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  • katieg2289
    Hello all! Hopefully it is not too late to join in on this, as I could definitely use motivation and extra challenges!!
    My name is Katie
    I am 21 (will be 22 in June)
    I am currently 250, with an ultimate goal of around 120
    My first mini goal is 230
    I have only been on this healthy journey for 16 days as of today, but already feeling great results :)

    Nice to meet you all! :flowerforyou:

    (Emailing Tamara my info now)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    katie welcome to the board..every monday someone will put a new challange up..But please please make sure you send me your weight by sat evening i will have a chart posted sometime sundays..

    do you best and when you are down you need to post and when you are up you need to post to keep encouraging everyone.. Like I said welcome aboard..
  • katieg2289
    I will weigh-in in the morning in case I have lost any surprise pounds, and email you with the result :) Thank you for the welcome!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    welcome Katie! I love that you have a 20 lb mini goal! That is a great way to take on weight loss and celebrate along the way...
    Do you go to school? Have a great weekend and welcome to B2B!:drinker:
  • katieg2289
    Thank you!! Yeah, I thought mini goals would make it easier! :)
    I don't go to school, and I'm not sure yet whether I will or not. I am an aspiring author and have actually already written one book, so that's the direcion I am hoping to go!
    And you have a great weekend too!:happy:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. My body is a creature of habit I guess..I always get up at 3 during the week, but on the weekends I try to sleep in, so why this morning at 3 I was like twiddling my thumbs..Finally at 5 hubby got up and we talked..It was nice kids still a sleep laying in bed just talking.. Today I will print all my paperwork our for job and then submit it and take my drug test Monday.. Guess I better not eat any poppy seeds..

    Bobbie- I hope you enjoyed you burger king,glad to see you got some cardio in there my friend.

    Amber- I am so sorry about last night, but its an eye opener your body dont need all that junk.. A few bites is good..drink up the water.

    Katie- I just started reading while I am on my machines the time seems to go by a lot faster..Good luck to you.

    Jena- Ya'll still going hiking??

    Marcie- I am so glad to see you back, girl we need you here, you are part of our glue.. you keep us stuck together.

    Deneen- How are you?

    Karen- Where did you go??

    Don- Awesome on the weight loss.

    Keri- I havent heard from our K (keri, Karen) peeps lately.. I will send them a pm..

    Well oatmeal is gone drinking coffee then gonna head out.. I feel a day full of exercise and pizza coming on..At least it not no exercise and a boat load of pizza..

    Have an awesome day my friends and I will keep you updated about everything..oh yeah no fever for jade in over 24 hours, I think we are on the down hill slide..Yippee..she so didnt wanna miss her bubba game!!

    I am really excited about this cardio h2o class I am taking today just wondering if I will be sore or winded..I will let ya'll know..well off to drink my second cup of coffee get dressed and head to the gym..
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. Nothing to report here this morning. I did not feel well last night and I went to bed early. I am going to be lazy today and do a whole lot of nothing. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Good Saturday Morning well I am in a n unusual place this nice Saturday morning WORK. I don't know if this is a bad habbit to get into but I weigh everyday DW says that I have become obsessed with losing this weight I want to lose. If I make my mind up about doing something I jump in feet first hit the ground running and will not stop until I reach the finish line 150 to 160 lbs. what do you think should I not weigh everyday for when I do this I get upsat when there is none or very little loss and if the dang scale shows a gain whatch out! I do have to day though I do dream ablut the excersizing that I am doing and counting cals. which are becoming less frequent.

    I really appreciate all of your support.

    Tamara I am glad the fever broke for are such an insperation to all of us.

    Bobbie relax we all need a lazy day everynow and then.

    Marcie welcome back I am glad you pulled your self together we will be here for you.

    Katie welcome to the group

    I have not seen Amy post yet look foward to seeing her here more.

    Jena thanks for the extra planks I am alos doing them with the EA Sports Active. but that is a good thing everyone needs a good strong core right?
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    No loss this week. I maintained :( man this is getting harder and harder. BUT we went grocery shopping and stocked up some healthy options. I got this new flatbread mmmm sooo good. Got a new crock pot woohooo so gonna be using it more. Im thinking I can now work out on the bike during the day since DH is home now and I wont have that mommy guilt of leaving the kids upstiars alone. Gonna make next week count. I know I say this everytime I have a 0 loss but Im gonna do it. I didnt really expect that it would get this hard to lose the last 20 lbs!!! I think DH is gonna order the p90x today so hopefully I can actually do it lol
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello B2B...I'm still here, just dealing with some medical issues....and the doctor couldn't/can't figure out whats going on, so was feeling a bit discouraged over the last few weeks. Its hard to get motivated when you feel tired all the time :frown:

    Thank you marcie for dropping me a note :flowerforyou: you're wonderful!!!

    I am back once again....i weighed in on a doctor's scale this week, and my weight hasn't changed so thats good :happy:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :drinker:
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    JM 30 day shred day 2!! I feel the soreness coming back! But hopefully I can push through it.

    I'm spending a pretty much day alone. Son with dad at a boyscout event all day and daughter at a Jr. High youth rally at church. SO after dropping her off. Went shoppping, cam home, did my 20 min cardio, going to eat lunch now oh and I had a Activial Light yogurt.

    Going to my greatnephew's 1st bday party later with the granddaughters, so hopefully I won't over eat! Wish me luck.

    Jessica...speaking from experience you only fail when you don't get up and try again. So it is ok you did not see a loss on the scale. You try and try again! Tomorrow is another day!

    Tamara...glad Jade is feeling better. Enjoy your son's game and the pizza! glad you are giving you and baby a rest today. Enjoy it momma....we do tend to hibernate when we are pregnant. Just enjoy every minute of it!

    Amber...Sorry you got sick...guess we all need to listen to our bodies...we are treating it well when we put alot of junk in it, it is going to fight back!

    Don....slow and stead wins the race....don't hurt yourself in the process. You will get there....hopefully we all will!

    Katie...welcome to the team!! Can't wait to know you better. glad to hear from you...but concerned about your medical issues...has the doctor checked your thyroid?

    Deneen, Karen, Keri, and anyone else I missed. Hope all is well and hope to hear from you soon!

    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
  • katieg2289
    Thank you everybody for the warm welcomes!! I look forward to getting to know you all better, too! :)
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    I had a pretty good day. Work was pretty slow for one and that was a really nice and needed change. All was well until I went to the gym with Tamara. LOL. She informed me that we WOULD be working out for 90 min which I have to be honest scared me. Guess what though??? I did it. I had been having trouble with my right knee all day where it kept popping about every mn or so. It prob popped about 100 times today literally. I came home iced it for 30 min and then to the gym. Thought I would die or at least puke but I managed to get through it. 1hr on the arv trainer and 30 min on the stationary bike. Knee was hurting a bit onl the bike but to my surprise did fine on the arc. Anyways I am rambling cause I am so proud of myself. Oh yeah and my mom ordered my HRM today and then right when she hit the pay utton the screen said time out. Now have to find out monday if it went through or not. THe company told her not to order again cause it may have gone through and then she would be charged twice. It is the devil trying to bring me down but I refuse. I learned my lesson about eating out and actually learned a good lesson. My body does not need or want that kind of food or that much food. I am hoping I will never do that again.

    Tamara- Thanks for killing me at the gym

    Bobbie- hope you feel better and get some rest. Rub the belly and tell my baby that I am already in love with her or him.

    Kaite- Nice to meet you and we look forward to having you on our team cause we kind ROCK

    Marcie- I am sooo happy that you are back we love you never leave us again no matter what we can all help each other get through the rough times.

    Rupi- I am really hoping that you feel better soon. keep your head up and I am sending you positive thoughts my friend.

    Don- Man oh man you are doing such a great job keep up the great work and we are all pulling for you.

    Jessica- Hey girl I am learning that nolmatte how bad we want it that we will not always show a loss on the scale. When that happens again find a non weight loss goal u hit or find something that you are now feeling great about. Keep on truckin girl all of this will pay off in the long run for all of us.

    everyone else- have a wonderful weekend and lets all try real hard to stay on track.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey team.

    Amber- Glad I could kick your butt.. You did so well and I am so super proud of you..

    Bobbie- Glad you enjoyed your brekafast yesterday..

    Don- You are so commited to your active, that amazes me.. I have all the sysytem and just cant seem to get my butt on any of them. My husband always buys me the exercise part to the new system and it just sits.. I think I like the interaction at the gym..

    Jena- I hope you got your hike in and enjoyed your 4 days off.

    Amy- where have you been,I am gonna send a search party out for you.

    Katie- So glad you joined our team.

    Marice- I am so thankful that you came back to us..

    Deneen- Girl clear your plate we are hear for you.. You have to much stuff on your plate..emotionally..

    Rupi- Glad there is not change in weight and glad you are back.

    Jessica- You can get it this week since hubby is home.. Put yourself first..Get up a littel earlier before kiddos get up and get 30 minutes in on your bike then you wont feel guilty because they are still a sleep and you put yourself first..

    How can we take care of everyone but not outselves.. We need to change our thinking.. I need to take care of me first then I can take care of the family..

    I am listening on the radio how great thou are.. I love this songs.

    Well time to get kiddos and hubbies orange rolls in the oven before church, I am so exciting to go to church, we are going to a church that we used to go to a long time ago, and havent been in some time.. No one is gonna know who I am..

    But ya'll have an awesome day.. Because you choose to!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    tamara- Im definately gonna take advantage of DH being home and working out. I dont think its possible for me to get up before the kids since my son crawls into bed with me at 6 and sometimes is up several times before that and I have toput him in bed. I dont get much sleep as it is and the bike is so loud. I think if it wasnt so loud I would use it more!! But right now I gotta put the tv on loud so i can hear it. I get too bored on the bike without the tv on. Its weird I can go over an hour when i watch biggest loser BUT anyother time Im exhausted and ready to quit after 30 minutes!! Im thinking that days that I dont have anything on tv to watch I should take advantage of our ondemand. They have the 30 day shred ondemand here so i should probably do it
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning everyone.. I hope everyone had a great weekend, mine was pretty fabulous, thinking I am gonna like my new routine.. I went to church yesterday and one guy asked my husband where is Tamara at and Jason pointed across the room and said over there he was like dont see her and Jason said she is in the orange and he was like oh wow I would have never known who she was...Then another ldy came up to me and told me I told my husband that you were jason wfe from a long time ago and my husband kept saying that is not the same women.. It made me smile, I think I am gonna do a ministry that it can be done you can lose weight if you just put your mind to it.. We all know this.. Then we all came home and ate lunch at home relaxed ad watched movies then we cooked dinner together and all pitched in to clean the house a little bit..It was an awesome da, Other then the fact that I had to listen to his mom complain about everything under the sun for 2 hours, I was like really cant you leave?? But kept my mouth shut like a good wife should of..

    Today I go to eating 2000 calories which is kinda scary for me.. I have been at 1700 for some time and I really think I train hard, so I need to fuel my body.. I also go turn in my paperwork for my new job today..So starting march 14 I will no longer be headed to the gym I will be headed to work and have to find time after work to workout.. I big chage for me, but this is what I need I need to wrap my head around different things..

    Sat was my sons first middle school ball game and we lost, but its a whole new ball game, you dont watch them practice so you dont know how well they play together you dont know anyones name you dont know any parents.. At least at Rec ball you have been playing with them so long that you know everyone.. Then we went to cicis pizza afterward.. That morning I woke up ate my oatmeal and berries and then hit the gym for 90 minutes then cam home had my oatmeal apple and peanut butter then went to ball game then went to cicis and then came home and napped and then went back to the gym for another 90 minutes, then came home and had pb toast..That was a gret day..What a wonderful time to be able to go to lunch with my mom and my family and my siter in law.. My mom and I dont go out to lucnh often because she lives an hour away.. But since she came to watch Justins ballgame we all went out and I am so proud of myself for enjoying even though it wasnt friday..

    Well I know I am chatty kathy today..But just wanted to say how refreshed I feel.. and knowing I get an extra 300 calores today is even better..

    Jessica- I hear ya, there are days I have to keep changing machines at the gym because I am just like I cant do this...

    everyone else, I typed to long running out of time..Headed to gym, and since kids are out of school today will stay there until 7 and get an awesome burn from lifting weights wih stephanie!!!

    Promise a chart will be up today I only recieved a few people weights..So it will be nice and easy but I so enjoyed the family day yesterday and was not about to get on the computer to take time away from them.. It was fabulous cant wait until next sunday.

    Challange for this week:

    I have two of them for you, one on the exercise front and one on the food front.. squats while wathcing one whole tv show during commericals only..So every commericals get up and do squats..If the show is 30 minutes great if its an hour even better..I am up a creek tonight becasue the show I watch on mondays is 2 hours, the bachelor.. And on the food front this week.. Try a new food that you have never eaten this week..Yesterday I tried Jicama and loved it put it on my salad and it added a crunch it was pretty great..I am gonna go above and beyond and try to eat a new food every other day, just to get a variety in..

    Have an awesome day!!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    grrr Im hungry and wanna make lunch but MIL last week said she wanted to take us to chucki cheese and I havent heard anything from her yet and its lunch time and no one is ready to leave lol crap
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Not to much to say but I did just leave the gym and I did 1hr on the arc machine and then Tamara's friend stephanie showed me and gina like 5 new workout things to do and man o man I sweated more doing those than ddoing the arc. MY arms hurt and the things she showed me kicked my booty but in a good way and I loved it. Now I am gonna go and eat a bit get a quick shower then head to grandaddys to help him with hiw daily routine stuff then gonna help my aunt clean out the garage again so we can move the elliptical into the garage so we can work out more. I hope that everyone has a good day and stay focused and on track
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Well it is like I said when I make up my mind to do something I am in it to win it. I just can't tell you how much fun it is to work out with this system. THe ACTive 2 is great and I also just forund out that I can get another set of sensors for someone else in the house to do this with me at the same time.

    I am in 4 groups now this one, one with just all guys aiming on losing 10 lbs in Feb. the one on Active 2 and have a bet with 2 other guys at work. however this is the first group I joined and you all are so supportive and encouraging. when I first started I was in 26 jeans and now even my 34's are lose. I am doing it but with out you guys I probably would have fallen off the wagon and would not be where I am today. At home I am 11 lbs away from onderland and at work I am 16.5 lbs away. I want to thank each and everyone of you for being here for me. this is a wonderful group of women.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Where oh where did my little team go , where or where can they be??? Hey everyone I know it was an extended weekend, but get your butts back to the board.. We need you here posting daily so we know weather you are good or not.. I was chatty enough yesterday for all week.. So stoppping by real quick to see if anything new is going on here..

    Don-I am super proud of you

    Amber- I am gad strephanie killed you, I am gonna kill you thursday evening myself..

    Bobbie- I am sorry yougot more snow.. I will be glad when it stops for y''ll

    Everyone else..comes out comes out where ever you are..

    I gotta go make kiddos lunches and get dressed for the gym..Hubby and I have a busy day today!!