Humiliating at the very LEAST!!



  • Fineraziel
    Im so sorry for you. :( Did you try to visit a specialist ? A physiotherapist could help you with the control of your pelvic muscles... Well worth trying! :) Also, there are simple exercises you can do at home (Kegel exercise).

    But about jumping jacks, if you want to avoid them, I would replace those with "step touch". If you are very energetic and move your arms up and down while doing it, it is quite a good cardio exercise! :D

    Good luck! :)
  • dream_litotes
    You're not alone! My mother has issues with it as well (although she never talks about it) and I'm actively trying to prepare myself as best I can to avoid it.

    I recently came across the following articles, which are slightly radical but very funny and interesting. There are links to more information and just generally a lot of useful things about what our bodies need.

    The first one:
    A funny and link-gather type post about everything pelvic, on the blog of the woman who is interviewed in the two first links:

    Her blog is very interesting in general, and is all about how to treat your body right (in terms of posture and exercises). I definitely recommend reading it if you have the time. :)