Have YOU done this?



  • Lulumaguloo
    InTx they don't ask for your weight but when i moved to new orleans they DO ask in LA. SO when the lady asked i said "Can I lie about it?" and she said "I ain't gonn' weigh ya" lol it was hilarious and i lied over 50lbs i'll et my FL license when I'm skinny so i don't lie again lol :)
  • AshliKrasz
    AshliKrasz Posts: 31 Member
    I've lived in Jersey and now Pennsylvania they do not put the weight on there. Thank GOD!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I *tried* fudging my weight. I told the DMV I weighed 150 (I was 190 then) and he actually put 180 on my DL... BOO! But when I get to 150 you better believe I am going to "lose" my license and get a new one because I am not waiting 3 more years lol.

    OMG To funny!! I also lied on mine more then 50 pounds but thankfully I was able to get away with it. LOL
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Trisha this is so funny how many people have replied to your post about the weight on the drivers license!! We all lie!! LOL!! Interesting that they don't ask your weight in the UK or Canada. WHAT they SHOULD and what I would like to have on my drivers license is my blood type!! Wouldn't that make sense if you were in an accident and needed blood or some other medical treatment that involved your blood? It makes sense to me more than having my weight! Here's a question: How many people KNOW their blood type? I bet not many unless you are a regular blood donator. I donate blood and have a card that has my blood type on it. My son was doing an assignment for one of his classes several years ago and they needed to know their blood type, do you know that the drs. office was not allowed to give it to me??????? I had to go to a records dept at a local hospital and sign something to prove I was his mother in order to get his blood type!!!!!!!! Is that crazy or what??? So I think it would be a good thing to have on your license, more so than your weight!!
  • debbieemmett
    we dont do that here in the uk thankfully, lol...ive still got my original paper license from when i was 17, so no pic either..lol
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Fudged it at least 50 pounds. Have always underestimated since my first license in high school. Just an estimate right?
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I had to get my license to see if it had my weight on it. Yes, it is there, and no it is not right. I think it is correct for when I first got my license 30 years ago. However, it has not been updated. I don't recall them asking me to update it or if it was correct when I renew every 5 years; only a new picture, which we did not have 30 years ago. It needs to be renewed in 2 years, so we'll see then how close I am to the weight on my license. Maybe I'll update it; if they ask; and maybe not.
  • funnygirl0940
    In Mexico they don't need to know. But my US license & i averaged it in my favor. Being i'm always up or down 10 pounds sometimes it's low sometimes high ;). Fun topic!
  • ReadyMom
    ReadyMom Posts: 59
    I'm in WA too and last time they just asked if I'm within still within 20 lbs of the weight I had listed and I said yes because I was at that time and now am again! :)