the thing you hate the most



  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Oral consumption noises are probably the most nails-to-a-chalkboard irritating sound to my ears.
    The sound of people slurping noodles like they're still toddlers learning to eat, when they're full grown adults.
    Babies crying.
    Dogs barking.
    Cats meowing.
    People who use extensive vocabulary incorrectly.
    People that like to talk *kitten*, but never do anything about it.
    People that can't make decisions for themselves.
    People that purposely like to shove food I'm not willing to eat in my face as if they don't already know I'm not going to eat it.
    Childish adults [not to be confused with child-like adults].
    Anyone that can't accept when they're wrong.
    D-bags that can't back up the bullsh*t they're selling.
    "Yes" men who will agree with everything you tell them, even if you purposely switch up your statement to see if they're listening, and ride your nuts till no end.

    I could go on forever and turn this into my own thread. So I don't derail the topic...F*** it...let's just sum it all up...

    I can't stand 85% of the population of the world. They all fall somewhere within the realm of my aforementioned categories, plus the ones I have constantly streaming in the back of my mind.
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    people who are overly into themselves, love hearing their own voice, flaunt their achievements over and over, that kind of stuff.
    i was brought up an a household where you're expected to remain humble even if you've achieved a lot. get over yourself! :)
  • spunkbeer
    people who say one of these options "animals were put on the planet for us to eat" or "woman are ment to have curves"
    Both of them send me into a raging frenzy.
  • improvstitute
    spoken abbreviations like guac for guacamole or mac and cheese. written is
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Wow, I could really come up with a list on this one! My biggest one though would have to be people that are disrespectful to their elders - I hate seeing teenagers acting like little demons to elderly people, it drives me insane!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    hmmmm....people that cut me off only to slow down
    people bumping thier music I get that you like it and think its great,but I dont
    the guy in my apartments who everymorning without fail sets off his car alarm getting in his car.I know you have atleast had that car 6 months since thats how long ive lived here more than enough time to learn how to get into your car without setting off the alarm.
    The people that tell me im sending my kids to hell for letting them trick or treat (this has happened more than once)
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Diehard misanthropes :].
  • deeanne22
    here is mine

    people that eat with their mouths open
    people who talk with their mouth full
    bad odour
    no manners when you stop to hold the door open for someone and they just walk through
    people who cut you up
    people who walk around with their phone music blaring
    bad manners in general
    people that let their young kids play n the street un watched
    noisy neighbours
    people who drum and make noise when you are trying to work