best pickup lines.....



  • Best pick up line: "Hi"

    Worst: "Hey Girl, come here".

  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    I recently had a guy come up to me in a pub....he licked his finger then wiped it on my jacket (eeeeeuuuuugh!!!), followed by the line
    'I think we should go somewhere and get you out of those wet clothes'

    I did find it mildly amusing.....but not enough to take him up on his kind offer!

    Another line a friend of mine actually used on a girl was
    him: What's the difference between a penis (he actually used a much ruder word) and a sausage roll
    her: errrr...I don't know
    him: really, you don't know?! well in that case do you want to go on a picnic?

    The first one is hilarious.
    I think that pretty much proves to my American friends that all English blokes are in fact sod all like Hugh Grant! haha
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    I had a friend in the Army that would walk up to the hottest woman in Frankfurt and say "you are beautiful...look at those tits. wanna f@#k?" he got slapped a lot, but never went home alone.
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    Was handed a twenty dollar bill with a phone number written on it and he said, "Call me and I'll let you buy me lunch. " Really liked that one.
  • Being a redhead, I get the "does the carpet match the drapes" line often. :laugh:

    And the there was this one time.... Oh baby, you look like you could use a nice spanking.............:noway: :laugh: That one was like WTF... :tongue:
  • foodbuzz
    foodbuzz Posts: 39 Member
    When I was in the Air Force my boss asked me if I wanted to go "halfsies" on a baby!!!!! Talk about sexual harassment, eh? :blushing:
  • Boy-"What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk?"
    Boy-"My Zipper"
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Being a redhead, I get the "does the carpet match the drapes" line often. :laugh:

    And the there was this one time.... Oh baby, you look like you could use a nice spanking.............:noway: :laugh: That one was like WTF... :tongue:

    Oh I forgot, I did once get a redheads number by telling her: "Is it true what they say?"
    Her: "what's that?"
    Me: "That there's no point sleeping with blondes or brunettes when you can stay up all night with a redhead?"
    Her: (laughs) "call me and maybe you'll find out"

    That one took a lot of balls on my part but I had lots of liquid courage working for me.
  • :laugh: Oh Chuck, you crack me up!

    I have another one...I'm from Georgia so the peach thing comes up too alot.

    "Oh you're a Georgia peach huh?"


    "I'd like to see if you taste as sweet and juicy as one" :noway: :laugh: how lame and creepy is that??
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Wanna **** actually works.
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    Excuse me, but does this smell like chloroform to you?:sick:

    ooops just almost :laugh: spit my drink on the monitor
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Ok, Local club with my ladies, this guy really needed a manual for approaching women...

    He was chatting me up, and I was being polite, he said he liked sweet drinks (he was drinking rum and coke.) Then the genius asked me to put my tongue in his drink, said I was pure sugar.
  • Some dude told me once that I was hot enough to melt hell. It might have worked if I wasn't married at the time.
    My all time favorite though was when I asked a customer for his phone number to put in the computer system, and he said "only if I can have yours." What he didn't know was that my husband who had come to pick me up that day was standing right next to him!!!:laugh: :laugh: Good thing my hubba has a good sense of humor! He told him that he couldn't have my phone number because he gets jealous when I go out with other guys!:laugh: That customer and I still laugh about it, and the two of them go fishing together now!:laugh:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I never had any cheesy pickup lines. But I never really went out to be picked up :laugh:

    These are great though!

    My husband won me over with his witty utterance of "uh....hey".
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Boy-"What has 142 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk?"
    Boy-"My Zipper"



    I'd had spit my drink on him from laughing so hard :laugh:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    hey baby i might not be the hottest guy here but im the only one talking to you

    (never had it said to me but i had a guy friend that would say it to girls)


    To which my reply would be, "I'm gay, *kitten*."

    Guess he likes women with low self esteem? LOL!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    :laugh: Oh Chuck, you crack me up!

    I have another one...I'm from Georgia so the peach thing comes up too alot.

    "Oh you're a Georgia peach huh?"


    "I'd like to see if you taste as sweet and juicy as one" :noway: :laugh: how lame and creepy is that??

    Wow, that's extra-special creepy
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Excuse me, but does this smell like chloroform to you?:sick:
    I think the worst was, "wanna go halfsies on a baby?"
  • bkegurl36
    bkegurl36 Posts: 61 Member
    These are all awesome!! Made my day at work not as painful lol!!
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    hot enough to melt hell? holy crap that's funny.
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