Jealous of others trying to lose weight!



  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    I posted this a few hours about jealous!!

    Hi my HCG friends.....hope everyone is doing well! I just need to vent for a few minutes about using HCG in the workplace.

    So....we have the "Biggest Loser" Contest going on at work right now. First place is $1,500. We started 2 weeks ago today. I decided and bought my HCG prior to even knowing about the contest. So I put my money in and joined. I told a couple people about my diet plan and of course I hear nothing but negative comments, thats not enough calories, your going to get sick, your going to gain it all back....blah, blah.......bad idea, so I keep to myself. Mind you, we all work together as Attorneys so you would think the "Highschool" gossip wouldn't exist.....wrong! So first weigh in was today (it started 2 weeks ago with the initial weigh in).....and I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! Great right?? Yeah, so I get an e-mail about 10 minutes later from the "office gossip" stating that her and 2 other co-workers are not comfortable with me in the contest because I am using "supplemental diet drops" (lol) to make me lose weight and that I am only eating 500 calories a day (which she said I was starving myself) and that it is not fair to anyone else. Really? Jealous much? Because I lost 10 lbs and I am winning on week 2.........not week 12......week 2!
    So, I take a few minutes to decide what my response is and I e-mail her back. I simply told her how I choose to diet and how I choose to lose my weight is none of her business and this is a contest where we are all suppose to be supportive, not negative. I told her if she wanted to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks like I did that I would show her the website....:) And I said that I will not quit the biggest loser....because I will be the biggest loser.....but I guess today was "pick on the biggest loser"

    Thank you for listening......I needed to vent!

    way to go!!! #1 for doing so well, and #2 for telling them where to go! however you go about doing it is YOUR business. good luck - hope you win:)
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    And for the peeps that think that people who take supplements to help lose weight dont are wrong....its a combo of healthy eating and exercise.

    No. I'm not wrong. It's very judgmental of you to say something like that. My friend DOES NOT exercise. She's "lazy". She even says so herself. She openly admits that she'd rather take the easy way out and just take some pills to move the weight along so she doesn't have to do anything.

    I said a combo of exercise and supplements.....I never judged anyone!! I exercise everyday......I am not talking about your "friend"....and I am nothing but lazy.......dont compare her to me. And I never said you were wrong.....

    The timing of your post could have been better, then again it is the internet. Intentions and meaning come across differently to different people. So I do apologize for the misunderstanding but I truly did feel that your post was directed at me.
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    Oh the audacity? Really......Because I am following a diet plan? Are you jealous too??
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    And for the peeps that think that people who take supplements to help lose weight dont are wrong....its a combo of healthy eating and exercise.

    No. I'm not wrong. It's very judgmental of you to say something like that. My friend DOES NOT exercise. She's "lazy". She even says so herself. She openly admits that she'd rather take the easy way out and just take some pills to move the weight along so she doesn't have to do anything.

    No not directed at you......

    I said a combo of exercise and supplements.....I never judged anyone!! I exercise everyday......I am not talking about your "friend"....and I am nothing but lazy.......dont compare her to me. And I never said you were wrong.....

    The timing of your post could have been better, then again it is the internet. Intentions and meaning come across differently to different people. So I do apologize for the misunderstanding but I truly did feel that your post was directed at me.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Look... the truth is... none of us got fat because we ate right and stayed active. We ALL put more food in our mouths than we should have. We can blame it on anything we want. But the bottom line remains the same. So... we pay the price to take it off... Whether you have jealousy issues or not is something YOU have to deal with... because the person(s) you are jealous OF could care less. I'm not judging... I'm just sayin'. And if it makes you feel better to vent... this is the place to do it. I share MFP with anyone and everyone. Whether they use it or not is their business. I've done my part... I've given them information. It's up to each of us to DO something about our lives and our lifestyles...

    Just my 2 cents! :bigsmile:
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Holy, I totally know what you are talking about!!

    I feel slightly different than what you explained, but I know what you are getting at. I don't feel "jealous" of my friends who want to lose weight, but I do discourage them from doing it because I want to get there first. Now, that sounds TERRIBLE, so I should say that none of my friends are overweight - we are all pretty much the same size or they are smaller than me - so mostly, I figure, since I started first, I would like some time to shine as the skinny friend before they catch up!

    To be more explicit in my example, I joined MFP to lose weight for my trip to Thailand, and my friend who I am going with is 5'9" 130 ish pounds. When she found out I was going on a diet, she wanted to too! That made me mildly crazy because part of the reason I am doing it is so that I will feel okay standing next to her... if she gets even SKINNIER that would totally ruin all my effort! So mostly I tell her not to tell me that she is dieting, and tell her to eat more food... ahaha
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    Edit: *sigh* Obviously this isn't getting us anywhere and is completely off topic.

    As for jealousy, I think jealousy is sometimes necessary to help motivate ourselves as we are a very competitive species, just don't let it overtake you and remind yourself at how much you've accomplished.
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    I'm always happy when I find out someone I know is trying to lose weight. I feel so much better about myself and so much healthier (not to mention I LOOK so much better) now than I ever have in my life... and I'd love it if everyone in the world was this happy.
    it's like finding a $100 bill, you wish everyone you knew and loved could have an extra $100 bucks too, but this is mine, go get your own!

    The problem with that analogy is that the pursuit of becoming healthier is something that isn't diminished for one person when many other people share it.
  • shaunarlr83
    shaunarlr83 Posts: 374 Member
    Thank you all. This is GREAT that is exactly what I mean, it's like finding a $100 bill, you wish everyone you knew and loved could have an extra $100 bucks too, but this is mine, go get your own! lol I usually workout alone at home, somedays my husband joins, he used to be my "trainer" trying to push me to burn more, now he can't even hang half as long as I do.:bigsmile:

    Well I guess instead of saying "finding" I should have used the term "work hard for". I tried to stress I was not jealous of these people in general or that they are trying to lose weight, just don't want them to stumble upon MFP and know has easy it can be to work so hard with the right group of friends and support. Yes I did say I am kinda glad when they fail, but I don't mean in the long run, I mean when they think one week of trying will do the job and when it doesn't they give up.... And YESSSSSSS those are the people I am talking about, the ones who buy a DVD and try it out for a week and then eat McDonalds everyday, you have to change everything nearly everyday if you want it and want it too last. I do not judge against people who use supplements for a boost, to each their own. Sorry I opened a can of worms for you two lol! I am glad MOST see my point and feel somewhat the same!!!!!
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    I posted this a few hours about jealous!!

    Hi my HCG friends.....hope everyone is doing well! I just need to vent for a few minutes about using HCG in the workplace.

    So....we have the "Biggest Loser" Contest going on at work right now. First place is $1,500. We started 2 weeks ago today. I decided and bought my HCG prior to even knowing about the contest. So I put my money in and joined. I told a couple people about my diet plan and of course I hear nothing but negative comments, thats not enough calories, your going to get sick, your going to gain it all back....blah, blah.......bad idea, so I keep to myself. Mind you, we all work together as Attorneys so you would think the "Highschool" gossip wouldn't exist.....wrong! So first weigh in was today (it started 2 weeks ago with the initial weigh in).....and I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! Great right?? Yeah, so I get an e-mail about 10 minutes later from the "office gossip" stating that her and 2 other co-workers are not comfortable with me in the contest because I am using "supplemental diet drops" (lol) to make me lose weight and that I am only eating 500 calories a day (which she said I was starving myself) and that it is not fair to anyone else. Really? Jealous much? Because I lost 10 lbs and I am winning on week 2.........not week 12......week 2!
    So, I take a few minutes to decide what my response is and I e-mail her back. I simply told her how I choose to diet and how I choose to lose my weight is none of her business and this is a contest where we are all suppose to be supportive, not negative. I told her if she wanted to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks like I did that I would show her the website....:) And I said that I will not quit the biggest loser....because I will be the biggest loser.....but I guess today was "pick on the biggest loser"

    Thank you for listening......I needed to vent!

    way to go!!! #1 for doing so well, and #2 for telling them where to go! however you go about doing it is YOUR business. good luck - hope you win:)

    Thank you!! I will win....:) And I will be 40 lbs smaller!
  • dericcarson
    dericcarson Posts: 78 Member
    Look... the truth is... none of us got fat because we ate right and stayed active. We ALL put more food in our mouths than we should have. We can blame it on anything we want. But the bottom line remains the same. So... we pay the price to take it off... Whether you have jealousy issues or not is something YOU have to deal with... because the person(s) you are jealous OF could care less. I'm not judging... I'm just sayin'. And if it makes you feel better to vent... this is the place to do it. I share MFP with anyone and everyone. Whether they use it or not is their business. I've done my part... I've given them information. It's up to each of us to DO something about our lives and our lifestyles...

    Just my 2 cents! :bigsmile:

    You are so right!! Everyone has a right to choose their own way to take the weight off.....dont judge me for one knows my situation and we are 2 be supportive.....this is my place to vent and I am getting nothing but negative tonight :(
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Wow. Other than two or so posts on this topic (one being cazzincali's), I have to say I find the whole thread very sad. However, I applaud everyone for being willing to say that that is the kind of person that you are. I wish you all the best and good luck in your journey, but then, that's just the kind of person I am.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    LOL!! Awesome response!! That was entertaining to read. Why people are so negative instead of positive is beyond me.

    Good luck and I hope you win the $1500!!
  • MMK72
    MMK72 Posts: 35 Member
    I tell everyone but think I'm overzealous about how awesome MFP is but I don't think many will use it. (I also hope I don't fail weight loss AGAIN and have people judge me for failing). I'd love it though if work got healthier and there were healthy snacks lying around everywhere instead of cakes and chips!
  • krisvtx8777
    I frequently find myself jealous of others who drop weight so quickly. Or lose weight by starving themselves. Or cutting out entire meals. Then I'm exercising my butt off and eating healthy and not losing a pound. It gets frustrating!!!
  • Trjlove
    You GO GIRL!!!! I am rooting for you. I absolutely hate "office gossip" people. In my eyes they are just people who are not content
    with themselves in the first place. Hence they have to create drama. What is HCG?
  • Trjlove
    But remember those people who follow that mode are the people that in a year will be heavier then when they started. You on the other hand would have learned healthy habits and strengthen your body to endure and recover faster and better when injured!!!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    ok, let's be honest - if we had the physical capability/money to lose weight with little or no effort or "cheat" by using pills/surgery (knowing it would be safe), wouldn't we do it? i know i would...
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    and i also pimp out mfp to my friends - some have joined, some have joined and remain stagnant, and some clearly don't care. i've done my job.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I posted this a few hours about jealous!!

    Hi my HCG friends.....hope everyone is doing well! I just need to vent for a few minutes about using HCG in the workplace.

    So....we have the "Biggest Loser" Contest going on at work right now. First place is $1,500. We started 2 weeks ago today. I decided and bought my HCG prior to even knowing about the contest. So I put my money in and joined. I told a couple people about my diet plan and of course I hear nothing but negative comments, thats not enough calories, your going to get sick, your going to gain it all back....blah, blah.......bad idea, so I keep to myself. Mind you, we all work together as Attorneys so you would think the "Highschool" gossip wouldn't exist.....wrong! So first weigh in was today (it started 2 weeks ago with the initial weigh in).....and I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! Great right?? Yeah, so I get an e-mail about 10 minutes later from the "office gossip" stating that her and 2 other co-workers are not comfortable with me in the contest because I am using "supplemental diet drops" (lol) to make me lose weight and that I am only eating 500 calories a day (which she said I was starving myself) and that it is not fair to anyone else. Really? Jealous much? Because I lost 10 lbs and I am winning on week 2.........not week 12......week 2!
    So, I take a few minutes to decide what my response is and I e-mail her back. I simply told her how I choose to diet and how I choose to lose my weight is none of her business and this is a contest where we are all suppose to be supportive, not negative. I told her if she wanted to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks like I did that I would show her the website....:) And I said that I will not quit the biggest loser....because I will be the biggest loser.....but I guess today was "pick on the biggest loser"

    Thank you for listening......I needed to vent!
    Gotta say I agree with your co-workers. They will lose the weight and keep it off because they aren't using drugs to drop the weight. Using drugs for weightloss certainly doesn't seem fair in regards to a contest where everyone should be on a level playing field.

    I highly doubt they are jealous:noway: , simply telling you how they see it. You seem very defensive in your return remarks to others on this thread when they have commented regarding this. Are you sure it's not you that's sensitive about using the diet aid???

    You may win the contest (or maybe not) but it's far more likely the others will KEEP the weight OFF since they will be taking it slow and doing it the healthy way. Losing too quickly may sound exciting in the beginning but when the effect wears off and the drops and shots are no longer being used, the lbs. WILL return with a vengeance. There are people on here in the HCG thread that have gained ALL their weight back when they were boasting to the rest of us how we're the ones that don't know what we're talking about.

    I do understand why they would prefer you not be in the contest, it would be no different than if someone took pills and ate no food at all and lost that way. HCG only allow 500 calories per day and some on here doing it don't even eat that many (HCG people) calories per day (their words, not mine).

    But people will do what they want to in the end and find out later it might not have been the healthiest route.:ohwell:

    If someone is defensive about something they are doing there is usually something going on in their own head about doubts.