Whole mess 'O' research to peruse.



  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    Bump - for later reading, can't read it all in one hit! Phew!

    I'm really looking forward to the bit titled "a fat cell is more than just a bag of fat" LOL!

    But as to article one it's all very interesting but what does it mean?
    All the steroid hormones are fat soluble so what do lower plasma levels actually mean - is the hormone all in the fat rather than the blood?
    Does the change in adiposity lead to a change in hormone production/sequestration?
    Or does the change in hormone production lead to the change in body composition?

    Chicken or Egg? Let them researches keep researching until then, diet and exersize it is.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    I had to go back and re-read the first article to remember the conclusions given. But I'll try to explain as best I can.

    Basically what they are saying is that when they tested 8 abdominally obese women in controlled conditions, they found that after a short term fasting period, these women didn't begin using fat for energy (lipolysis) as normal weight (NW) women did. The spike was far more muted in the Abdominally obese women. Furthermore they found that the only other change between the two groups was the lack of increased Growth Hormone (GH) in the obese women. which makes sense to me since growth hormone triggers energy need in the body among other things.

    The background is basically this. By now, it's been well documented that for normal weighted, healthy adults, after a short term fasting period (about 20 to 50 hours); the body depletes glycogen stores and begins a period of hyper-lipolysis where fat is pulled for energy at a slightly higher rate than normal. this can continue, depending on the amount of calorie restriction, for anywhere from a few days to 15 days or more, where the starvation response will kick in and change the metabolism to our great detriment. But for abdominally obese women, it's seems this (dare I say marvelous) effect is blunted, meaning they don't really get that extra fat burn that a lot of us do, thus (at least in this study) making intermittent fasting not a very worthwhile practice for woman with high percentages of body fat in the abdominal region.
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    Aahh, back to some intellectual discussion. remind me never to go back to that "other" topic again, beginner mistake I guess!
    I shouldn't have used "inflammatory" language. Hah Pun based on further reading.

    I get the point about the previous article, I guess it doesn't matter if it's chicken or egg, if you have tummy fat, fasting doesn't help you burn fat, but if you're normal weight it does - maybe the source of all the arguments here - those of us overweight and larger will not burn fat by fasting - even the shortish periods from dinner/night before until breakfast, but those in the normal weight range will??

    I just read the?editorial "Intergrative view of obesity" and I found it really interesting.

    Firstly on a purely intellectual level ( I am medical, but not much to do with nutrition) I found it interesting that fat cells die if you are obese. I had this wierd idea (or maybe 15 years ago when I was at uni the research wasn't out) fat cells didn't die they just got bigger and smaller and the only way you reduced the number was by removing them surgically! The activation of macrophages is also really interesting because this whole "inflammatory" activation thing is usually bad and results in medical events related to clotting - heart disease, DVT/PE and stroke amongst others . So we've always known obese people are at risk of these things statistically but it seems researches are really filling in the "why".

    But some really overweight people never seem to get any heart disease or obvious medical complication (other than the gallbladder that's getting removed or the knee that's getting replaced which is why I see them) and I wonder if it's to do with some of the stuff later in the article under "intergrative solutions" like maintaining a high fresh fruit and vegetable/antioxidant diet most of the time? My mum has been obese most of her life but has always loved blueberries - maybe they truly deserve the "superfood" title!

    It would be nice to spread the word that metabolic syndrome was
    "positively correlated with
    high-glycemic-index food intake (high-fat meats, cheeses, and
    processed foods) and negatively correlated with a low intake of
    low-glycemic-index foods (vegetables, soy, fruit, green and
    black tea, low-fat dairy desserts, seeds and nuts, and fish)"

    and that (with editing)
    "the DASH diet- increased fruit, vegetables, low-fat
    dairy, and whole grains, resulted in a lowered intake of saturated
    fat, total fat, and cholesterol and higher HDL (good) cholesterol and
    lower triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood
    pressure, and fasting blood glucose in men and women,
    and reduced most of the metabolic risks in both men and
    women that are known to be associated with insulin resistance
    and metabolic syndrome"

    I guess we all have been told that fruit and veg, wholegrains and low fat are good for us but it's nice to see some research. (not that I went and read those studies but I trust the editor and peer review process - risky I know just go to retractionwatch!)

    Edited to add that dodgy pun at the beginning :laugh:
  • abihaila
    abihaila Posts: 24 Member
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried to read the 3rd article but it makes my brain hurt. This is my summary:

    "We studied 2 day long low calorie diets but we did it in normal weight people who never diet so they wouldn't consciously avoid overeating after the calorie restriction ended. All we noticed was they eat more carbohydrates (but not calories) afterwards and this correlates with the decreased insulin levels during the calorie restricted time and even though the leptin was reduced during calorie restriction time it wasn't associated with an increase in calories eaten after."

    Umm.... is this a useless study?? Or does it show normal weight people do not over eat after a severe (60%) calorie restricted 2 days. I guess we need the study that shows that obese or overweight people do overeat after the end of severe calorie restriction I wonder if it's coming up....

    Again maybe the source of the arguments - it seems normal weight people don't suffer if they fast or calorie restrict.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I thought this study was important for 2 reasons.
    1st because it shows that at least for the short term, men with no perceived food issues don't have a problem with varying their food intake for short periods. I found this to be interesting. Psychologically, they did what comes naturally, when being deprived of food their body tried to preserve blood sugar somewhat, and when in "recovery" they eat a little extra. this is exactly what one would expect. They didn't gorge themselves after a short famine state as people with food issues may do. And their insulin responded in kind, jumping up a little to balance out the extra carbohydrate intake.


    2nd leptin, the hormone that tells us we are hungry, was not raised proportionally on the days that the "re-feeding" occurred, saying that in a healthy normal person, the body doesn't "panic" and overeat. It's only in people that there is already a strong psychological connection to food in some way that the brain does "weird things" with regard to re-feeding. Just thought it was an interesting study in contrast to what we on MFP normally read. I.E. most of the stuff we (I at least) look at are related to obesity and eating disorders, it's good to look at the other side sometimes and see what there is to see.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Bump to read later :tongue:
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    I thought this study was important for 2 reasons.
    1st because it shows that at least for the short term, men with no perceived food issues don't have a problem with varying their food intake for short periods. I found this to be interesting. Psychologically, they did what comes naturally, when being deprived of food their body tried to preserve blood sugar somewhat, and when in "recovery" they eat a little extra. this is exactly what one would expect. They didn't gorge themselves after a short famine state as people with food issues may do. And their insulin responded in kind, jumping up a little to balance out the extra carbohydrate intake.


    2nd leptin, the hormone that tells us we are hungry, was not raised proportionally on the days that the "re-feeding" occurred, saying that in a healthy normal person, the body doesn't "panic" and overeat. It's only in people that there is already a strong psychological connection to food in some way that the brain does "weird things" with regard to re-feeding. Just thought it was an interesting study in contrast to what we on MFP normally read. I.E. most of the stuff we (I at least) look at are related to obesity and eating disorders, it's good to look at the other side sometimes and see what there is to see.

    Heh yes I jump to call it useless - maybe what I mean is "not applicable to me and my situation right now".

    Mind you I hope to see that as my weight reduces slowly my instinctive behavior will also change from what is described in the 'obese/overweight' studies to the 'normal weight' type behaviors so it's good to learn about what happens to normal weight bodies too. It's interesting to see there is a biochemical difference between the two body types but again i wonder back to my earlier musing - is it chicken or is it egg? Does abnormal hormonal response and production make you overweight or does it occur only after you gain the weight? Imagine the study they'd have to do to show that! Overfeed these poor men, make them overweight, then do the study again! Or they could do it on Sumo wrestlers in Japan - study the "hopefuls' before they start to superfeed and then do it again once they become Sumos???
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Heh yes I jump to call it useless - maybe what I mean is "not applicable to me and my situation right now".

    Mind you I hope to see that as my weight reduces slowly my instinctive behavior will also change from what is described in the 'obese/overweight' studies to the 'normal weight' type behaviors so it's good to learn about what happens to normal weight bodies too. It's interesting to see there is a biochemical difference between the two body types but again i wonder back to my earlier musing - is it chicken or is it egg? Does abnormal hormonal response and production make you overweight or does it occur only after you gain the weight? Imagine the study they'd have to do to show that! Overfeed these poor men, make them overweight, then do the study again! Or they could do it on Sumo wrestlers in Japan - study the "hopefuls' before they start to superfeed and then do it again once they become Sumos???

    to your question of what comes first, I don't have a solid, factual based answer for that. Speculatively, my guess would be that cortisol (the stress hormone) would be the biggest factor. After a few years of research into obesity, my current thinking is that almost EVERY single obese person has issues with food because of a psychological issue. In other words, I've come to believe that food is a mental game for EVERYONE. Because cortisol is released in response to stress, and we all know that stress is a big problem for psychological issues, I think that cortisol, and by logical deduction stress is the big problem with obesity today.
    The question is how do we solve this? Well, we can't eliminate stress from people's lives, but we can give people the means to deal with that stress in a positive and helpful manner. Instead of bottling up emotions and letting them leak out in subconscious food issues, we can direct people to confront their emotional stresses and deal with the underlying problems that cause cortisol.

    For those that are wondering, cortisol is a stress hormone. Cortisol does 2 things, the biggest thing it does with regards to obesity is it counteracts insulin. As most should know, insulin is the enzyme that binds to blood glucose and allows it to pass through cell membranes so that it can be used for energy by mitochondria, cortisol increases insulin resistance, meaning that the cells are not as receptive to insulin and thus less blood sugar is retrieved in cells. This may not sound like a huge deal, but think about it, not only does this reduce energy levels, it also increases blood sugar (the body does not stop converting carbs to glucose because blood sugar levels are high), and with no where to go, the blood sugar is converted to fat to make room for more sugar. Thus cortisol.

    Course cortisol is bad for other reasons as well, it also blunts the immune system, reduces bone formation, and increases epinephrine and neoepinephrine sensitivity.

    NOW, don't think cortisol is a villain and nothing else, during certain times it's a good thing. It reduces inflammation and increases vasodilation, which means that during times when you need your body to pump more oxygen or remove more heat, it opens up the blood vessels to allow this, this means that when you are working hard physically, cortisol is a GOOD thing. Back when we were homo erectus, this was important for speed and strength bursts. But today, stress is rarely physical, which means all those hormones meant to increase your strength and speed are doing nothing more than heightening your senses to the problem that caused the stress. And of course increasing fat storage and lowering your immune system.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
  • kidakiwi04
    bump to read later
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Hey guys, don't just bump it, contribute. Don't be bashful. Remember, there's no wrong answer to opinion. and all thoughts are welcome. Maybe you don't feel like you can add anything, but sometimes the smallest thought sparks the biggest debate. discussion is how we will work through many of the problems with weight today. Lets start that here!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    I thought this study was important for 2 reasons.
    1st because it shows that at least for the short term, men with no perceived food issues don't have a problem with varying their food intake for short periods. I found this to be interesting. Psychologically, they did what comes naturally, when being deprived of food their body tried to preserve blood sugar somewhat, and when in "recovery" they eat a little extra. this is exactly what one would expect. They didn't gorge themselves after a short famine state as people with food issues may do. And their insulin responded in kind, jumping up a little to balance out the extra carbohydrate intake.


    2nd leptin, the hormone that tells us we are hungry, was not raised proportionally on the days that the "re-feeding" occurred, saying that in a healthy normal person, the body doesn't "panic" and overeat. It's only in people that there is already a strong psychological connection to food in some way that the brain does "weird things" with regard to re-feeding. Just thought it was an interesting study in contrast to what we on MFP normally read. I.E. most of the stuff we (I at least) look at are related to obesity and eating disorders, it's good to look at the other side sometimes and see what there is to see.

    Ok, but it seems to me that another important aspect of this is that, while they did NOT overeat in cals, they were inclined to eat carbs. Particularly, this could be key for overeaters. To me, this sounds like carb-loading. Obviously not on purpose, but even in a moderate amount, an important result. We don't know the result would be the same in obese subjects, but my guess would be that, if anything, the tendency to overeat and increase carb intake could be even worse. Because this would possibly contribute to "yo-yoing" - especially IF this same scenario happened with a person who had dysfunctional relationships with food. Basically, if you try to diet for a few days, on a greatly decreased cal intake, and then return to normal eating - or, more likely in an overeater, to binge - and there is an "instinctual" high ratio of carbs, that could certainly contribute to a "starve/binge" diet pattern. Obviously, this could mean weight increase - and a repeating cycle.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member

    Ok, so this somewhat addresses my question from the other thread re: macro ratios. But I'm still a bit fuzzy on what an ideal would be for weight reduction with exercise. They mention that intake would increase, therefore automatically increasing protein. And clearly strenuous activity requires a larger load of carbs. But where does fat fit in, and how much MORE carbs are needed in a moderate exercise plan (maybe I missed the points on this?) And would there be any difference for men vs. women? As I recall, estrogen reacts with carbs differently, but is it enough to require a different intake?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    LH, I'll respond eventually, but right now I'm writing up my blog post for this week, so I'll have to get back to your carb questions.