Can NOT lose!!!!


I have been at this for 1 full month, hard at it. I work out 20 minutes (average 220 cals burned according to the machines) 6 days sometimes 7 days per week. I eat very, very clean with minimal cheating. I drink insane amounts of water, to the point where I am spending a lot of my time in the bathroom lol...I CANT LOSE ANYTHING!!! NOTHING is happening and I could just cry! I feel like I am taking time away from my daughter for myself and it is doing me no good.
CW 188
GW 130


  • megtisdale
    megtisdale Posts: 4 Member
    Why don't you share your food diary with us, and maybe we will have some suggestions? :)
  • chefchristen
    How many calories are you eating per day? Are you weighing and keeping close track of the food you eat? Are you meeting your fiber reccomendations?
    Maybe you are not eating enough calories. I know, this seems like I am going the wrong direction, but sometimes if I don't enough when I am active I don't lose either. It's because your body goes into storing mode if you are not eating enough.
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    are your measurements changing? maybe your losing inches, not pounds
  • JodyDawkins
    Why don't you share your food diary with us, and maybe we will have some suggestions? :)

  • sayuri1
    sayuri1 Posts: 111
    you should try to up it a bit? instead doing 20 minutes why not do 35 minutes? Your body gets used to it and your muscles wont be working as hard as it did the first day =)
  • seemichellerun
    From what I can see in your food diary, you are WAY over on sodium pretty frequently. Seriously cut back on your sodium and I'm sure you'll start to see a change.
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Hi There, I have lots of suggestions, my first one is, don't listen to the calories burned by fitness pal, I find them to be a gross over estimate. When you work out, think about that you are really burning about 200 calories per half an hour. Off hand, make sure you are eating no less than 1200 calories per day and don't increase your calories with your workouts. Unless you are buring like a 1000 calories a day, you don't need to increase your calories with your workouts. Also, without looking at what you are eating, remember that sugar in an actual piece of fruit doesn't count towards your sugar grams, (unless you are a diabetic) so don't be afraid to eat a couple pieces of fruit each day. For weight loss, it is normal for your body to "reset" 'itself and plateau every few weeks. That is normal. ESPECIALLY if you are female. In terms of meat, you should not be eating more meat than a piece the size of the palm of your hand, or a deck of cards, 1 time per day, every other day. Most people over eat meat. If you want to be friends on here and share your food diary, I'll see if I can make some suggestions more specific to you. I've lost 42 pounds so far and have consulted a sports dietition and I feel I know a little bit about weight loss. I'm no expert, not even close, but I've definately figured out some good helpful tricks along the way. Gael
  • Priedlinger
    All of the above is true. Communicate with us, maybe we can help.:smile:
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I see you going over your sodium intake a lot, this can cause water retention. Otherwise, your diary looks pretty good. Do you have a Heart Rate Monitor to accurately log how many calories you burned? If not, I would highly suggest one.
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    I think your not eating enough for the amount of excercise you do.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I don't have a lot of advice to offer except DON'T GIVE UP!!! Sometimes it is hard for your body to leave it's "comfortable weight". Keep at it and tell your body who is BOSS!!! You can do it!! If you know you are eating enough/not too many calories and you are eating most, if not all of your exercise calories it WILL start coming off. Just give it time and again KEEP AT IT!
  • skynyrdchick
    Click on her profile. Food diary is public :o)

    I am not a professional by any means, but maybe you're eating too much processed food? And I agree about trying to push yourself to do a little more exercise.
  • TracyD4
    Hi Emilie -- My suggestion would be to eat more veggies and foods high in fibre - cut down on potatoes, breads & rice. It's not easy but it's easier to take baby steps and set a more attainable goal -- try setting your goal for 5-10 lbs. at a time instead of 50 lbs. to lose. You'll have more incentive and feel better :) Good luck!
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    How do I do that? Its open I thought? :)
  • mizznadzz
    Hey there,

    Don't feel discouraged - it sounds like you've plateaued. Your body has become accustomed to the nutrition and exercise regiment you're subjecting it to, so in order for things to must change something. It's good that you're doing 20 mins of exercise but you may want to kick it up a notch if even a few days a week instead of everyday. Instead of stationary exercise, you could try weights or resistance training for additional fat burn. As for the water, you may actually need to cut back or you'll get water logged. Keep going - it's worth it!
  • teacher4380
    You also need a rest day (or two) to allow your body to recover! My personal trainer has been very particular about this with me! Also, you may need to modify and change up your workout routine. Good luck!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Wow, I don't know what to tell you Emilie.
    My only suggestions would be to cut down on the sodium, because sodium can cause bloating and make it hard to lose. The only other thing I think I would say is consider going vegetarian? Maybe you should also talk with your doctor if you have not yet. He or she might have some good advice that we can't offer, and will know your past medical issues.

    For everyone else, her food diary is open to view.
  • hippo_hips
    hippo_hips Posts: 45 Member
    your body could be used to the routine. change the diet up a little bit.
    and no, don't eat "more". if you're seriously trying to lose weight, don't re-eat the calories you burn.

    maybe eat smaller meals more frequently, or lower your carbs and fat.
  • laurabeth02
    I agree, cut back on the sodium and look at your sugar intake. Also, switch up your workouts often. Don't do the same thing every week. It took me forever to figure this one out. I would run everyday for 30 minutes, count my calories and nothing happened. One year later I started doing interval training, measuring my portions, cut back on sodium and sugar, and I finally lost 3 lbs. It is hard work, but you can do it!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    Have you tried changing up your exercise to include something else maybe? I switch mine between cardio on the machines as well as the 30 day Shred...

    The other thing is (and I am not an expert) to talk to your Doctor. Your thyroid may honestly be off and keeping you from losing the weight. Again, I am not an expert, but I had my doctor check mine to make sure.

    My other suggestion, have a quick peek at your food diary, is to cut out all the "white" things from your diet. Such as regular pasta, white bread, as much regular cheese (if you need cheese, stick with low fat and low sodium. That may help. Whole grains can be found in most bread and pasta options.

    I hope this helps...good luck!