9/11 - 7 years! You are in my prayers!



  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    I remember finally getting to sleep with the baby (he was so sick) and my husband hollering for me. Couldn't believe what he said. Shortly thereafter watching # 2 hit.

    My heartfelt prayers with those who were affected by this national tragedy.:heart::heart:
  • Katy009
    Katy009 Posts: 579 Member
    What a horrible day! I was 7 months pregnant and was at work. I still get people here in Italy that ask me really stupid questions about that day and it makes me really mad because (a lot of them - not everyone) they will never understand what a heartbreaking day that was in America!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    omg I was crying a bit on the way to work they were playing some beautiful song dedications!:brokenheart: :sad:

    I was in the hospital w/ my baby boy who was 9 mths we had been admitted the night before due to him having a bad urniary infection which led to a whole mess of things...anyway....i was crying holding him talking to the nurse w/ cnn on and no volume....I thought it was a movie they were showing...and then the second one hit and we both stopped and said the same thing...HEY that's not a movie...then it was like someone had taken our breath we couldn't move or say a word....just the saddest and most horrific.....they'll never be forgotten and my heart goes to all those who suffered and lost loved ones that day! we all did that day!:brokenheart: :heart: :cry:

  • Kaybay37
    Just wanted to send a prayer to all those that were and are still affected by this day.

    I remember it very clearly (was living on Long Island at the time and saw the smoke and heard of all the people in my town and the surrounding towns that were lost).

    I still live in the suburbs of NYC and though 7 years have passed.... all of you that were lost are not far from my thoughts.

    Lots of love to you!

    Love and prayers to all who lost loved ones that horrible day. :cry:

    I was a teacher assistant in a Virginia elementary school. We were coming back from the library when my teacher stopped in the office to check her mail and found out what was happening. We were in a panicky shock and weren't getting any information. My husband is a Navy sailor and his sister from Michigan called my classroom to find out if he had to ship out ... it hadn't even occurred to me yet. He didn't, but we didn't find that out until he hurriedly called later that afternoon.

    My son who was 7 at the time remembers being called in from recess. He didn't understand at the time, but there was a concern about all the military bases in our area being targets.

    When we got home, all I could do was watch. And pray. And cry. :brokenheart:

    America Remembers.:heart:
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    My daughter was just telling me about the little ceremony they had at school and how the teachers were telling the students about what happened in 2001. My 5-year-old, Jennifer, said, "Mommy, the bad people ran the airplane into the building. Did the people die?:brokenheart: " It's hard to explain things like hate and death to a little child.
  • JeremyInvincible
    JeremyInvincible Posts: 264 Member
    Love you guys.
  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    I have close family in NYC that I visit as often as I can. I was at work when the news came in. One of my co-workers told me. I went into shock and froze. My boss got me to try calling them but I couldn't get through for 3 days. It was probably the longest 3 days of my life. One of my cousins is a pilot and has a NY, Washington route. After 3 days I finally got news that they were all ok but my heart sure went out to those who didn't receive positive news as I had.
    For all of you reading this who were touched in such a deep way, my heart goes out to you and continued prayers for healing. Time might help heal a heart but it was a tragedy that we'll never understand.
  • nichols
    nichols Posts: 240
    prayers to all and god bless. i was working the road and was given orders to stand guard outside a local isslamic prayer temple, because people started driving by and shooting at the building while children were inside. i saw the best and worst of all man kind that day.