New "married 30 something" group anyone??



  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member

    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    I'm chiming in late too... But like many of you, I went to the doctor's office and I got the news of an elevated cholesterol level and high blood pressure. I have been on BP meds off and on and it finally clicked that I need to do something about this - PERMANENTLY. My husband and I are also trying to conceive and it would be in everyone's best interest if I were as healthy as possible.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    would love to join! what a great group! i have been married since october and have gained almost twenty pounds since the wedding. hence joining mfp:)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    A bunch of things. My brother and my niece both do 5k runs, and I never thought I could. Then my dog snuck out of the yard, and I couldn't breathe after running to the park to find him. Then I reconnected with a classmate through facebook and our 20th reunion, and she just up and decided one day, "I'm going to be a runner." She does triathlons now. Then a friend mentioned the Warrior Dash to my niece, and I thought, "A-ha! I should do that!"

    That was in December, and I've been getting in better shape since then. I'll be running my first 5k on March 26.
  • pookel
    pookel Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I am new here, 33, married, with two sons, ages 3.5 and nearly 6. I'm currently 5'3" and nearly 190 pounds. I was pretty consistent at 180 since having kids, and was not planning to diet until I was definitely done with kids, but in the last few months I've gained enough that my pants don't fit anymore, and I want to get back to where I was.

    It would be nice if I lose more, but I'm not going to stress over it. I mostly want to get healthy and back into my size 16 clothes.

    I would love to have new friends, especially anyone with a shared food diary as I love to see what other people are eating (especially, also, people who eat more than 1200 calories a day, just because I can't really relate to that!).

    I'm on track to lose 1/2 pound a week eating about 2000 calories a day, so I'd love to meet people in my goal ranges.
  • pookel
    pookel Posts: 5 Member
    P.S. Hope my avatar doesn't offend anyone, that's me after my wedding day being silly with a friend, and I was really cute and weighed 40 pounds less in that photo, soooooo ....LOL
  • My inspiration came over 2 years ago just before my 36th bday. I had seen the p90x infomercial dozens of times and my wife happened to ask me what I wanted for my bday. I said Ive been watching this 50 year old guy do push ups and pulll ups I want to see if I can do that. Haven't looked back since. Now i do it to stay in shape to chase my kids around.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    hmmmm I guess I am not alone with the high cholesterol scare....

    @Lorina - I am always amazed by those people, who just decide one day "Hey I am gonna be a runner" and they do! I wanna be a runner one day too. I usually, make it through the spring, summer and fall (which is about 4 months here) and then I lose interest when it becomes below -20. Good luck with your training!

    @ jaybaileys - I have never seen the commercials for that. I guess some commercials are GOOD for you!!!! I hear alot about that program on here. What is GREAT about it? You seem like a great sales rep for it! :)

    not having to buy new clothes is ALWAYS a very good motivator and getting back into summer clothes helps too! I am taking a tropical vacation soon.... I am trying not to think about the bathing suits!!!! I am looking forward to the sun and sleeping in! Maybe I will even run, I know it won't be -38 there!
  • Woodman725
    Woodman725 Posts: 288 Member
    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    My inspiration to get and stay healthy is definitely my son. He is 4 1/2 and has cerebral palsy. He weighs 40lbs and can't walk at all, so he gets carried a lot and has a wheelchair that gets lifted in and out of the vehicles. I really want to be here to be able to take care of him as long as I can without assistance(home health). Right now my inspiration to lose weight is a challenge at my gym. It's a 12 week challenge and I could possibly win a free year membership. I really wasn't that crazy about losing weight, but after starting this challenge and seeing how high my body fat % was (over 26%), I realized that I really need to lose some fat. I just wish my wife felt the same way, she says she doesn't like me losing weight, but I think the real issue is that she feels guilty for not doing it herself. I never push any of my weightloss or health habits on her at all, so I just don't get it. I'm not sure how to talk to her about it other than just telling her its a personal choice and doesn't change the way I feel about her. Well, a little off subject, but this is a married group, right? Good luck for the week!
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    Saturday Question....what was your inspiration to lose weight / get healthy / stay healthy ?

    ok I'm a bit late but my inspiration was feeling uncomfortable in my body.I was at the top of my healthy BMi and I don't feel good thre.
    My 10 year wedding anniversary is in May and I want to look great and fit into my wedding dress. I am back down to my wedding weight but that dress does not do up. So I need to get fit and tone up.
    I would love to eventually get down to a BMI of 20 to 21 but I am finding the last 10 pounds hard to shift.

    It is also a health issue as I have PCO and although I show no symptoms apparently being overweight will bring them out. I don't want to be diabetic.
    I also want my kids to grow up eating healthily.
  • aimlow
    aimlow Posts: 39 Member
    I forgot to say, this is a great group. Anyone here can feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    A little late in answering Saturday's question...

    My inspiration to get back to eating healthy and exercising again was my husband. His been on several cholesterol meds and blood pressure meds the past two years. Nothing seemed to be doing what it needed to. I had told him exercise and diet would help, but for the longest time he just wasn't interested. So after yet another tirp to the doctor and new meds, he decided he wanted to do something about it. I thought the P90X workouts would be great for him, since he has been wanting to tone up and get some abs back. And I need to tone up and lose about 15-20 lbs too. So we bought it and haven't missed a workout yet!! We are following the nutrition plan and he has lost 10 lbs in just a month and his cholesterol numbers are down already! Also both of his parents are diabetic and my mother is, so we want to try to do all we can to head that off now.

    And just another bit of inspiration....we bought a new boat and we both want to look good this summer!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    jeffman-You may find that as you keep losing that you will inspire your wife to try as well. Maybe you could try to get her to do something active with you for fun just to get moving together. Sometimes starting is the hardest part.

    My weekend was pretty good, my oldest daughter had a flute solo competition on Saturday then we went shopping together. I have a new workout outfit and a new pair of gym shoes I'm anxious to test out. Unfortunately my almost 4 yr. old was sick all last night so I don't know that I will get a chance to workout today. I also reached my first mini goal a couple days ago, I have lost 5 lbs. which puts me in the 130's! Now working on the next 5.
  • Can i join in!? I'm 34, married and have 2 daughters.

    As for inspiration to lose weight? I never stop trying but this time i've realised that this isnt a quick fix, it's a long term lifestyle change and it's being able to manage the little slip ups and trials along the way. :o)
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'll join! I am 37 and married with 5 kids. I have worked out my whole life but love to eat so have always had plenty of extra fat. My highest weight was upper 250's and size 40 pants. In January of 2009 I decided to get serious. I now have about 25 more lbs to lose to get where I want to go. Goal is somewhere around 190lbs.
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    I'm a happily married 31 year old whose been married for 10 years (this year) and we have two kids, a 5 year old daughter & 2 year old son.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    ~* ~* ~* THURSDAY QUESTION!!! *~ *~ *~

    Q) What is your favorite (or current) craving crusher? ... How about you?

    Playing catchup here. I use the spike diet for my cravings. One day a week, on Saturday, I eat whatever I have been craving during the week. Because I have this day, I never cheat or stray from my diet. It has worked wonders for me.
  • I'm new to mfp, married with 2 kids and in my 30's so feel free to add me : )
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    Monday question: How have you included your family in your lifestyle change?

    ME: I have started cooking more to my needs than to what the kids and hubby like. To my surprize, everyone is actually consuming more veggies! I put spinach in my smoothies, but I used to serve everyone else first. I have recently convinced the kids that it is Sherk swamp smoothie, so now they are willing to drink it too! I haven't quite figured out how to include them in my workouts...and I am not sure I want to!

    @jeffman - your change has FORCED your wife to change in some ways. That is hard, when it wasn't her choice to endure change. I know when my husband first started working out, I resented him for taking time away from the family to spend alone. It was just because I was jealous because I didn't feel like I could take that time for myself. Now I know that my whole family is better off when we both take some personal time away from the chaos!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Monday Question:

    Trying new recipes with lots more veggies. Never thought I would see my four year old eat asparagus but he loved it with the onions and apple cider vinegar recipe.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im 30 married with 4 kids. Would like to join this group. Feel free to add me:smile:
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