Wii Fit Weekly Challenge



  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Whoo hoo I completed my hour! 30 minutes of free step today, 20 minutes yesterday, and 10 minutes of advanced on tuesday!:happy:
  • curran80
    Morning all,

    I did not manage to get any step done yesterday :sad: but I did manage to do 40 mins of the biggest loser UK on the Wii :smile:

    This week I have managed:

    Tue- 60 mins free step
    Wed - 40 mins free step
    Thurs - 40 mins biggest loser

    Loving this challenge as it is making sure I get up and work out
  • lulu64uk
    Am a bit behind withthis challenge, but plan to do my 60 mins of "step" 2nite............where does the week go ???
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Congratualtions everyone who has completed their workouts.
    I have lost 1 lb in 3 days! great start. Thanks for posting this challenge, it's keeping me on my toes, thinking when I can squeeze it in. Last night did 30 minutes of free step. planning to do the rest tomorrow morning.
    Is there a specific day that the challenge week starts or is it whatever suits us?
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Everyone's doing so GREAT!!! I plan to fit my last 40 minutes of Step in over the weekend... lulu64uk, I've wondered the same thing about this week -- it's gone so fast!!

    krea4 -- Great weight loss, well done! We started this first challenge out on Monday, so I think it'd be good for the group to start a new challenge each Monday. That'll give me time to get some ideas over the weekend for each week's new challenge. :)

    You're all doing an amazing job..... I think maybe next week's challenge should be a little more... challenging.. what do ya say?! Any ideas? I'm up for taking suggestions, for sure, and it looks like the Thursday weigh ins (with your number from whatever day you normally weigh in on) is going to work well.. that's great! Thanks everyone for participating!!

    Have a GREAT Friday! :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning All,

    Today to keep a little variety in my routine I will be doing my recumbent bike:wink:
    I hope this doesn't shake things up because I like to take a break from the Wii sometimes
    so I don't get bored.:ohwell:

    30 minutes bike
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning All,

    Today to keep a little variety in my routine I will be doing my recumbent bike:wink:
    I hope this doesn't shake things up because I like to take a break from the Wii sometimes
    so I don't get bored.:ohwell:

    30 minutes bike
    331 calories
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Well done, Shirley! I HAVE to have a pretty wide variety of workouts and exercises so I don't get bored. My Wii Fit activities pretty much supplement my main workouts... running, yoga, 30 Day Shred, other Jillian Michaels workouts, bellydancing, general dance, etc. Great calorie burn today! :)
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Crazy week here with not much time for exercise! So far I have:

    Thursday: 41 minutes of exercise (36 minutes of Gold's Cardio Gym and 5 minutes of stretching afterwards to try to help my arm feel better!) = 332 calories burned
    Friday (today): 32 minutes of exercise (30 minutes of Wii Fit Free Step and 2 minutes of Rhythm Kung Fu) = 151 calories burned.

    Hoping to finish the challenge up tomorrow. I'm trying to not succumb to a sinus infection so taking the exercise easy for the next few days!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning all u Wii competitors !!

    This morning on the Wii I did 44 minutes of Haltha Yoga and Free Step (954 steps) for
    a calorie count of 148. :happy:
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning,

    No Wii today or regular exercise. My mother-in -law is back from Florida and is here this morning for a while
    before she goes back to her place. It s my daughters birthday today, she is 30, and we will be going
    to see her and my other daughter this afternoon. for dinner later today :happy: Tight schedule so no workouts today : (
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,814 Member
    30 minutes free step on Sat. Challenge completed!! :happy:
    Looking forward to the next one and I will try to keep up with the step aswell.
  • lazyamerz
    lazyamerz Posts: 14 Member
    I'm up for joining the challenge this week!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    I missed this one last week but I would love to be a part of it going forward! I have only managed to do my WiiFit on Sundays since I got it, although it is just a matter of walking out to the garage to turn it on... We have a loose floorboard in the living room so working out has to be done in our semi-converted garage, LOL! I would love to have the motivation to go out and do something on it at least 3 or 4 times a week rather than once a week!
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Are we keeping the same challenge each week or is it changing?
  • AnneMSel
    I know I'm a little late to this particular party but does anybody mind if I join in? I'm really struggling to get motivated at the moment so if I have a weekly challenge it might help to get my butt into gear.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    My weigh in day is Monday and I was down .2 today, to 148.8. That's where I was back in mid-December, before I gained a couple pounds over the holidays so hopefully I will keep going down, down down. I am participating in another February challenge and my goal was to get down to 145, but that's going to be tough!

    Anyway, I did my 1 hours of Wii Fit this past week, along with my other exercise - an hour Body Conditioning class at my gym on Saturday and some outdoor walking on Sunday. (I am a geocacher, so our walking included trudging trough some snow and uneven terrain).

    Looking forward to this week's Wii Fit challenge. Bring it on!
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member

    Try EA Sports Active and the More Workouts version. You can do pre-programmed workouts or create your own workouts (running, steps, boxing and lots of other activities). I have a lot of Wii fitness 'games' (don't think they should be named 'games'), but the EA Sports Active ones are my favourites.
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member
    My personal challenge is at least 5 days/week a workout on the Wii of at least 30 minutes.
    This was yesterday's workout:
    New U Fitness First daily workout: 17 minutes (82 kcal)
    EA Sports Active More Workouts pre-programmed strength workout for the upperbody: 18 minutes (80 kcal)
    EA Sports Active More Workouts Island Adventure (light): 17 minutes (160 kcal)
    EA Sports Active More Workouts 'my own workout' (heavy): 17 minutes (157 kcal)
    Wii Fit Plus several balance games: 20 minutes (50 kcal)
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hey everyone! Apologies for the slight lateness of posting this week's challenge. Thanks for sticking around and WELCOME to everyone who is new -- it's NEVER too late to join in here. Anyone is welcome to join at any time, so hop aboard if you're up for it!

    So, in order to get us all MOVING for the week, here is our second Wii Fit Weekly Challenge:

    +=+=+=+=+ ONE HOUR or MORE of Wii Fit BALANCE activities +=+=+=+=+

    Feel free to incorporate this into your regular workout routine in any way that suits you -- all in one go, a few minutes a day, anything goes! Also, it's up to YOU as far as whether you'd like to make this ONE HOUR each day or ONE HOUR for the entire week, whatever suits you and keeps you motivated.

    Stop back here and let us know how/when you complete this week's challenge, and encourage others to complete it as well!

    Have a GREAT Wii week, everyone! :)