SAHM 2/21 to 2/27

Welcome! We are a fabulous group of Sahm's that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Blargh! I forgot again! :laugh: I'm just not going to log into MFP on Monday mornings until you get up. Less confusion that way. :happy:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I forgot too! Darn it time to copy and paste!

    Good morning Ladies-My weekend was okay nothing too exciting here. My oldest had a band competition solo Saturday morning then we did a little shopping together. I have 1 new workout outfit, and a couple of new t-shirts. Yesterday I bought some new workout shoes since my old ones were getting really worn out. Strange to think that they look almost new but don't have enough support to do their job anymore. After running around yesterday we came home to start dinner and my almost 4 yr.old was wanting me to sit down and snuggle which is weird for her. After I got dinner in the oven I sat down with her and she snuggled up and went to sleep when she woke...she was sick. I spent the rest of the night with her and a bowl, poor girl vomited 7-10 times I lost count. She didn't have anything in her stomach so it was rough. I slept with her most of the night until she wasn't getting sick anymore. So far today she's having some water and hasn't gotten sick again so we'll see what happens. I'm sure it means there will be no work out for me today.

    ajweekley-I don't like being woken up like that either. My youngest does that every now and then and will be up for several hours starting at 3 or 4 a.m. I'm not very nice either so I try not to talk to much, it's not her fault. Because of that we stopped letting her nap in the afternoon (she's only 2) so she will sleep better at night.

    KatieM-I know I don't have to tell you how volatile the situation is for your MIL. I'm sure she's convinced he will change or that he wouldn't really hurt her. If he's done what she's said he has I'm sure there has been more that she hasn't said. The fear of the unknown (being without him) is stronger than the desire to get out. Unfortnately most people have to hit rock bottom before they will leave for good.

    Katie-Congrats on the new laptop how nice!
  • Elijah0630
    :bigsmile: Hello!!! I'm new!!! Would love to join!
  • VictoriaMilanowski
    Hi! I'm a SAHM of two boys and would love to join your group!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later
  • lgeren
    lgeren Posts: 45
    I am a SAHM and could use the support!!! I have been watching calories & exercising since January but I've hit a point where it's just not as easy as it once was. My motivation has taken a back seat to some stresses that are beyond my control but that I'm still stressing about.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Lots of new faces this morning! Welcome to the group! Lots of good people here. Don't worry about making sure to respond to everything -- as the group grows, that gets hard. Just participate when you can!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Welcome Elijah and Victoria and Lgeren!

    Holly ~ Sorry about the sick one :( That's no fun!

    AJ ~ Congrats on the loss and the reappearance of collar bones!! LOL If I don't drink my morning coffee I can't I feel ya. Sometimes that doesn't even work and I get PLENTY of fiber. I'm an every other day kind of girl, hubby thinks I'm weird

    Turbokick this morning, kicked my butt and I love it! Going to try to do Jillian's 6 pack abs this afternoon on OnDemand :) Wish me luck! I really need to lose those 2lbs I gained over the weekend! LOL
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Well, after a full week of sick kids, sick me, and then hubby I'm officially feeling a little bit better. Sorry but I haven't been keeping up with the post this week so I hope everyone had a good week. Going to try to start small and get some stretching done today, maybe some really slow and lazy biking to get my strength back. No weight lose or gain last week.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Elijah, Victoria and lgeren!

    Igeren~it is always hard for me to exercise when there is a lot of stress going on at home. Remember to try to keep up on good eating and you will be fine with just that. Of course with me I have a hard time with that one when I am stressing too. :grumble:

    Holly~Nice job on new outfit. Sorry about the sick kid.
    I know that is the way it is with abused women. I am hoping that she has had enough of a wake up call. A girl can hope right?

    Aj~I am not so sure that I want to do that for these reasons.1) I never witnessed it only getting it second hand not sure what they could do on that one. 2) I am afraid that it would make it worse. Sorry you are having a hard time going. I hate it when that happens to me. Like Katie said I am an everyday girl.:laugh:

    Katie~Way to go on the turbokick and good luck on the 6 pack abs.

    Dj~Being sick and having to take care of sick kids is the worse. Glad that you are feeling better.

    Nothing exciting to report on here.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Holly & DJ - hope both your families are on the mend.

    Katie - Glad I read your post, I always forget to check On Demand for new w/o videos.

    Welcome to all the new joiners. Look forward to getting to know you all.

    I just joined a local hiking club and hope to attend a hike next weekend. I'm excited! Also lost another pound this week. Wish it was more but I'll weigh in tomorrow (my normal day to weigh & measure) and hope to see another pound bite the dust.

    Here's to a good, productive presidents day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    WARNING: LONG RANT:grumble:

    girls, i'm frustrated. i know i have to keep going forward b/c if i don't it will only get worse.

    for 7 weeks now i have gone from sporadic exercise to 4d per week + rest.
    i have been "more" conscientious of my food choices. you know already about me and my cookie mudslides.....but in looking at my reports, i'd say i'm probably avging 1700/1800 cals per day.
    and i'm gaining.....
    i feel stronger. but clothes still tight. too scared to measure again and see #s increase.
    muscle does not weigh more than fat. i just plain weigh more. i am just plain FAT.

    in June 2008 I was 145.8 pounds
    by September 2009, I was 134.8 pounds.
    by January 2010, i was up to 140.2 pounds
    by January 2011, i moved up to 146.4 pounds
    And today, February 2011, i am at 153!!!!

    what the??????
    other than eliminating all chocolate, all treats (ice crm, pudding, homemade granola bars, etc) i can't figure out how to get a handle on this.
    i know my trouble spots are from 3pm on. meaning, i may eat a sensible bf and lunch, but hunger increases that end of the day time.
    i know i should choose fruit and veges more.
    i know all this.....i'm just ranting cuz i don't DO what i KNOW.

    it used to be i could slack here and there and be ok. but not anymore.....and i'm mad!
    mad enuf to do something? i don't know. i don't know that i have the drive and commitment to make it happen. i'm not a good follow thru person.
    i thought having a goal of summertime, or the possibility of an august anniversary cruise, or my bday in september or whatever would work. and it does to some extent. i don't eat 2 MORE cookies or I push myself to get out of bed and exercise that AM.
    but none of it is enuf.

    i'm angry that i don't see even the smallest drop, just increases!!

    i feel like i have to completely overhaul my eating or i'll get nowhere. but i still WANT to eat the junky stuff. man, i'm in a pickle! there it is. if you don't hear from me for a while, it's cuz i'm too ashamed to be up here, spouting off w/encouragement when i can't cut it myself.
    you are the BEST group of women i've found IRL or otherwise. thanks for all you've done for me these past few years.:flowerforyou:

    sorry for the pity party. :frown:
  • MWeinTwins
    I'm new here. Just went to the doctor on friday and she suggested I start tracking my calories to lose 10-15 pounds. Then I discovered this whole world of myfitnesspal that I didn't even know existed. This is great.

    I'm 29, turning 30 in July (yikes). I had twin boys last June (2010) and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight but it's not my ideal weight. My SW is 156 and my GW is 140. The only class I do take is Bikram Yoga (which is awesome and if anyone else takes this class, please friend me because I would love to know how many calories you put in for exercise). And occasionally I do Jillians onDemand 30 day shred.

    I would love some motivation and support in achieving my goal.

    P.S. I'm going on vacation in 5 weeks and would love any advice on quick but healthy ways to lose weight. My doctor suggested doing Slimfast for 1-2 weeks to get myself started (which started today) and then I will go back to weight watchers tracking points. Getting this body into a bathing suit just sounds torturous right now. ugh!
  • peachyisthelife
    Oh fun! I'd like to be a part of this! So you just do a weekly post and we reply with our weekly report? Any of yall can add me as friends, I don't have a lot since I'm pretty new :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Amy~ way to go on the hiking club.

    Stacey~I know how you feel. Don't give up though. Someone once told me when I feel like I shouldn't go to church that is when I should go. It applies here too. When you feel like you should stop getting on and giving encouragement to others that is when you need to the most. :flowerforyou: Have you tried consciously zig zagging your calories? My best friends always jokes with me that I need to go raw with her so that I can be healthier. I am seriously thinking about doing it because as you know I have ranted about being tired of the way that my body feels all the time I am ready for that change I am just afraid to make it. :laugh: Here is her website take a look at it and check out the 'about us' section. It has her story. The pictures on the website are of food that she has actually made 100% raw and also of her and her girls. Tell me what you think. Oh and she has before and after pics too (about us section).

    Welcome Marci and peachy!

    No official challenges/check-ins just post what you want when you want. :flowerforyou:
  • aimBpana
    Hi, all.

    I've belonged to MFP for awhile now, but have renewed my commitment to tracking and thought I'd try participating in the community this time.

    I'm a new stay at home mom. My son is five and my daughter is 2.5; until the beginning of February I worked full time. I'm trying to take advantage of this change in routine to change some bad habits. One great thing is that I am not sitting for 8 hours a day, and I have also started going to the gym every weekday morning before the kids get up. Unfortunately, I'm a sugar addict and the added activity is not amounting to much so far--I need to get my eating under control. I'm looking to lose about 20 pounds, but mostly I'd like to be able to say I've gained back control over this area of my life.

    Look forward to "talking" to you all!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    hey ladies!! i'm a sahm with four kids, a 16 month old and three older between 8-14yrs. i'd love to jump in here! i just posted a new 270 min weekly challenge if any of you want to join me over there... i'll link the thread just in case. 270min is challenging, with 4 kids, but it's definitely do-able!

    here it is-
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Stacey-We all have our 'pity party' day or days you are free to feel frustrated and rant as needed! That being said, have you ruled out the chance that you are pregnant? Obviously the cookie overdose days are going to be cause a problem but it you've been keeping your calories down and working out more there should be some positive results. I didn't lose and in fact gained some the first 2-3 weeks I started. I kept going kept doing what I needed to go and it started coming off slowly. I am working to lose 20 lbs. and have lost 5 so far. It took me a month to lose 5. Remember the less you have to lose the slower it comes off. Feel free to look at my diary if you'd like to see what a typical day looks like. Yesterday and today are off because I'm having some issues with this site not letting me do certain things today.

    Welcome to the new ladies!
  • Elijah0630
    Well today was a great day! It's 79 and sunny here in Florida and I have had the time to go to spin for an hour, and take a walk with the hubby and baby
    Plus my eating has been great! I wish EVERYDAY could go as smoothly as it has today LOL...FAT chance I just know someone is about to be sick or something hahahaha

    Stacey~ Hang in there chica! Just dont give up! Keep making right choices with exercising and be VERY aware of what you are eating, if you want something sweet I suggest making these delicious nutella/banana wontons I found the recipe on here and they are only 60 cals each! LOVELY! Just keep your head up and start over tomorrow... not every day can be a great one!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    DJ, I hope everyone's feeling better now. Take care. *hugs*

    Amy, awesome progress, and yay for joining the hiking club!

    Stacey -- I don't have any advice to offer you, but I understand how you're feeling. Please don't leave. None of us is judging you. We're here to support you. Let us help you.

    MWein, welcome! :)

    Peachy, we just kind of gab. :) Anything you want to share, any support you have to offer, whatever. Check in as often or as rarely as you like. This group isn't an obligation -- we're just all here to support each other however we can. Don't feel you need to "catch up" or anything. :)

    aimBpana, welcome!

    amlowe, I'll check out that challenge! I had to do some math to figure out how many minutes a day that would be... out came the calculator. :laugh: That sounds doable!

    Elijah, your comment about "someone is about to be sick" made me laugh. That happens to me ALL the time. I said a few weeks ago how every time I try to start working out, I'll get sick like a week into it and get derailed. And, true to form, about a week after I first started working out every day this time around, I got sick. :laugh: But this time I didn't get derailed. I just rolled with it and picked right back up where I left off. I'm glad you had a good day. Hang onto that feeling, and try to grab it as often as you can!

    I am back to doing easier workouts, and I think it's going to be good. I'm still beating myself up a little bit over not being able to do the legs -- I know it's dumb, I know I can't control it, but I am really trying not to make excuses these days and so I want to push myself, even though I know it's not the right thing to do in this case. But I did my half an hour on the Wii, and then I'll tackle some housework, and that will be good. I'll get this figured out and find the right balance. I know that I can do those exercises and feel good, so I'll just have to look at adding other things in one at a time to see what I can handle.

    I was bummed because I thought the shoes I ordered were coming today, but they're not. :sad: But they should be here tomorrow! :happy: Can't wait!