the rapid herky-jerky moves, still got a good workout albeit solo.
    Thank goodness I have two other amazing zumba classes during the week! Yeah for great instructors :love:
  • I am Amanda, 26 and I love Zumba! I go to the class as often as I can with my work schedule.
    I hate mushrooms, Boo to fungus!
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    So happy! I've been searching for a Zumba class since I moved to Massachusetts. I found one and went last night! I loved it. It is so scary to find a new Zumba instructor when you've had a really awesome one and Stephanie rocked it last night! I'm so stoked! Thought I would share!

    I am with you girl. Fran was the BOMB and I try to model my classes after hers!

    And I try to find intructors with her energy! I miss her!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I did my first live Zumba class yesterday and I wasn't very happy with it. I don't think that Rude Boy is a suitable Zumba song, but maybe that's just me. I'm sure the instructor had a lot to do with it, but I enjoy it much more on the game at home. I receive some kind of feedback (no feedback in class) and I think I just feel more free to really shake it when I'm alone and not surrounded by mirrors!

    I think it's like when someone reads the book before it comes out as a movie -- no one ever says the movie was better! Maybe if I did the classes first, I'd enjoy them more. Glad I didn't commit to the fees (had a free week pass).

    The beat of Rude Boy is a suitable song, but perhaps the words aren't. If you are offended by them then speak to the instructor. She or he can remove that song the next time.

    No sorry, I'm not offended by the lyrics. They have a seperate Hip Hop class, and the moves she was doing for Zumba were clearly lifted from the Hip Hop class. Personally I think that they're two different styles of dancing, and if that's wrong, then that's just my opinion. Standing for two minutes doing pelvic thrusts wasn't really what I thought I had signed up for. I could do that standing in the bathroom at work. I signed up for Zumba because I wanted to dance and sweat and burn calories.

    Unfortunately hip hop steals a lot of their moves from other styles. So what you might consider to be hip hop can be a number of different styles. I've seen alot of them in Zumba, Bollywood, African....the list goes on.

    You are not wrong to have your opinion but pelvic thrust are excellent for your abs if you are tightened them at the time.

    I guess she didn't mix it up enough. Maybe she is a new instructor with limit knowledge on the dance style.
    That was my experience exactly....I Zumba 3 - 5 times a week for 2 years now and heard some really great things about a particular instructor, so I made her class this morning....THOROUGHLY disappointed. Not even close to Zumba, but boy do they love her that session was packed. Very little Latin moves.

    I grew up with this stuff, so I have pretty high expectations. Sure wish they had to include a certain percentage authentic. I'll never quit going....but I'll probably get a little more picky about which ones I frequent.

    If only I were 20 years younger!! :devil: :laugh:
    Ok...went back to give that particular zumba instructor another crack at it...nope, still a pretty bad rendition of what Zumba is supposed to be. I stayed anyway and softened up the rapid herky-jerky moves, still got a good workout albeit solo.
    Thank goodness I have two other amazing zumba classes during the week! Yeah for great instructors :love:

    LoL No hope for her then. That suxs. At least you have somewhere else you can go.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    hey Zumba pals! Just poppin in to see how everyone is doing, and to bump this post for other people who are curious about Zumba. The Zumba crew is your one stop shop for all questions about Zumba!
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    hello I am tammy married with a 4 year old daughter.My least favored food is anything that comes out of the waTER.i DO LOVE MY ZUMBA THOUGH
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