what do you first notice in the opposite sex?



  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    Smile first. And not a fake smile either. I want a big toothy grin. The teeth don't have to be straight, but they have to be white.
    In fact, people with super straight or "glowing" white teeth freak me out! LOL
    I think people with a gap in their teeth or a crooked tooth here and there are adorable.

    Also the eyes are something I look at as well. You know someone is genuinely happy when their eyes crinkle at the sides when they smile. I love that.
    so you like a gap? Flashes big smile
  • arms, shoulders, *kitten*, height.......

    If there is a man with redhair, he is going to get my attention, everytime. It's a weird fetish I have ;-)
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Smile first. And not a fake smile either. I want a big toothy grin. The teeth don't have to be straight, but they have to be white.
    In fact, people with super straight or "glowing" white teeth freak me out! LOL
    I think people with a gap in their teeth or a crooked tooth here and there are adorable.

    Also the eyes are something I look at as well. You know someone is genuinely happy when their eyes crinkle at the sides when they smile. I love that.
    so you like a gap? Flashes big smile

    People with gaps in their teeth are super cute!
  • LeeKetty1176
    LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member
    arms, shoulders, *kitten*, height.......

    If there is a man with redhair, he is going to get my attention, everytime. It's a weird fetish I have ;-)

    Thats just wrong on every level:tongue:
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    its a toss up between, eyes, legs and booty, :wink:
  • I would have answered this question differently five or ten years ago but first thing I notice now is the eyes :wink:
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I guess it depends on what level. The first level-If I'm just walking down the street, I notice clothes first. If he's dressed like an idiot (saggy pants, stupid sideways hat, skinny jeans, etc. Basically dressed like a boy not a man) I don't pay any attention at all.

    If I'm meeting someone, I notice the smile first. Then I notice what type of sense of humor they have and how intelligent they seem..
  • welly5
    welly5 Posts: 293 Member
    I notice height right away. Wouldn't date someone shorter than me.
  • Well i actually surprised myself a little bit.
    I would have thought that height would be my big factor but then i realized that looks-wise i have dated guys all over the map.

    But every single one of them had a warm smile and kind eyes. (now THATS sexy)
  • Y'all are so lucky to know exactly what you like in the opposite sex. I do like a woman with a nice smile, chest, butt, and all that good stuff; but at the end of the day, I'll shove all of that to the side and fall in love with the woman that has a good heart. A woman with all the best attributes cannot do anything for me if she holds grudges or has a bad attitude or has that jealous streak. Give me a plain Jane with a smile and a good heart, and I'll walk away the happiest man on the planet.

    and with a heart like that you're sure to find exactly what you're looking for!

    so sweet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    eyes, face, smile...in about 3/10 of a second. then boobs, then *kitten*, then back to boobs.

    I would agree but maybe not in that order. The funny thing is it doesn't matter if the boobs are big, medium, or small. Great things come in all shapes and sizes I guess. :love:
  • bjunkins
    bjunkins Posts: 11 Member
    The eyes have it.
  • I can't beleive only one guy said boobs so far!!!

    yea huh the rest must not be telling the truth...lol vote for boobies, well at least im not the first. and a nice butt
  • The eyes have it.

  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    eyes, face, smile...in about 3/10 of a second. then boobs, then *kitten*, then back to boobs.

    I would agree but maybe not in that order. The funny thing is it doesn't matter if the boobs are big, medium, or small. Great things come in all shapes and sizes I guess. :love:

    I love itty bitties
  • The first thing I notice is is what he is noticing about me. Usually, they are pretty obvious about it.
  • Mine would have to be face, smile eyes then body.
    From behind it would be calves, my god a woman with a great set of them drives me up the wwall lol.

    ok calm down karl lol
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    The first thing I notice is is what he is noticing about me. Usually, they are pretty obvious about it.

    From your profile pic it is the smile. :smile:
  • Ahhh, Carl01, you are a sweetie pie. Actually, it is usually my boobies:laugh:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Ahhh, Carl01, you are a sweetie pie. Actually, it is usually my boobies:laugh:

    Well I can`t see those in the pic. tantrum.gif

    Just teasin. :wink: :flowerforyou:
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