almond mik alfredo sauce?

christina_c_marks Posts: 101 Member
Has anyone ever used almond milk to make low cal alfredo sauce? alfredo is my weakness and id like to find a low cal way to make my own...just wondered if someone else has already tried it :) thanks


  • ❤B☩❤
    I haven't, but I will surely be watching for any suggestions. I love Alfredo sauce, too!
  • tkolodin
    almond milk for alfredo sauce?
    that sounds disgusting
  • castlesintheair
    I can't find a recipe for Almond Milk Alfredo, but I found this vegan recipe made with silken tofu.

    1 package (12 oz.) extra firm silken tofu
    1/2 cup nutritional yeast
    1/4 cup ground flaxseed (flaxseed meal)
    1/2 – 1 tsp sea salt
    1/2 tsp ground allspice
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    olive oil and sea salt to taste

    Cook pasta according to package directions.
    While pasta is cooking, combine all sauce ingredients together in a food processor. Blend until smooth.
    When pasta is finished cooking, drain, rinse and return to pot. Toss in a light amount of olive oil to evenly coat the noodles. Salt lightly if desired.
    Combine the sauce with the pasta until the desired pasta/sauce ratio is reached. This recipe makes enough to generously coat 14 oz. box or bag of dried pasta.
  • imfit2
    used almond milk recently to make a mac & cheese recipe and it was great. Of course with an Alfredo sauce it may not be quite as thick as creme. Good luck!
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I've never had any issues using almond or coconut milk in replacement of dairy milks. If something doesn't thicken up use a bit of cornstarch.

    Here is one -
  • jamesstair87108
    I just tried it with the unsweetened almond milk...had to use some dairy milk to get the cheese to break down...not sure why? anyone have ideas on this?