Why do people....



  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I LOVE to exercise now!! Dont see why I didnt do it before!

    Thanks about my photo. That was taken last year when my hair was still died black and it was nice and long :sad: I miss my hair! haha
  • Sunibc22
    I was and probably still am someone who hates to exercise. I've tried to lose weight again and again over the years without exercise and have yet to lose all my weight or to keep it off.

    I believe in starting slow. My first task when I joined this site was to figure out how to keep my calories around 1200. That took me 2 weeks of trying different foods to stay full etc and have had some slip ups but have a pretty good idea how to do that.

    So now I've added in the exercise portion. It's only been just over a week and I still don't like it but boy do I like the way I feel after. And those extra calories....love them!! In fact I took today off from working out and was not happy about sticking to 1200 cals and felt lazy so I had to at least get out and take my dogs for an easy hike. I do have a gym membership which is a bit expensive but I also have some DVD's to do at home that were pretty cheap and hiking with my pups is free so money is no excuse. I think once excercising becomes more routine for me...(I'm giving it at least a month of being consistent with it), I will learn to love it like so many others. Never thought I'd think that....EVER!!!

    I think the only way I'm going to achieve my goals this time is with proper eating and exercise. The only way I'm going to keep it off this time is with proper eating and exercise! It's about leading a healthy life for me....not just getting skinny.

    Any ways, just some of my thought on the issue.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    HEALTH! That was my reason for not exercising when I started this journey.

    I would encourage anyone who is holding back for this reason to go see your doctor. I started on physical therapy and was very lucky to get a good therapist.

    I walked in telling them what I couldnt do. I walked out with the knowledge of what I CAN do. :noway:

    It has been a slow building up to more strenuous exerise. I am still in pain, but have decreased my pain meds by 1/2. This weekend I took none. Everytime I wanted to take a pill I put on my HRM and DID something.

    My hope is that all our MFP friends will get off the couch, even if just for 10 minutes. I have 3-5-10 lb weights all over my house. When I let the dogs out I carry my 3 pounders and do 3 sets of 15 triceps, on the way to the mail, stop and bang out 2 sets of 10 bicep curls.

    I have made it fun-doing different things. I go to the beach and walk, to the park and jog with my dog (ok so maybe 2 blocks but I am JOGGING!:bigsmile: )

    Point is...anything is better than nothing. I just love you guys1:blushing: :smooched: :love:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bumpity bump....off to the gym but I'll be back to respond, read a bit more here :happy:

    :flowerforyou: Have a great morning everyone!!:wink:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • scheidch
    Totally agree - but I think some people don't do it because, um, it's easier not to eat as much and you can lose weight faster. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I said faster, not better. From everything I've read, you will keep it off longer if you exercise.

    I would like to add to this that not only will you keep the weight off longer if you exercise, you will keep it off - period - if you eat a good balance of nutritious foods in correct quantities, and you will have greater muscle mass, which burns 50 calories per pound per day instead of the 10 calories per pound per day that fat burns.

    Source for calorie information: Biggest Loser Weight Loss Program book
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    When I first realized I would need to exercise to drop weight, I was bummed.

    Here was what I remember about why I didn't want to work out:

    1. I had asthma and was an out of shape smoker. A short walk would wind me. A workout was real work!

    2. I had no time. Lunch breaks were for going out to lunch with coworkers! I tried getting up at 5am and hitting the gym but that only lasted for less than a month, having a 1 year old at home and being a night-owl myself.

    3. Didn't want to spend the money on the gym anyhow. It's expensive!

    4. If I had to start small, I was going to be the laughing-stock of the gym, feeling like a total fattie and a loser.

    I ended up changing my mindset. I WANTED a change in my life. I wanted to be able to breathe without the aid of three daily asthma medications and a rescue inhaler. I wanted to come off the 5 other medications for my other ailments. I wanted to be healthy.

    I started with yoga twice a week and a ride on the elliptical my third workout day every week. Yoga was low impact but it wore me out and was a great start for me. I saw results.

    Now, I hate missing a workout. I'm an endorphine junkie, even wanting to workout at home in the evenings! I feel a little nuts about how much I love exercise now, to be honest. But I remember how hard it was in the beginning. It's hard to go from 'nothing' to 'something' that requires effort and time and dedication.
  • jlwhelan1
    This post - along with already knowing I needed to - got me to the gym this morning. I was delayed at home with the kids and when I got to my office by a coworker just back from a trip to Japan and China...so I got started late but I still went.

    I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and felt marvelous. My bike ride in is just not long enough (12 minutes) to get more than warmed up. This felt good. Target is to do 20 minutes tomorrow and my weight routine 20 minutes. I am so swamped at work/school that I feel so guilty about taking this time...you reminded me it is healthy to take this time.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    This post - along with already knowing I needed to - got me to the gym this morning. I was delayed at home with the kids and when I got to my office by a coworker just back from a trip to Japan and China...so I got started late but I still went.

    I did 45 minutes on the elliptical and felt marvelous. My bike ride in is just not long enough (12 minutes) to get more than warmed up. This felt good. Target is to do 20 minutes tomorrow and my weight routine 20 minutes. I am so swamped at work/school that I feel so guilty about taking this time...you reminded me it is healthy to take this time.

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's all you so give yourself a thanks!! :drinker: Way to go!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    bumpin....want to respond but haven't had a chance...so keepin it closer to the top on 'my topics'..lol:tongue:
  • ShanIsRad
    Everyone is different. Some people just don't realize that they have to exercise to lose weight (you may laugh, but when I went to Weight Watchers and my leader would ask who exercised, I was one of the few that did, and many members would say "oh, its because you're young"), that it will just come off by dieting. Also, self-consciousness, which is also my problem. I don't feel comfortable going to a gym when I know I'm bound to run into someone that I know, and I just don't like the thought of others looking at me while I exercise. I take dance classes at a studio which are great because they're fun, and I'm there to learn, I've stopped caring about what my classmates think a long time ago. I also walk everywhere (it is a mile from the bus stop to my college, or, if I take a different bus, it is still a 1/2 mile from that stop down to the buildings), I love walking in NYC, except for when I get lost trying to find my train, lol.

    I do miss strength training, I was so much stronger in high school than I am now because I took a weight training gym class my freshman year. At one point, on the machine that you sit on the chair and push the weights with your legs, I was doing around 150lbs per rep on that. Now I'll be lucky if I can break 100. I went to Curves for awhile, but it just wasn't enough for me, and I felt like I wasn't getting enough because I think I needed to increase the weights because I got so used to them.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Everyone is different. Some people just don't realize that they have to exercise to lose weight (you may laugh, but when I went to Weight Watchers and my leader would ask who exercised, I was one of the few that did, and many members would say "oh, its because you're young"), that it will just come off by dieting. Also, self-consciousness, which is also my problem. I don't feel comfortable going to a gym when I know I'm bound to run into someone that I know, and I just don't like the thought of others looking at me while I exercise. I take dance classes at a studio which are great because they're fun, and I'm there to learn, I've stopped caring about what my classmates think a long time ago. I also walk everywhere (it is a mile from the bus stop to my college, or, if I take a different bus, it is still a 1/2 mile from that stop down to the buildings), I love walking in NYC, except for when I get lost trying to find my train, lol.

    I do miss strength training, I was so much stronger in high school than I am now because I took a weight training gym class my freshman year. At one point, on the machine that you sit on the chair and push the weights with your legs, I was doing around 150lbs per rep on that. Now I'll be lucky if I can break 100. I went to Curves for awhile, but it just wasn't enough for me, and I felt like I wasn't getting enough because I think I needed to increase the weights because I got so used to them.

    GO Shan...i am so proud of you! I love when young people take control early in life!! :flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    My main problem is time. I know people say make time ( and sometimes I do) but here is my day. When I work in exercising I feel guilty that I neglect something else

    6:00 get up, shower, cook breakfast, get kids ready for school, clean up breakfast mess
    7:15 head to work, dropping off hubby and kids on the way
    7:45-5:15 work
    5:15-5:45 pick up kids and hubby and go home
    5:45-7:00 get home, change clothes, do chores, work with horses I'm breaking
    7:00-8:00 make supper and actually sit and eat with family
    8:00-9:00 help kids with home work (one is in the gifted program and has really tough homework one is special ed and everything is tough for her)
    9:00-10:00 basic household clean up (picking up after hubby and kids)
    10:00-11:00 read to wind down so i can sleep
    11:00 sleep

    When it's nice I do sometimes walk over my lunch, but in the summer when it's 100 out I don't because I can't be all sweaty at work, and in the winter when it's 10 below and the wind is blowing like crazy I won't, because that's just crazy.