Monday weigh in group! Let's get one started!



  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    1.4lbs today. A little faster than I was planning but it means less than 4lbs to go.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Well done mel :) xxx
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    well only .2 pounds this week! I had hoped for more, but I didn't stay on track this past weekend. Well a new week ahead, time to get focused!!!! Hope everyone has a good week!!!
  • tatiana_13
    Good job everyone! *really* great losses Jeananne and fuzzymel Don't be discouraged hutchins...a loss is a loss. Take it!

    As for myself, I'm up a pound. The endless fluctuations of my scale make me dizzy...but, I am not to be deterred.
  • argon18
    I am a bit late I Know, not a huge loss for me but still a loss. Great to see every one is doing so good trying to break the 83 kilo seems to be hard for me never mind, next Monday is the day.
    LW: 83.7kilo
    TW: 83.2kilo
    NW: under 83 fingers crossed
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    I know I'm super late on this group, but is it to late to join ya'll? Lately I need the motivation and reading through all the post ya'll seem to be so motivated like I need it!
  • argon18
    I say jump on in, motivation from any is fantastic glad to have you aboard:happy:
  • Huisman81
    Huisman81 Posts: 21 Member

    Love this group, I just started weighing in on Mondays with my best friend but the more people involved the better

    CW :202lbs
    GW 155lbs

    I want to lose thirty pounds but the time I turn thirty on July 21.2011
  • nurseenf
    nurseenf Posts: 26 Member
    I just found this group. I know its a little late, but I am going to join. I weigh in Monday mornings too. I started MFP in June 2010, a little after I got engaged. Was consistent with it for 5 months and lost 22lbs. Took a break for 3months, now I'm back. I am getting married at the end of march, so I need to stay motivated and fit into my dress.

    2/14/11: 143
    2/21/11: 141

    GW: (3/21/11) 136
  • Pink_Hornet
    Hi can i join my weight for monday is 159.2 my goal is to be 140ish by late may for my birthday. I think weighing on monday morning will help me through the weekend
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Well Done everyone - keep up the good work!!! Whos looking forward to weigh in again on monday already? I am!! Woo hoo!! Lets get some chat started!!

    What exercise are you doing on a weekly basis?
    How are you getting on with your cals? Are you under? over? most days?
    What are you finding difficult, that we as a group, can help encourage you with?

    I will start!

    Monday - curves - 30 mins
    Tuesday - Kettle bell class - 1 hour (killing me)
    Wednesday - curves - 30 mins
    Thursday - Zumba - 1 hour
    Friday - Curves - 30 mins
    Weekedns I dont do n e!

    I am finding on days I am not exercising I am under my cals and days I am not im over by quite a bit?

    I am findin git difficukt to ge tout my habits of snacking on the wrogn things at work! and at the weekend when it is more accessable! xxx
  • argon18
    I am hoping to be under 83k this week.

    Monday - not well did not train
    Tuesday - Swam 1k did PB 26 min - 45min PT session to help with my running (then in pain for 3 days)
    Wednesday: Pump
    Thursday - Not well no training
    Friday - 45 min spin, second PT session 45min - having a massage this after noon cant wait.
    Saturday - rest day so just will be a 1k swim. then i am doing a course for my motor bike licence
    Sunday - big training day - 40k hard bike training session then min 5k run off the bike.
    I find it best not to have the foods around the house it means every one misses out but it is good for all of us
    in the end. And as for work be strong and so no when some one offers it and let them know and eventually they will
    stop asking and just pack little snacks - I found that if I am prepared it works a lot better but if i slacken off well then i struggle.
  • argon18
    Morning everyone.
    Hope you all had a great week. Had a good training session yesterday made a quicker time on my run so happy with that.
    what I was happier about was weighing in this morining and finally seeing the scale below 83, although only just it is still there.
    LW: 83.2
    TH: 82.8
    NW: 82:0 (fingers crossed)
  • epales1001
    I'm in. I weigh in Monday mornings as well.
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Last Week: 182.9lbs
    This Week: 180.2 lbs

    Lost: 2.7 lbs

    = Booyah!
  • Pink_Hornet
    weigh in this week im 157.8 so thats down 1.4lbs:tongue:
  • RaeBella13
    Good morning everyone!!!!!

    The last 2 weeks for me have been a little trying but I PULLED THROUGH! And even ended up with a 2 lb loss this week!!!!
    I feel completely reenergized and ready to GO! Today not only marks a 2 lb loss but also the major milestone of 20 lbs!!!
    I started my journey on January 18, so that makes a 20 lb loss in 40 days....I feel pretty good about that! My goal was to be 299 by St. Patrick's Day, which would make for 8 more lbs in only 2 more weigh ins....I will try my very hardest, but 4 lbs each week is a lot. Either way though, I feel great about the way I've been eating, the exercise I've been getting, and of course my accomplishments! :bigsmile:

    I really hope that all of you are feeling great as well! Can't wait for the check ins!

    My goal for next week is to be 303...with a lot of hard work I think I can manage a 4 lbs loss!

    SW: 327
    LW: 309
    CW: 307
    NW goal: 303
    Mini Goal: 270 by June 1
    Ultimate Goal: 175!!!

    :heart: Rachel
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx

    Im down 1 pound this week - woo hoo!!!

    Thats me at 204.6 next weeks goal 202.6 xxx
  • RaeBella13
    RaeBella13 Posts: 153

    Im down 1 pound this week - woo hoo!!!

    Thats me at 204.6 next weeks goal 202.6 xxx

  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    I am alos down a pound this week

    Last week: 235.8
    CW: 234.8