Worst doctors visit EVER! In tears



  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    first step .. i would think.. would be to make appt with a different Dr right away.
    that one sounds like he is off his meds

    I was thinking that he sounds like he doesn't even know he needs to be ON meds in the first place! What an *kitten*! Is there a good sports medicine doc in your area? Might be a good place for a consult (I'd say second opinion, but you didn't really get a first opinion, did you?)
  • Happy_JoJo
    Happy_JoJo Posts: 49 Member
    I am soooo sorry you had to endure that. Clearly that doctor missed his training on how to treat his patients with compassion, and that is terrible. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. I personally would not waste any time filing a complaint and then moving on getting a second opinion and a doctor who actually cares about his patients.

    I remember years ago, my mother went to a walk in clinic b/c she somehow managed to get a chemical burn on her chest, and all her doctor could say is "have you ever considered weight loss surgery and a breast reduction?" Clearly that was not why she was there, but talk about unprofessional.

    You deserve better...there are fantastic doctors out there, your goal: FIND ONE :)
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    His advice was complete BS! 1 meal a day? How rude! And... losing 100 pounds in 3 years? Thats way too long. It looks like you are doing great so far. Report him. He's an *kitten* that's all there is to it.
  • Oh you poor thing, What an *kitten*. I am obese myself and I can tell you I get the odd knee pain from doing squats and vigorous exercise. Have you ever tried water aerobics? I did it for a while and my knees got better. I now get a little bit of pain and I ice it when I get home. I am so sorry that your experience at the doctor didn't go well at all, they can be like that sometimes. Don't give up on your eating regime and don't stop exercising. It is crucial to build up your muscles. 30 day shred might be a bit too much right now, try to find low impact exercises and you should be fine. Advil and ice when it gets bad. Aleve is also good. When you do work out try to have protein after and that will help as well. Hope that helps and you are doing so well. Just know that. :)
  • Wow! If that was me, I would have wanted to punch him too! You are doing everything right to lose weight. He's clearly out of touch. It does remind me of the doctor we had when we lived in the country, and I swear, small places attract small minded doctors!
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    man this pisses me off and it wasnt even me... just goes to show you there are *kitten* no matter where you go... My advice to you worth a hill of beans i know, is call whatever doctor you see normally. i see my OBGYN for my yearly exam so in my case it would be him... whoever is most familiar with your history, call their nurse tell that what you are going through and tell them about this and ask them if they can make you a sensible referall to someone who can really help you keep on your track that you are on. Dont for a second give this jack wagon another thought... you should be very proud of yourself for even starting down the road you are on let no one stop you...
  • blossom76
    blossom76 Posts: 5 Member
    oh my goodness!..... Good on you for sticking up for yourself!

    That Dr sounds like a right *kitten* and he doesn't deserve to be allowed to practice medicine if he is giving you that kind of advice. Do Dr's really think that overweight people don't 'know' that they need to lose weight?! And you're doing the absolutely best way you can! I don't know what he thinks one meal a day is going to achieve, except for a slow metabolism and a very hungry you...

    {{ hugs ! }}
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I am glad you questioned him. Some people think that just because there is a DR in front of the name that they know what they are talking about. I would definitely write to the medical board, look at his billing and talk to the medical manager. What he did was not sound practice by any means.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    OMG! What a crazy *kitten*!! Unbelievable! Where do some doctors get their license???
    I am so sorry you have to go thru this.... Argh! He would drive me crazy as well!
    I hope you get to solve your knee problem. Are you going to try another doctor?
    Maybe your knee is hurting more know because of the workout you were doing?!
    I still can't believe he told you to eat only one meal a day! It sounds like a joke, a doctor giving this type of advice...
  • Yep...I would be filing a report to the state board. And just because a person has "dr" in front of his/her name doesn't mean they know everything. It reminds me of the old joke. You know what they call the guy who graduates last in his medical school class?...DOCTOR! Forget him and be proud of the fact that you have lost weight and you are making wise decisions in an effort to improve your health. Now go look for another doctor, and keep looking until you find someone you are comfortable with and makes you feel good about the progress you have made. THAT'S a good doctor.
  • seleck05
    seleck05 Posts: 74 Member

    I would definitely file a complaint with the Medical Board against that Dr. I would also notify the insurance company. He sounds like a complete hack! I have knee problems myself (currently can't exercise because of fluid in my left knee). I have had knee problems since I was in high school when I was about 105 lbs through now when I am only about 10-15 lbs overweight. I am trying to lose weight because I know that will probably help my symptoms but it is not as simple as "you are overweight so that's your only problem." In terms of exercise ...can you bike on a stationary bike? How about swimming? I find these activities to be best on my knees.
  • That's terrible, and you should file a complaint with the state. Also, look at your insurance records and specifically how he codes and bills for this visit. It sounds like he did not do any type of decent exam, but I'm sure he is going to bill for a level of visit that MUST include a physical exam. You can notify and complain to the insurance and ding him for fraud. Hit him where it counts... $$$. Sorry you had this bad experience.. we aren't all like that. =)

    Definitely agree - try to get the insurance people to take issue with him.
  • What a terrible man. I can't believe he brought your kids into the situation and wouldn't listen to you. That's so awful. You should definitely report him and see another doctor right away, to check on the condition of your knees. Try not to over exert yourself, sweetie.

    But kudos. You spoke up and defended yourself. You should be proud of that. :)
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I agree to file a complaint with the medical board. That behavior is unacceptable. He needs to look at exactly what you came there for.
  • So sorry you had to experience such a horrible thing!
    You have to take away from it that not all professionals know best and so YOU do know the right thing! Eat your 3 meals, keep up with your snacks and get a recommendation for a REAL professional Doctor so you can get your knees looked at and some true useful.
  • edhme
    edhme Posts: 2
    You did the right thing by telling him off and leaving - he must be an arrogent SOB who stopped listening the day they taught metabolism in med school. I agree with those who say report him, but if that isn't somthing you want to do I would at least go to the rate a doctor websites and post your experience so that others can avoid this man. One is VitalSigns and another is Rate an MD, I think.... I always go to these sites to see what other people have experienced at an office before I visit a new doctor and I post after my visit no matter if the experience was good or bad. People should never let an idiot doctor walk all over them and I am proud of you for standing up for yourself!
  • dspearsb
    dspearsb Posts: 186
    Wow, that guy was a complete A-hole. Definitely file a complaint against him. Bedside manner is a part of their schooling-guess he failed that subject. I'm so sorry you and your kids had to live through that. If it makes you feel any better-I don't have prior knee problems and the 30 Day Shred hurt my knees too.

    Just keep up what you're doing and screw that guy!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    I say let's all go over there and let him have it! How dare him try to humiliate you like that!!!

    Definitely file a complaint and look to see if there's a website to report idiot doctors!

    You sure did handle it with grace!
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    That is F*cking ridiculous, you couldn't make this crap up. Are you sure you weren't going to Dr. Nick on the Simpsons? Are you really a cartoon character? I am shocked by what they told you, I can understand the losing weight thing will help, but to eat just one meal a day to do it is ridiculous. About 5 years ago I went to the hospital because I thought either I had a mild heart attack or was on the verge of a heart attack, I was 28 years old at the time. They ran an EKG, all was good, they drew blood, all was good (I thought I was a diabetic before the test), they ran several other tests (all were fine). I was rougly 125 lbs overweight at the time. The doctor comes in to discuss the results, he said that the numbness in my right thigh was due to my sciatic nerve. The other feelings I had numbness in hands, tingling were all stress related. He said that I had to find a better way to manage my stress. I asked how can I fix the sciatic nerve, he said, "Lose weight your fat", This coming from the Doctor who was just as fat or fatter than me. I said I was in the process of dieting and I suggest you should too. His only response was you are good to leave.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    "if you refuse to treat, don't expect payment"
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