Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    alot of red wine followed by two tequila anejo shots. Geez, I really had a great workout on the dreadmill and then I was so amped that I needed a few drinks. that seems a little pointless.

    Whats a tequila ANEJO shot??? Hmm I like Tequila :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hubby and I are headed "up the hill" to gamble and drink and be grown ups for the weekend, so I'm sure I'm going to booze it up!!

    Hubs and I are thinking of doing the same thing today. Except no booze for me. I actually am good when gambling because I think when I drink and gamble, I'm too loose with the $$$...loosens my inhibitions
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I had tequila too! I had one of those squeezy limes, so I mixed that with sugar water, added tequila and orange juice and called it a marg. I thought it tasted pretty good. Then I had an agave wheat beer, and then some more of that red wine that isn't very good but I opened it so I have to drink it. you know, there is alcohol abuse and then there is alcohol neglect and I can't abide either!
    Tonight we go to the airport and then to Punta Cana DR. I am so excited.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Last night I had tequila too! I had one of those squeezy limes, so I mixed that with sugar water, added tequila and orange juice and called it a marg. I thought it tasted pretty good. Then I had an agave wheat beer, and then some more of that red wine that isn't very good but I opened it so I have to drink it. you know, there is alcohol abuse and then there is alcohol neglect and I can't abide either!
    Tonight we go to the airport and then to Punta Cana DR. I am so excited.

    Amy, I completely understand the dilemna...have superfun on the trip
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Amy, have fun!!!

    I made risotto last night and only had a tiny sip of the wine--I was cooking with a riesling that I wasn't familiar with so I wanted to see how it tasted--but I stopped after a sip. So, progress!

    I'm not a huge gambler...I like the penny slots and I do enjoy some Blackjack. Hubs is a Texas Hold 'Em guy (he won a small tourney the first time we went to Vegas) so I mostly people watch and drink. :drinker:

    We're staying 2 nights instead of the original 1, so I'm excited!!! (Not like an amazing trip the Punta Canta, but I'll take it!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Amy, have fun!!!

    I made risotto last night and only had a tiny sip of the wine--I was cooking with a riesling that I wasn't familiar with so I wanted to see how it tasted--but I stopped after a sip. So, progress!

    I'm not a huge gambler...I like the penny slots and I do enjoy some Blackjack. Hubs is a Texas Hold 'Em guy (he won a small tourney the first time we went to Vegas) so I mostly people watch and drink. :drinker:

    We're staying 2 nights instead of the original 1, so I'm excited!!! (Not like an amazing trip the Punta Canta, but I'll take it!)
    I have not been to Blackhawk in many years, good luck and have fun!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had to share this, it made me laugh, my credit card statement categorizes my purchases "recreation" "auto related" "travel" "groceries" etc. and my liquor store purchases are called "eating out".
    but what is more suitable? Recreation? Groceries?
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    :laugh: Recreation I say. You all sound like you're having fabulous weekends whilst I trudge myself off to work :sad:

    Having a rest day off exercise today - everything hurts ugh. TOM as well and just want to come home after work and get on it. I'm trying to focus on our shooting tomorrow night and how fun that will be, instead of how much I'd rather stay at home, crank tunes and get drunk.
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Gosh, this is a great group!

    Had some beer with lunch (I AM at the beach, after all). Walked this morning, and am going for another walk now before heading to our favorite beach bar. I appreciate the thoughts on low-cal drinks, especially the question whether you want the buzz or not. Wow, what a question. Yes, a little buzz without the calories.

    Actually, I felt great last night after just 2 drinks and really good this morning.

    Alcohol = recreation, I think.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    alot of red wine followed by two tequila anejo shots. Geez, I really had a great workout on the dreadmill and then I was so amped that I needed a few drinks. that seems a little pointless.

    Whats a tequila ANEJO shot??? Hmm I like Tequila :)
    Anejo is the really aged Tequila, expensive but smoooooooooooth.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Hi everyone, happy weekend :drinker:

    I had a great workout with my PT yesterday, he was testing me to failure in various exercises like plank, side plank, bridge and a 45 degree sit up position. He commented on how much my core strength has improved particularly in bridge where he had to tell me to quit before I gave up as I'd been going so long :happy: I have to admit that it felt like every muscle in my body was shaking after that but I managed a record of 3 unassisted chin ups too, one of my goals this year was to manage 5 so I'm getting there. Seems like it paid off to take a bit of a rest from training, for the last 2 weeks I haven't been to the gym except for circuit training class and when I went to that on Wednesday I noticed a big improvement in my stamina too, I managed the full 45 second interval of full press ups which is a first for me.

    ..and I managed Mon-Thurs with no drinks, made up for it tonight with 3 glasses of wine though and have a table booked at Chinese restaurant for Sat night :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • HerbieSue
    Tomorrow I should weigh in at weight watchers but I keep putting it off...........................I'm lifetime and you have to weigh in the first meeting you attend each month, sooooooo, I haven't attended any meetings this month and am presently enjoying a glass of champagne! I really think I can finish the bottle by myself.......................geesh......................I am on the right topic?????!!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Awesome Yvonne!

    Ummm nisijam5 I'm sorry but :drinker: I CAAAVVVEDDDD :blushing:

    Ahhh sweet sweet sparkling wine I love you. :love:
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    :noway: 4 beers (Bud 55) and 3 shots of vanilla vodka last night. Not too bad considering that, for a long time, had been an everynight occurance. Since the first of the year I have only drank on Friday and Saturday with the occasional Sunday (superbowl) one random Tuesday (few glasses of wine) and Valentines day.

    This is awesome for me! I am not seeing the scale move as rapidly as I would have hoped, my clothes aren't fitting *that* much better, BUT - I am sleeping better, I have more energy throughout the day, I don't feel a "need" for a drink every night. I do feel like I broke the habit - and I am totally happy about it.......I certainly don't need to drink alcohol every single night....

    How'd everyone's weekend start out so far??? Any good stories? I had my drinks at home with my husband watching Goldmine - love that show, but we had paused it - rewound it a few times, so we were half way through when it was supposed to be over - and I hit the channel button instead of the volume button - and changed the channel! :noway: I was so sad!!!! I didn't get to see the end of it, but I saw it came on later so I recorded it and I'll watch it a little later.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    last night was diet sunkist lemon and vodka. It was nice but I got the munchies.

    AAAAArrrrgggggh I am back up to 158. So I have planned out all my meals for Monday thru Friday like I used to do. I am going to workout every night and I am going to lose the 14 pounds I have gained back since mid August. If I only eat what I have on the plan I will do great. I know I can do this. I have no alcohol on the plan until Friday night. but today I will drink since we are going to play pool and who knows what tomorrow will bring.

    Awesome job Yvonne.!
  • ambermabee
    Hello all! Hope you are all having a fabulous weekend. Had one beer while doing the dishes last night. LOL And I only had one jello shooter while making them - it wasn't quite full so I had to drink it. :bigsmile:

    Amy ~ Have a great trip!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Awesome Yvonne!

    Ummm nisijam5 I'm sorry but :drinker: I CAAAVVVEDDDD :blushing:

    Ahhh sweet sweet sparkling wine I love you. :love:

    I didn't cave and I sooooo wanted to...I actually thought of you during my suffrage

    Yvonne, awesome on the therapist stopping you at a fantasy come true

    Cat77, I watched gold rush as's our Friday night ritual, my son who's 9 even loves it....I made apps and refrained from the alcohol....did I mention how miserable I was...also, I feel a lot less bloated and more motivated to get stuff done around the house....down 3 lbs with last weigh-in

    Amerbermabee, way to take one for the team...the sacrifice

    Robin, you will be able to do it...get back in your rhythm
  • lefrance12
    Hello Fellow Lushes. Hope you have a great weekend. I am going out for toddies tonight for sure. I have been good all week and the most I have had to drink was one beer. I deserve to Lushout tonight and I have the cals to give me a head start lol. Enjoy the weekend all!!:drinker:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello lushes, sounds like some good drinks going down here. :drinker: The scale wavers between 7-8 pounds lost everyday and is not budging. I will need to get serious once we return from our cruise next week and the kitchen renodel going on at the same time. I can safely say that for the next 3 weeks all bets are off for eating and drinking. Will catch up with you all mid March and hopefully will not have gained back those 7-8 pounds!

    Drink on!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    It's 3:00 AM Sunday morning, I just got back from the drinks for more day makes almost a week...this is hard!!!