Wii Fit Weekly Challenge



  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member

    Try other Wii fitness games, combine stuff, vary & create your own perfect gym!
    This is my gym:

    my whole fitness campaign is being done on a budget of $0. the tools i have to work with is my running, a dumb bell set and wii fit plus. with a 2 year old and another due in 5 weeks, and the wife goes on maternity leave as of this week, there is no money to buy anything. i cant even get an iphone arm band at the moment.
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member

    Try other Wii fitness games, combine stuff, vary & create your own perfect gym!
    This is my gym:

    my whole fitness campaign is being done on a budget of $0. the tools i have to work with is my running, a dumb bell set and wii fit plus. with a 2 year old and another due in 5 weeks, and the wife goes on maternity leave as of this week, there is no money to buy anything. i cant even get an iphone arm band at the moment.

    I get it. Well, even with just the Wii Fit Plus it's possible to make your workouts 'work' and varied. Check this site for some inspiration
    http://www.fitgameforum.com/ If you really want it, you can make something of it.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Yay, I managed another 10 min. of balance games tonight. I think tomorrow may be a rest day for me so I might get some extra balance time in tomorrow.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Welcome to all the new challenge members!! So happy to see such a lively group!

    I fit in 15 minutes of balance games this evening. Finally managed to get all the way across that darn tightrope! And, had a pretty decent score on the ski jump. Still not so great at snowboarding, though.. lol!

    I've also taken 19 flights of stairs and earlier I completed level 3 of 30 Day Shred.

    Feeling better... getting sleepy... good night!
  • JennaBunny143
    JennaBunny143 Posts: 14 Member
    I have read the whole thread and I think its gonna be fun.. Can't wait to start...
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    30 min of wii ddr wow
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Thanks to this thread I found the balance games - had the wii for 3 months and for some reason never just clicked into this section. This morning I did 10 minutes of the girl in the bubble in the river (? name). It was fun, not sure if it burned calories, especially since my time was limited. Today I plan to do my normal 45 minute brisk walk during lunch. Will try to get more balance game time in tonight.

  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Last night was one of my more active TV nights...I really don't watch a ton of TV, but I like Glee, Rasing Hope and Parenthood on Tuesdays. Anyway, I did 20 minutes of Free Run while watching Glee, and squeezed in 10 - 15 minutes of Balance Games before and after. I'll be sure to get my hour of balance games in by the end of the week!
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished:
    - New U Fitness First daily workout: 15 minutes / 77 kcal
    - EA Sports Active More Workouts 6 week challenge ligth 4th day: 7 minutes / 49 kcal
    - EA Sports Active More Workouts my own workout heavy: 17 minutes / 156 kcal
    - Wii Fit Plus Yoga: 12 minutes / 36 kcal

    Total: 51 minutes / 318 kcal
  • JennaBunny143
    JennaBunny143 Posts: 14 Member
    30 min of wii ddr wow

    how do you count your calories that you burned on DDR? I love that game but can't seem to get the cals burned. I was think a predomitor or a cheap heart rate monitor.. BTW I only got 10mins of advanced step in before work.. I am going to do DDR(Dance Dance Revolution) tonight..
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Hey, zorbaru! I thought I saw a familiar handle! ^_^

    First, CONGRATULATIONS on your incoming blessing! Second, I'm so with you on the budget thing, and I absolutely feel your pain on trying to exercise with a toddler in the house - my son is also 2! XD Those funny little things in life, right?

    As soon as we all find out if there's a way to Competitive Wii Fit (which is to say, play against / along with each other or something!), we've so got to swap friend codes. ^_^
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have been feeling kind of punky lately so I forgot to enter my exercises. I skipped a day to just rest and recoup. I will do the balance games starting tonight plus other exercises. Last night I did 34 minutes of Wii Yoga for 96 calories. I also did some
    stretching. I really suck at the balance games so maybe this is a good time to get motivated. :ohwell:
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Shirley, I feel ya on the punky kinda mood. I've been there myself lately. Just blogged about it and feeling better, so I'm hoping this means I'm back on track!! http://todefyego.blogspot.com/2011/02/i-am-good-enough-just-as-i-am.html

    I spent 10 minutes on Wii Fit this morning, bringing my week's total on balance games to 25 minutes so far.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    So yesterday I found out that my boss scheduled me for 50+ hour work weeks in March. Also, decided to have a free day and no exercise yesterday. I felt pretty out of it all day but not sure about the reasoning; it could have been my annoyance with several things at work, or the lack of exercise but it was also the first day of an increase in a medication so I'll have to keep my eye on it.

    Today I've already gotten 50 min. of non-Wii related workouts and am planning on doing some additional stuff on the Wii Balance games and maybe a bit more.

    Hope everyone's day goes well.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
    Balance games are definitely not my thing... BUT I did 17 minutes on monday, 18 minutes on tuesday, and 25 minutes on wednesday, bring me to a grand total of an hour! whoo hoo!!
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Have been doing a lot of other exercise this week and haven't turned on the Wii at all. I am going to my daughter's basketball banquet tonight, which includes a parent-student mini-game, and if they are in need of more parents to play, I will be doing that. If I don't get that exercise in, though, it is the Wii for me after we get home!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Today's Wii Challenge:

    Balance Games: Perfect 10, Big Top Juggling, Tilt City
    Basic Run Plus 10 mins.
    Rythm Kung Fu - Advanced
    Hula Hoop - Basic
    Super Hula Hoop
    Basic Step
    Advanced Step
    Free Step - 915 Steps
    Total: 36 minutes 159 calories.:bigsmile:
  • mrksjia
    mrksjia Posts: 21 Member
    Just finished:
    - Wii Fit Plus Yoga: 18 minutes / 63 kcal
    - New U Fitness First daily workout: 15 minutes / 72 kcal
    - EA Sports Active More Workouts 6 week challenge ligth 4th day: 15 minutes / 108 kcal

    Total: 48 minutes / 243 kcal
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    Hey, zorbaru! I thought I saw a familiar handle! ^_^

    Hi Miriam,

    Sorry, but i dont recognise your handle, where do you know me from?

    Feel free to add me as a friend on here.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Are we putting in our weight on Thursday because I forgot to enter mine?

    SW 192
    CW 174.2
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