Fit By Summer - February



  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member

    That is a good way to think of it.
    So, for today, I did good. I stayed under calories and threw in some extra time on the wii active.

    OOOO I have wii active and haven't been on it for awhile!! I will join you.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Morning everyone, weigh in today 1 pound down! Puts me at that's almost 10 pounds lost and 24 more pounds to go.
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Good morning! I'm down one pound for today's weigh-in, which is awesome cuz yesterday I was feeling bloated and crappy and thought for sure the weight was creeping back on.

    But I drank a TON of water, and today feel great! I gotta remember to always have water at my desk during the day....
  • minni2906
    Good morning! I'm down one pound for today's weigh-in, which is awesome cuz yesterday I was feeling bloated and crappy and thought for sure the weight was creeping back on.

    But I drank a TON of water, and today feel great! I gotta remember to always have water at my desk during the day....

    I have the same issue. I never drink my water because it's not right at hand while I'm trying to work!! I need to get into the habit of pausing and refilling my water cup!!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    So I weighed in this morning and SHOCKER I'm down six pounds from last week :laugh: Oh yeah...I ate all my calories but I did add in Yoga to my routine. Love it! This puts me at 203....My goal is 185 by summer but I might be changing that if this keeps up!

  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    So I weighed in this morning and SHOCKER I'm down six pounds from last week :laugh: Oh yeah...I ate all my calories but I did add in Yoga to my routine. Love it! This puts me at 203....My goal is 185 by summer but I might be changing that if this keeps up!


    thats fantastic well done you

    i weigh on a monday if i losty 6lbs id be well on my way to target but ill be happy with 1lb off just hope i have as much luck as you
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    KC what is wii active like?
    i love the step on wii fitness and doing marching bowling easy things really but great fun i bought wii active ages ago at a bargain price but havent tried it yet i kinda stick to what i like exercise and avoid new things so id love to know what its like

    I like the wii active--you have a personal trainer that you follow and they encourage you as you go through the workout, as well as call you out when it think that you didn't put in full effort. I have never not gotten a good workout from it...I only have two dislikes for it: one, the running portions. You run in place for them, and that bothers my ankles. two, the actual wii sensor--sometimes it doesn't pick up your motions correctly (too slow, delayed, etc) and so you don't get into a regular rythm for the exercises.

    overall though, it is pretty good.
  • lawsmommy26
    lawsmommy26 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, my name is Robyn, I'd love to join this group my goal is to lose between 20 and 25lbs by July because my best friend is getting married and I'm her maid of honor. Well, let's see the craziest thing that has happened to me, my full name is Robyn Williams!
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Hiiii, I go by JD to friends, I currently weight 228 lbs and I'd like to be down at least 50-60 lbs by summer. My parents, my sister and me are going to Florida on July 10th for two weeks. We've been once before, but it was 11 years ago and I was only 8. This time things are so different, I dont want to be too fat for the rides!

    Nothing bizarre really, but I did walk right by Susan Lucci in New York once in 2008, she was hiding behind bodyguards. Closest to a celebrity I've ever been!
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    So I weighed in this morning and SHOCKER I'm down six pounds from last week :laugh: Oh yeah...I ate all my calories but I did add in Yoga to my routine. Love it! This puts me at 203....My goal is 185 by summer but I might be changing that if this keeps up!


    Awesome job! Absolutely, eat those exercise calories.

    I forgot to report in yesterday. I'm at 196 this week for an additional 4.5 lb loss.
    My goal for the summer is basically met, so I'm mixing in strength training and increasing calories.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    KC what is wii active like?
    i love the step on wii fitness and doing marching bowling easy things really but great fun i bought wii active ages ago at a bargain price but havent tried it yet i kinda stick to what i like exercise and avoid new things so id love to know what its like

    I like the wii active--you have a personal trainer that you follow and they encourage you as you go through the workout, as well as call you out when it think that you didn't put in full effort. I have never not gotten a good workout from it...I only have two dislikes for it: one, the running portions. You run in place for them, and that bothers my ankles. two, the actual wii sensor--sometimes it doesn't pick up your motions correctly (too slow, delayed, etc) and so you don't get into a regular rythm for the exercises.

    overall though, it is pretty good.

    thanks i need to get it out and use it i think i could do with the kick up the bum i need to do some more exercise so it might just be a good start
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    I stayed the same this week. Only 1/2lb in the last 3 weeks. I'm not overly worried but it's a bit frustrating. :ohwell:
  • mamabearr
    Hope I'm not to late to join in on this.
    I'm Amanda. I'm 21 and have an 18 month old daughter. Before pregnancy I weighed 117. I gained FIFTY pounds when I was pregnant. I blame it on the summer BBQs and the fact that my pregnant butt LOVED chicken wings. I currently weigh 153 (I think, scale is broken lol). I'm being ambitious and hoping to lose 25lbs by the beginning of June. I know that it will require a BIG lifestyle change. I'm currently waiting for Turbo Fire to be delivered. Should be here anytime between Monday and Wednesday.

    Something interesting that's happened to me.... At my old job at a golf course, we had Eddie Money come in and I met him. Of course, at the time, I was 15 and had no clue who he was and couldn't have cared less lol.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hey everyone. My name is Heather. I just joined MFP this past week. I was looking for an app for my new phone to help me count calories and found this one. I'm just thrilled with it so far. I weigh in for the first time on Monday so I'm looking forward to seeing how strong a start I've had. My ultimate weight loss goal is 40 lbs, and I'm hoping for 20 by this summer

    I don't know if I"ve every done much that was really outlandish, but I did live in Russia for five years which is pretty interesting to most people. Loved it too. Now I'm back in the states and living in Georgia, went back to college recently (in my mid-30's so that's pretty scary) to pursue a degree in Russian. Been putting weight on a litle at a time for some time now, and decided it was time to head off some of the potential health problems that come along with all this extra weight.
  • Pennylite
    Pennylite Posts: 66 Member
    I am Penny and my goal is to lose 33lbs by the summer. I got to meet the Beach Boys when I was in high school. My father had a boutique they walked into in Manchester, UK. He agreed to close the shop for them the the following day so they could shop in peace. He took me along but when I told my friends at school, not many believed me as they were No 1 in the charts at the time. It happened so quickly that later on, it seemed surreal. Wishing everyone success with their goals for the summer :smile:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Welcome all newcomers to our family!!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Ok, I need to stop peeking at the scale on days that are not weigh in days!!!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Okay, so I did my first weigh in and lost 2 lbs the first week! As my goal is 1 lb a week, I was pretty thrilled with that. I didn't do great on calories some days, but played 4-on-4 volleyball for several hours Friday which pretty much saved my butt (it burned about 1800 calories!). This week's goal, keep within my calorie range every day and don't count on burning extra to get me by.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    well i didnt lose this week but i got a really good work out in today at my ladies and babies swim class i did 25minutes running my 30lb toddler widths across the pool and 25minutes holding he rin her swim ring and swimming her across plenty of fun so it didnt even feel like exercise if only every day could be that fun

    hope we all have agood week with friendly scales
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Happy hump day everybody!

    I think exercise is turning me into one of those annoying people who wakes up perky. :laugh: A non-scale victory I guess.

    It will be interesting to see what the scale does on Friday, because although I've been good most days, Valentine's Day was unreserved gluttony. Oh well - back on the program the next morning, so hopefully it won't be a big blip.