SAHM 2/21 to 2/27



  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wow! There's a lot to catch up on and its only Tuesday!

    I'll go back and try to read everything but for now in the mean time

    WELCOME all newcomers, I was skimming through and saw LOTS of newcomers! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Also, so this is so generic, like I said, I'll go back later and catch up, sorry for everyone on here ranting and having bad days or sick children (I know the feeling, hence the reason why I'm being generic right now)

    Took my little baby boy (9 months old) to the dr this morning bc the cough he's had since last week was getting worse, found out he has a cold and the beginning stages of an ear infection, plus he's getting 4 teeth!?! (The bottom 2 and the top 2 all at once!)

    Sorry this is short, will be back later. Gonna go try to eat some lunch, having a subway sandwich.
  • swtchrypie
    Hey ladies :) I'm a SAHM and just found yall! I just had my 2nd child 3 months ago and am working on not just losing weight but getting in shape. I have a goal of running the DIsney princess half marathon next year! Which I am so excited about (I am not sure if it cause we will being going to disney or to be able to complete something like that.) haha!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Clcole~ I only did 18 minutes of it LOL just wasn't feeling it. I'm going to do it again today though! I feel ya on the snow, I'm from ND and even here in OH they cancel for small amounts. Drives me crazy!

    Elijah ~ Congrats on the loss!! You look awesome!

    bina ~ When is your bday? Mine's the 28th!

    4loveofkids ~ Where did you live in OK? We just moved from there! Have fun with C25k!!

    Wildcat ~ wohoo! I bet you feel like a brand new woman!

    Barb ~ Ouch! poor baby!

    Welcome Swtchrypie! I want to to the Disney half marathon one day, would be so much fun!

    I'm about to put the kids down and try 6 week 6 pack again, hope it goes better today LOL
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    I'm afraid I have you all beat age-wise so far - I'm 35 and not sure how that happened! :) I swear I was just 30.

    Oh, and to answer how far I run - it depends... Still nursing my youngest and happy to get in 3 miles or so... if I had the time and was less milki-licious I'd try for some 4 or 5 milers sometimes... Might train for a 10 miler this summer. Love to run, but NOT fast.

    The Disney Priness Marathon sounds great! And the Couch to 5 K also is a great goal!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Wildcatmom82 - Have you tried changing your workouts? I've heard that can help if you hit a plateau. Congrats on 4 nights of sleep!! At 16 months my little man still gets up sometimes, drives me crazy but.........he's a snuggler so I just love on him and back he goes.
    Right now I'm doing the C25K, so that workout changes weekly. I do that 3x a week, a boot camp workout once or twice a week, and usually Just Dance 2 on the Wii once a week. I've been thinking about ordering Turbo Jam for years now and I think I'm going to - I need a few more workouts on DVD.

    For the last month she had been getting up only once a night, but for 2-3 hours. It was like she decided it was playtime, ugh. I didn't mind the wake ups when it was a quick nurse and back to sleep. I was most impressed last night, she did 8-7:30!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - We lived in Tulsa (actually just outside Tulsa in Broken Arrow). I went to HS in Jenks and college in Tahlequah. Where did you live?

    Wow, lots of runners on here, that's great. I use to dream of doing a marathon but a good friend recently had total hip replacement at 38. She's been a runner for over 10 years but I've never heard of anyone so young having hip replacement. Her doctor said he is doing lots on young people now. Kind of scared me a bit. I'd still like to do one at some point but I guess I better tackle a 5K first, LOL.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I guess I'm the "old lady" of the group, hehehe. I turn 33 in March. :(

    nope--it's me at 40 this september.
  • binabodu
    binabodu Posts: 120 Member
    Katie- The 15th! Are you doing anything fun? I think my hubby is planning something, not sure what!

    Amy- I am aspiring to a 5K! Ha. Crazy about your friend having a hip replacement so early!

    Going to do my bootcamp now!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ladies, thank you for all your kind touched my heart. i really enjoy this board--reading everyone's successes and challenges is inspiring. i love rdg workouts too. katiem, i appreciate how you said when you want to walk away is when you most need it.

    i'm not giving up on losing weight. i absolutely don't want to go into my 40s like i am today! i just gotta figure out a way through this rough spot.
    katie--i aim for 1500 a day, just never stay there. but i'm going to keep trying.
    i'm sure i'd do great with a set eating plan made for me to keep my cals consistent. it's that i change things up all the time that i run into trouble.
    nicole--miss you girl! thanks for your note. i did chk out your diary. and we eat similarly. (i once looked at melissa's--are you out there?--and she eats like a bird). i can see from yours that i need to eat protein at lunch and dinner. and use those apples for snacks. and then if i skip the treat/bread/cornbread/pudding, etc i can be at the 1500 katie suggests. so thanks for letting me take a peek.

    barb--i love that the woman is doing those pictures. how wonderful!
    4loveof--you make me chuckle. thanks. glad to have your spunk on here.
    amy--good job on the walk from church. i don't even buy the cookies anymore; i just tell the people that i can't have them. period.
    good thing my girls are NOT scouts.

    who said they want to do the princess marathon?? how cool! do you dress up and everything? in any case, a great goal to aim for, even if it's not this year.
    and now i'm forgetting who's going hiking. i just wanted to say that it's awesome that you are seeking out other avenues to get fit. yay!
    i know i missed ? in MD. take it easy. let your body heal thoroughly and then you'll be able to do EVERYTHING again.
    kim could tell you that as she's making careful recovery from her surgery. hi you!

    and holly, thanks for the pm. :)

    welcome new ladies!

    and now for LUNCH. smoothie cuz it's fast and we need to get to speech.
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    4loveofkids ......if your able to attend the hike this weekend, good luck and I will be anxious to see pics!! I think that is so cool! And you are starting couch to 5K in one week?? I did that program in the spring of 2009, I LOVE that program, trying to get my husband on the program....But is so busy with coaching basketball right now, I am hoping in the spring...I have ran in a few 5K races, what an experience....Love it!! Good Luck, keep me posted on that too....

    Amypry - I love to support the girl scout too and we get hit from other teacher's my husband works with, and of course if they order from us, in what ever our children are selling, feel kind of a obligation to order from them....but ahhhhhh I so hate having cookies in the

    Elijah - YAY on 15 pounds!!

    OH, and I am afraid I have many of you beat..lmao ..Talk about feeling old right about now....I am 36, mom's :) lol

  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    ladies, thank you for all your kind touched my heart. i really enjoy this board--reading everyone's successes and challenges is inspiring. i love rdg workouts too. katiem, i appreciate how you said when you want to walk away is when you most need it.

    i'm not giving up on losing weight. i absolutely don't want to go into my 40s like i am today! i just gotta figure out a way through this rough spot.
    katie--i aim for 1500 a day, just never stay there. but i'm going to keep trying.
    i'm sure i'd do great with a set eating plan made for me to keep my cals consistent. it's that i change things up all the time that i run into trouble.
    nicole--miss you girl! thanks for your note. i did chk out your diary. and we eat similarly. (i once looked at melissa's--are you out there?--and she eats like a bird). i can see from yours that i need to eat protein at lunch and dinner. and use those apples for snacks. and then if i skip the treat/bread/cornbread/pudding, etc i can be at the 1500 katie suggests. so thanks for letting me take a peek.

    barb--i love that the woman is doing those pictures. how wonderful!
    4loveof--you make me chuckle. thanks. glad to have your spunk on here.
    amy--good job on the walk from church. i don't even buy the cookies anymore; i just tell the people that i can't have them. period.
    good thing my girls are NOT scouts.

    who said they want to do the princess marathon?? how cool! do you dress up and everything? in any case, a great goal to aim for, even if it's not this year.
    and now i'm forgetting who's going hiking. i just wanted to say that it's awesome that you are seeking out other avenues to get fit. yay!
    i know i missed ? in MD. take it easy. let your body heal thoroughly and then you'll be able to do EVERYTHING again.
    kim could tell you that as she's making careful recovery from her surgery. hi you!

    and holly, thanks for the pm. :)

    welcome new ladies!

    and now for LUNCH. smoothie cuz it's fast and we need to get to speech.

    Stacey-I'm a little confused, by your post.....what woman is doing what pics? Did I miss something?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Wildcat ~ Just have to put in a plug for TurboFire...dont' get me wrong, I love TurboJam, but TurboFire is so much more fun!! :)

    Amy ~ We lived in SW OK in Altus, about 5 hours from there! LOL We were stationed there for the Air Force and hated every minute of it...waaaay to hot! I have a friend whose husband had his hip replaced at 33! My dad is getting both replaced and he's 55, one down one to go.

    Bina ~ yes we are! We are going camping since it's memorial day weekend with 4 other families. I'm so excited!

    Stacy ~ Hope you can find a way to keep on track! We're here for you girl!! Protein has really helped keep me full when I eat a lot for a snack, maybe try adding more in?

    Just took a picture of my back, holy moly I've got awesome shoulders! Wish the rest of my body looked that tone ;-P
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Elijah~Way to go on the loss!

    Katie~Checked out your pic and yep they look awesome. :wink:

    Stacey~I am glad that you are feeling a bit better. :flowerforyou:

    Amy~I am a little nervous myself to go raw to be completely honest but I am tired of the stomach issues that I have when I eat too much processed crap! My friend is big into it so I know that any questions that I have she can answer for me. I have even thought about going mostly raw but still having my chicken and turkey. I don't know though. It is kind of funny I have always had the potential of going this route since I was a young child.:laugh: Like you it grosses me out to touch meat. The worst for me is chicken but that is my fav meat to eat. :laugh: My parents would go nuts when I was younger because if I would even see a tinge of pink I would not eat no matter what meat or where we were at. You made me LOL on the comment about our hubbys being sole brothers.:laugh: Good luck with your moms group.

    Barb~I hate it when I have sick babies. :frown: I think the worst was last year when chicken pox made it's rounds through the family. Everyone got it except the hubby. Talk about miserable. My baby was only 5 months old when he got it. At least now I don't have to worry about any of the getting it again.
  • swtchrypie
    Stacey- ME :) on the Princess half marathon! I am aiming to be able to run the half but I might have to take it down to the family 5k. I am making my mom do it with me and she might not be able to do the whole 13 miles. But people dress up and there’s photo opps through out it. So if I do the 5k next year I will do the half marathon the next. I am such a disney freak ha!

    todays been so nuts I had to chauffeur my injured hubby around to doctors apt all day and then he wanted a milk shake. Oh course I felt bad for him so I took him to get one and got a burger for myself. AH I so fell off the wagon! I hate when I do that!
  • ellen1980
    Hi! Is there room for one more?

    I am a SHAM to 3 - my oldest is 3.5 yrs, my middle is 2 yrs and my youngest just turned 1 in Jan. I started on my unofficial journey to lose weight after I delivered my youngest. The day I went in to deliver him I weighed in at 252lbs - the heaviest I have ever been. Since then I have managed to lose nearly all my baby weight and am now weighing 176lbs. 165 is what I weighed before having kids, so I am almost there, although thanks to 3 pregnancies back to back my body just isn't the same! So I'd like to lose another 15lbs beyond that prekid weight......The family & I are heading to Jamaica in April for a week and I need to get bathing suit ready (eek!).
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Wowza a lot of reading today! As for who the oldest is in the group..I think it's me 40 on Sept. 8. I was more worried about turning 30 (I got my belly button pierced) than I am about turning 40. I do know that each decade that goes by it gets a little more difficult to take off the extra weight so that's why I'm pushing to do it now.

    Princess marathon sounds like a lot of fun except for the running part..make a walking/hiking thing and that would work for me!

    Elijah-15 pounds lost is fantastic! Have fun shopping!

    The girls scout cookies have not arrived here yet which is good. If I don't have any all will be well I'll have the kids take them for part of their lunch!

    Luckily Lucy is feeling better today so I was able to make to the gym. I bought a new workout outfit and shoes this weekend so they got broken in today!

    I'll try to catch up more later, time to shower and get ready to head to Financial Peace tonight.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi! Is there room for one more?

    I am a SHAM to 3 - my oldest is 3.5 yrs, my middle is 2 yrs and my youngest just turned 1 in Jan. I started on my unofficial journey to lose weight after I delivered my youngest. The day I went in to deliver him I weighed in at 252lbs - the heaviest I have ever been. Since then I have managed to lose nearly all my baby weight and am now weighing 176lbs. 165 is what I weighed before having kids, so I am almost there, although thanks to 3 pregnancies back to back my body just isn't the same! So I'd like to lose another 15lbs beyond that prekid weight......The family & I are heading to Jamaica in April for a week and I need to get bathing suit ready (eek!).

    Ellen-there's always room for more :)

    Katie-Nice profile pic!! Awesome looking shoulders!!

    KatieM-I hate chicken pox, I had them when I was younger, my hubby isn't sure if he had them or not, and so far, neither of my kids have had them...yikes!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    barb, i meant christi!! sorry for the confusion
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    LoL Its ok Stacey....I was beginning to think I was missing something or I was coming down with Alzheimer's or something....Glad to know :smile: :laugh:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Um... there's a lot happening in this thread. I tried to stay away so I didn't look like a thread stalker, posting all the time, but now I can't catch up. :laugh:

    No shoes today. FedEx is stupid and they scanned it in as "received" by the post office even though the post office hadn't actually received it yet. The postal lady explained it to me. And I'm super bummed. :sad: I might call in the morning and if the mail dude hasn't taken them out yet, maybe I'll just go pick them up.

    Also, due to green bananas and a forgotten V8 that I had planned for, I was way under cals, so I had ice cream. And I feel so good about it. Just what I needed. Now let's hope I don't go on a sugar binge tomorrow -- sometimes when I satisfy a sugar craving, it backfires on me and I can't think about anything except sugar. I think it'll be ok. I hope.

    Parenthood comes on in 10 minutes! Gotta watch! Later taters!