Ready to turn the MOMMY to WOWWY



  • AbbyCar
    AbbyCar Posts: 198 Member
    Can I be in? I don't know that I've ever been WOWWY, but I'm totally ready for it. I'm a mother to three, ages 5,3, and 4 months. I also work full-time. I guess my biggest challenge is finding time to work out.
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Can I be in? I don't know that I've ever been WOWWY, but I'm totally ready for it. I'm a mother to three, ages 5,3, and 4 months. I also work full-time. I guess my biggest challenge is finding time to work out.

    @Abby of course you can be in. Just jump right in....

    OK folks, here is the deal. As part of the challenge we are going to continue the ones from yesterday (after all it takes 21 days to make a habit right?).

    So today's eating challenge is:
    64 oz. of water (old)
    5 servings of fruits and vegetables (new) Now just so you know I am using Chocolate Shakeology as meeting my minimum requirement (since it has 5 servings of fruits and veggies right in it), any other fruit or veggies is just a bonus. You don't have to get in your fruits and veggies this way, I am just sharing with you how I am going doing it.

    Today's exercise challenge is:
    25 wall squats (old)
    50 calf raises (new)

    I chose calf raises because they can be done pretty much anywhere at any time. I will try and report how I am doing later. Stu, I and the kids have a long drive in front of us this afternoon. So it may be tricky for me to get online, we'll see how it goes.

    Good luck! :happy:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I totally got the water in yesterday and am working on it today, but yesterday was a resting day for me (training for a 10k so I workout 4-5 days a week.)

    I did my workout today before I saw the new challenge so I may have to give the squats and calf raises a try later today! This morning I already ran 3 miles and did 30 minutes of weight training! Thursdays are always my weigh in days and this morning I realized I was down another 2.8 pounds!!! Holy moly!!! I love this website, it is truly changing my body for the better!!!!!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry so late..... I was traveling all day! I got my daily challenge done though.

    As for not having time like was stated you can
    Do calf raises and wall squads anywhere and it
    Doesn't all have to be done at one time. All the challenges
    I am making for moms who have a lot to do and want
    To do something for themselves too.

    Remember to turn from MOMMY to WOWWY you must
    Work at it! Let's do it as a group!!!!!!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Where did everyone go???????

    Challenge today is give up one junk food item you usually go for. Today resist. AND do all of yesterdays!

    For exercise challenge...... 25 crunches and the other stuff!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I got this today! lol
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Missions Complete!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I did so many crunches tonight I'll be feeling it all weekend!!!! Ouch! But it felt good in a wierd sort of way! Also did 30 minutes on the arc trainer at the gym... love that thing.

    Hope you all had a great Friday! Happy weekend!
  • Can I get in on this too. My daughter is almost 4mo, and I haven't been anywhere near a Wowwy in over 4yrs. I want to be at my goal weight by the time she is one (67lbs to go)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Can I get in on this too. My daughter is almost 4mo, and I haven't been anywhere near a Wowwy in over 4yrs. I want to be at my goal weight by the time she is one (67lbs to go)

    Never too late to start! The more the merrier!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry girls I am on vacation and forgot to give challenge today. Hope you still did all the other challenges from the past days and I will give a new one tomorrow.

    How is everyone doing?
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    So far so good - I lost 3 lbs. this week!
  • alliej
    alliej Posts: 76 Member
    So far so good - I lost 3 lbs. this week!

    I am so happy for you!!! Keep up the good work:) I will weigh in tomorrow am and post it.
  • I wanna start too! I joined a Biggest Loser contest last week, and my weigh in is Tuesday....need to do a ton of stuff before then! I'll start this tomorrow since its 9:40 here tonight.
  • jtodacheeny
    jtodacheeny Posts: 181 Member
    Super thread,can I hop on? I have 3 babies that are 5,3 and 7 months and I want so badly to be a WOWWY! I would love to be a part is this! Starting in the morning I'll do the challenges and post all my stats and goals. I look forward to getting to know you ladies! Have a super evening
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    LOL if you couldn't tell from my SN....I'M IN! :)
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    *bump so I can find it later haha*
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I want to join, I havent been motivated to exercise lately and this look like just what I need. I have 7 children , 3 still at home they are 11,12 and 14, I have been on mfp since mid july and have lost 56 lbs I have 44 lbs more to go. I am looking forward to getting to know you

    my current weight is 200.6 I am so close to onderland.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Hope it is not to late to join this group? I am 30 years old, mummy to a 19 Month old daughter. I love being a mommy but it would be soooo much better to be a Wowwy!!
  • ejh09111
    ejh09111 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too!
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