90 Day Challenge-Challenge 6



  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    YOU GUYS, YOU GUYS!! When I clicked on Allison's name to find the next challenge, it said that her account is deactivated. When did she leave? What are we going to do about our challenge? Am I freaking out for nothing right now? :noway:

    I would presume it just got to be too much to handle.. For this week I would reccommend a repeat of this week challenges.. They were challenging and hard to fit it.. Or we can come up with new ideas.. I am ot the one to do a spread sheet to keep track of everyone else.. But we could all add or take turns suggesting a week's challenge till the end.. That way everyone has a fair say in what we do for the week? Whacha think? Any other idea's? But we need of list of who is still in on the challenge so we can have two or maybe even three suggest the weeks challenge and then post it for the rest of us?

    Any thoughts???? :)
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I would presume it just got to be too much to handle.. For this week I would reccommend a repeat of this week challenges.. They were challenging and hard to fit it.. Or we can come up with new ideas.. I am ot the one to do a spread sheet to keep track of everyone else.. But we could all add or take turns suggesting a week's challenge till the end.. That way everyone has a fair say in what we do for the week? Whacha think? Any other idea's? But we need of list of who is still in on the challenge so we can have two or maybe even three suggest the weeks challenge and then post it for the rest of us?

    Any thoughts???? :)
    I definately think we should keep on keepin' on. I think doing this challenge again is a good idea. Should we post the challenge 7 and tell the circumstances and see who's still in on this? I'm sure the one's who have been posting will still be for it.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    I would presume it just got to be too much to handle.. For this week I would reccommend a repeat of this week challenges.. They were challenging and hard to fit it.. Or we can come up with new ideas.. I am ot the one to do a spread sheet to keep track of everyone else.. But we could all add or take turns suggesting a week's challenge till the end.. That way everyone has a fair say in what we do for the week? Whacha think? Any other idea's? But we need of list of who is still in on the challenge so we can have two or maybe even three suggest the weeks challenge and then post it for the rest of us?

    Any thoughts???? :)
    I definately think we should keep on keepin' on. I think doing this challenge again is a good idea. Should we post the challenge 7 and tell the circumstances and see who's still in on this? I'm sure the one's who have been posting will still be for it.

    This is an option, I am not sure either but at least then we have something to work with this week. Everyone who wants in can post on the challenge week 7 we started this together we should finish it together. Just sayin :) I have seen several memeber post. But not sure they will want to continue so lets do a week 7 challenge and see who shows up there and we can do the same challenge as this week.. And move forward from there.. Go ahead and post week 7 we will see how many want to continue by the end of the day ok?
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Go ahead and post week 7 we will see how many want to continue by the end of the day ok?
    Alright. I'll go ahead and post it.
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    Go ahead and post week 7 we will see how many want to continue by the end of the day ok?
    Alright. I'll go ahead and post it.

    Be sure to add the link here so they know where to go.. :) Thanks
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member

    Hi everyone! Final check in for this week (I live on the West Coast if anyone wonders why I always post so late)

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week 7/7
    2. 4 sets of 10 Pushups 4 out of 7 days this week. 3/4
    3. Wall Squats twice a day for 3 out of 7 days this week. Hold as long as you can. 3/3
    4. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 2 out of 7 days this week 6/2
    5. Do 8 Sets of 25 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week. 2.5/3 (One day I could only do 4 sets, because I was still really sore from the first time I did it! I may try to finish up the last 4 sets tomorrow)

    I got pretty close to finishing everything...

    And for weigh in, last week I was 174.0. Today I am 172.8 lbs. A loss of 1.2 lbs! :)
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Ref 166

    Week 6: February 5-11, 2011

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week. 7/7
    2. 4 sets of 10 Pushups 4 out of 7 days this week. 2/7
    3. Wall Squats twice a day for 3 out of 7 days this week. Hold as long as you can. 0/0
    4. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 2 out of 7 days this week. 3/7
    5. Do 8 Sets of 25 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week. 2/7
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    #41 checking in for the week/

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week. 7/7
    2. 4 sets of 10 Pushups 4 out of 7 days this week. 4/4
    3. Wall Squats twice a day for 3 out of 7 days this week. Hold as long as you can. 3/3
    4. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 2 out of 7 days this week. 7/7
    5. Do 8 Sets of 25 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week. 247/600 i think i didnt finsh:(

    weigh in 159 nothing this week but at least i maintained it:)
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi! If anyone if planning on continuing with the challenges, please e-mail your stats.


    P.S So far I have received 6 confirmations.
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member

    Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 5/7
    2. 4 sets of 10 Pushups 4 out of 7 days this week: 100/160
    3. Wall Squats twice a day for 3 out of 7 days this week. Hold as long as you can: 5/6
    4. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 2 out of 7 days this week: 120/60
    5. Do 8 Sets of 25 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 475/600

    Very tough challenge, very interesting...I am trying my best to do what I can!!! Thanks for the challenge!!! Will weigh in on Monday morning..I need a full day off of work because after standing on my feet for 12 hours my feet are always a lil swollen!!!
  • dvanrose
    dvanrose Posts: 21 Member
    #60, checking in at 148 pounds.

    Exercise goals are not met - did my own thing this week.

    Water - met every day.
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    Was out of town and did not get to check in. I did my weigh-in this morning and was down to 271 so i am down 10 lbs now!!! Ok going to check out this weeks challenge.