ANGRRRRRRRRY and Irritated...



  • mckval
    mckval Posts: 64 Member
    I noticed in your diary you mentioned you have rheumatoid arthritis...are you taking some meds for that? Because that may make it a bit harder to lose weight.

    But don't stop! And try not to be discouraged. I echo all the encouragement that the rest of the posts state. This is supposed to be a lifestyle, and if you are consistent, your body will respond as it sees fit.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I've been diligent for about a month now and have lost a grand total of 2 pounds. I only want to lose 10-13, but still. I am frustrated too, but I am very pleased with my perseverance. I am working out about 6 days a week and being active on my "off" day. If I eat or drink a lot, I counter balance with activity. I am being honest with myself (look at my diary....I really did drink 6 glasses of red wine last night) and also holding myself accountable. I feel stronger than I have in years, feel like I am finally sculpting my body, and am truly dedicated. If I don't drop a lot of weight, I think I'm okay with the fact that I have been and will continue to be dedicated to fitness and nutrition. Good luck! You rock.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When you get to your goal weight you will be lean and toned from the exercise. She will be soft and flabby! She could still be "skinny fat" and you won't be! She will probably gain it back, you won't. You will have learned how to be healthy, she will only have learned how to "diet". Keep with it, you will be much better off in the long run!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    Weightloss is different for everyone. But to me, a bagel with cream cheese doesn't sound all that appetizing. :tongue:
    If you want to take a breather, take a few days off from bootcamp, spend it with your pets and fiancé and pets instead. And on those days that you do, just increase your water intake and watch your sodium as well. People don’t have to exorcize everyday of the week to see results.

    Like they say, slow and steady win the race. :wink:
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    hon, i just looked over your last week and your NET calories are coming out around 1000 every day. Eat about 200 MORE calories a day (assuming same activity level) and of course keep the fruits/veggies and water going in and you will see the scale begin to move faster :)
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    Options may step on the scale one day to find it dropped a lot. Keep up the good work and do a little more research to see if you need to change things up...but hang in there!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Ok, here's the reality.

    Weight loss is 80 percent diet (as in eating less calories than you burn). You can accomplish that in one of three ways:

    1. Diet alone. You do not need to exercise to lose weight. If you create a deficit by simply eating less than you burn you can lose weight.

    2. You can create a deficit by eating a little less and exercising a little more and thus creating a deficit by increasing your burn and slightly decreasing your calories. This is generally accepted to be the most effective method.

    3. You can create a deficit with exercise alone. So eating what you eat, and exercising enough to create a deficit. Probably only effective for athletes.

    All of these methods will work. Exercise adds a few additional benefits: cardio vascular health, better toned muscles, creating muscle which is more metabolically active than fat, higher levels of saratonin, etc.

    So, both your method and your friends will work. You just need to decide which works better for you.