The biggest loser: love it or hate it??



  • EJWoolcock
    I like to watch it and use it as a motivation tool, but I do think can give unrealistic expectations to people who are looking for a "quick fix". I don't know what the American version is like, but the Australian version last season had cooking segments that showed how to cook meals healthier and segments showing some exercises people can do at home, I really liked that because these are realistic tools people can use at home. I don't really like the game/strategy part, but in the end, it is "reality" tv!!
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I love the show. I like to steal ideas for my workouts!

    I hate Courtney. She pisses me right off. I love the green team! And Arther. Even after what he did tonight. :)
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    I like to watch it and use it as a motivation tool, but I do think can give unrealistic expectations to people who are looking for a "quick fix". I don't know what the American version is like, but the Australian version last season had cooking segments that showed how to cook meals healthier and segments showing some exercises people can do at home, I really liked that because these are realistic tools people can use at home. I don't really like the game/strategy part, but in the end, it is "reality" tv!!

    US version does have some stuff on cooking. Usually when commercials come there is a quick clip of Julian telling people what they can do at home during the commercial.
  • Diva_Of_Geneva
    Diva_Of_Geneva Posts: 9 Member
    I don't care for it anymore.

    It just doesn't seem realistic to me - who gets a free personal trainer and all of their healthy meals made for them? People in the real world have to balance work, family, exercise, housework, etc.

    I'm happy for the people on the show that do lose weight and get healthy but I just can't relate.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I don't care for it anymore.

    It just doesn't seem realistic to me - who gets a free personal trainer and all of their healthy meals made for them? People in the real world have to balance work, family, exercise, housework, etc.

    I'm happy for the people on the show that do lose weight and get healthy but I just can't relate.

    I agree a thousand percent! I used to watch it, but it is so unrealistic. I mean, if the only way those people could lose the weight was to be in a tiny tiny minority that made it onto the show, then what does that say for everyone else? Plus, I always get pissed when the contestants say "If I can do it, anyone can do it." Bull crap! They had to go on a competition with trainers, specialized training and exercise, exile from "the real world," and special treatment before they could do it. Not "anyone" can get all those special perks! I don't watch anymore, and I LOVE reality tv, but it just depresses me. I'm happy for the people whose lives are changed, but I'm not gonna sit around and hope I'll get picked for that show so I can lose weight. I'm going to take my life in my own hands. If I can do, then I CAN do it!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    last night was so annoying. i wish they wouldve voted off rulon...also dumb move by arthur to switch off the green team i feel bad that the red team is so closed minded "we protect our family'-ugh
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    love love love.
    don't like the red team. They're so divisive and really making this such an us v. them when they should be encouraging each other.
    (( and by red team i mean the "unknowns"))
  • Mrs_McFadden
    I don't watch it. I should preface that with the fact that I don't watch a love of TV in general however but..even if I did- I wouldn't watch it. I just can't stand False Reality TV. I know those people are going through genuine struggles and I perceive that a lot of people would see it as a service to the public in a sense to be exposed to the emotional upheavals that lead a person to severe obesity and how difficult it can be to get back to health. What I cannot personally admire, is that it's dragged out in front of us for entertainment value. Idk- I'm just disgusted. I'm not disgusted with the obesity per se, but rather the whole circus. But I completely understand the 'benefits' in terms of inspiration and hope for some. Just not my cup of tea.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    last night was so annoying. i wish they wouldve voted off rulon...also dumb move by arthur to switch off the green team i feel bad that the red team is so closed minded "we protect our family'-ugh

    ugh i can't stand rulon

    ad wtf at bringing him on in the first place. i'm sure he has the money to hire a personal trainer at home and that team should not be there. it should have been someone who needs it more.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I hate it
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    I prefer the show "heavy" on a&e because its not about money, its not about being "sent home" or "who wins" its about getting healthy....and i think that means they will have a better chance at keeping it off then those on biggest loser do
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I watch it...although it's not very inspirational anymore. The people on it this season annoy the heck out of me. I LOVE "I used to be fat" on MTV and "Heavy" as a previous poster mentioned :)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I watch it every week ! I like the show and hate when i have to miss it !
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    last night was so annoying. i wish they wouldve voted off rulon...also dumb move by arthur to switch off the green team i feel bad that the red team is so closed minded "we protect our family'-ugh

    ugh i can't stand rulon

    ad wtf at bringing him on in the first place. i'm sure he has the money to hire a personal trainer at home and that team should not be there. it should have been someone who needs it more.
    I know!! For all we know biggest loser told him to pig out for 5 years so he could be on the show- or maybe he did it just to get more fame... Be a "celebrity" - I mean I know he won some medal but I never heard of him before. He has no right to act like such an elitist know it all.
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    in the past i have watched it, but not overly religiously. this year however i havent missed one episode.

    i dunno if they are doing it anywhere else, but in australia they have brought in 4 teams of 4 people from the same family. puts a whole new dynamic on it.

    my initial reason for watching it this year tho is that they have brought on a new trainer who is a 5th dan TKD black belt .and since im a martial arts tragic , i had no choice but to watch.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    love it! I love jillian & Bob :D they truly motivate & inspire me
  • foxy_chick
    I love it! Ive got The Biggest Loser wii game and its brilliant!

    However, heres in the UK we are a season behind so I'm trying not to read the posts about these contestants- ha ha!!

    Im really liking stephanie (purple) from our season and also rooting for sunshine and O'neil (yellow) although Im guessing everyone in America already knows whos won that one! x
  • weeble2008
    weeble2008 Posts: 147 Member
    Seems there are quite a few people who don't think the Biggest Loser is "real", and just another reality tv show. I agree to a point, it is a reality tv show, but I think when the contestants are saying 'if I can do it, anyone can do it', they're talking about taking control and changing their eating habits and exercising. You have to remember that 99.9% of the contestants on the Biggest Loser are eating pure junk ALL day long, most times 2-4 servings for each meal! They're only exercise is getting to the food.

    Personally I find the Biggest Loser very inspiring and motivating. I know I'm not going to see a 10 lb/week weight loss, because I'm not able to devote that amount of time and energy at the gym. You have to remember that they are doing the extreme, but they're doing it. They're taking back control of their bodies and lives. I don't like the game play portion of the show, and I look at the money and prizes and extra motivation. They're learning how to change their lifestyle.

    I also watch Heavy on A&E, and find that very inspiring as well. They're doing the same thing as Biggest Loser, without the money, and a lower intensity level. They're prize is weight loss and the lifestyle change their making.

    That's my 2 cents on the topic! :smile:
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Thumbs down on the biggest loser.:mad: The title alone is inappropriate.

    If they want a REAL weight loss show on TV let's put on MFP!!! :bigsmile:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I love the Biggest Loser.. it's definitely a motivator for me. I love hearing the contestants stories and rooting them on. It is definitely an extreme though.. losing 10lbs + per week. That's definitely not normal but they are working out like it is their job and being monitored closely.

    I am really rooting for Courtney from the aqua team.. She is just always so positive and has come a long way. Even though Arthur fudged up a couple of weeks ago I still like him. The yellow team bothers me though.. I don't know what it is but it's like they are power tripping over being the 'leaders' of the unknowns. While Rulon was telling his story, I didn't feel any sympathy. Usually when a contestant is telling their story or having a breakthrough I'm just sobbing along with them.

    I like this season but it doesn't even compare to last season.. That one was really good.