Wii Fit Weekly Challenge



  • Kirstie_C26
    Kirstie_C26 Posts: 490 Member
    im in, so as long as an hr is completed by the end of the week? cos i generally do 1/2 hr per time on the free step, so is that ok ?

    Kirstie x
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Daily or weekly check ins... it's up to each of you as far as how often you'd like to do so. I'm around daily so I'll check in each day, answer any questions, post my own Wii Fit progress daily and weigh ins weekly (I normally weigh in on Thursdays).

    Kirstie, that's perfectly fine!!

    rawmeat and efcdcdb -- We go through the batteries at our house too, like crazy!!
  • Restlessme
    Restlessme Posts: 191 Member
    Will definitely jump in on this.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,818 Member
    New to this website and losing weight. Middle age, 3 kids and a stressful job are causing the pounds to pile on but more likely the chocolate I eat. Need some motivation to burn those extra calories so I am in!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Restlessme, cool! :)

    krea4, welcome to MFP!! Best wishes on your fitness journey!

    I did 10 minutes of Advanced Step this evening. Also tried out the skateboarding arena while I was at it.. fun! :)
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Sounds like fun, I'm excited to start! Just need to change the batteries in my balance board now :)
  • nikkih7869
    Going to start 2moro! Having a cheeky rest day today as I was up all night wiv an unwell 3month old! lol

    Good luck all xxxx
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm in!! We just got the Wii Fit Plus today, and tried it out for 30 minutes. Should be fun!! Does zumba and other games count if its on the wii?? Glad you started this, will definately keep me going!!
  • curran80
    Hi all

    I managed to get an hours free step in this morning :smile:

    My aim is to get between 30 and 60 mins a day on the step
  • Gottamunch
    Hi All

    Have just started and need something to motivate me to actually do some exercise. I've put down that I'll do 30 minutes exercise three times a week as my goal here, but so far I've managed a big fat zero!!! So thanks for the great idea.

    I'm in it too. My OH will be pleased as I've only used the Wii Fit Plus I asked him for Christmas last year once so far - luckily it only says it's been so many days since you were last on it so he hasn't noticed yet. Just need to prise the children away from the tv long enough for me to get my stint in and I'm there.

    Look forward to seeing us all fitter and slimmer as the days go by.

    We can do this together!
  • lulu64uk
    I'm in aswell, will use "Free step" with weights ;O)
  • jojo309
    jojo309 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in tooooo :) I shall get it on this afternoon .

    Thank you so much for putting the time in MaryTheIceCube

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Did not exercise last night because hubby and I went out for Valetine's Day dinner with friends.
    I will be on the Wii tonight and record my progress tomorrow. I usually weigh everyday so I will probably
    give my results on Friday's if that is okay or have you set a certain day. Let me know with a
    message. Thanks :happy:
    I will be starting the St. Patrick's Day Challenge soon so Friday's are good for me for weight in.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    I did 30 minutes of Free Step while watching a movie and then another 30 min of Advanced Step. (I was off yesterday so I could do it randomly throughout the day.

    I also did some yoga while I had it out because I know my flexibility is horrid.
  • nikkih7869
    So much 4 treating myself 2 a lazy day.... 1hr free step complete ;-) xxxxx
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hey everyone!! Great to see so many of us joining in on this challenge!! I love it. :)

    For those of you who don't have Wii Fit but have other Wii games, or have Wii Fit and want to substitute other games, that's perfectly fine for this challenge.

    I'm wanting to get some ideas together for the next couple of weeks' challenges, so if anyone has anything fun or creative in mind using the Wii Fit exercises or activities, please feel free to suggest them.

    We have company over for dinner this evening, so I'm not sure whether I'll get to any steppin' today, but if our company leaves early enough, I may very well put Free Step on while I watch Biggest Loser tonight. Anyone else a fan of the show??
  • izzys1mom
    I'm in....just need to recharge my batteries! Is this 1 hour a day or 1 hour a week? I am a little confused on that part. Love my Wii Fit Plus, but have not had it out in about 6 months...thanks for the "challenge"

  • rawmeat
    one hour of wii free step DONE!!

    ive never really played around on the wii fit plus before... i didnt even know free step was an option! it's super cool that it has no music, so i threw a movie on on my laptop and did it. super easy!!

    i could totally get use to this!!!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    izzys1mom -- 1 hour this week... but, if you'd like to challenge yourself to 1 hour a day, that's absolutely fine too! Good luck :)
  • nikkih7869
    Im doing 1 hour a day! xxx